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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Actually yes they do. Unless you have concrete receipts to say otherwise lmao.

No one has the song...one person knew the title before other people and that is it. if anyone says they have the song, they are lying 

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I'm not even that sad. Froot was a nice album but not as good as if I needed a repackage. I'd rather have her work on a new album. And I think the INHA snippet is cute but I don't get why everyone overrates it so much.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I'm not even that sad. Froot was a nice album but not as good as if I needed a repackage. I'd rather have her work on a new album. And I think the INHA snippet is cute but I don't get why everyone overrates it so much.

tbh... we heard, what, 10s of it? And she didn't like it so I really doubt it's amazing like everybody thinks. Also, I really want a TFJ 2.0 


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Saw her at Rock En Seine for the first time yesterday and had an incredible blast. I'm officially stanning. I already knew I loved everything about her but the melodies but hearing them live made me reconsider it all. She's hot beyond belief, she's super smart, and her songs are magnificently beautiful. Snatched. I've been compulsively listening to her today and for now I still consider Savages to be one of her bests but I've had Immortal on a loop for a few hours. She really rocked, she was charismatic and seemed to really enjoy herself. I'm very glad I was able to see her. It was super mega hot and sunny so she was all sweaty in a few minutes haha loved it. Honestly falling in love with her :)


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my problem with froot was it was a great album, but the sound was just not fitting. there's usually something colorful in Marina songs, some sort of experimental pop folk aka the family jewels. she had weird vocals/ an overall great sound aesthetic and personality that lacked in most of Froot.


Better Than That



Can't pin me down



all have the same band esque theme, but songs like Forget and Savages have cathartic changes in them that make them more interesting, but sadly still fall into the bunch. 5/12 bland-sish songs on an album takes a huge chunk of it. You can tell an album's quality by its longevity and sadly Froot lacks it a lot / lacks too much that hurts the pretty amazing tracks.


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oh wow I like the sublimated space/froot pattern shirt


it really sounds like she's not going to do any more music for herself

i feel that she's going to branch into acting, she said she likes it + i can imagine her doing small roles in big films


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oh wow I like the sublimated space/froot pattern shirt


it really sounds like she's not going to do any more music for herself

I think she wants to have a child. She's been exclusive with her boyfriend for a while and seems to be settling down. Every time people ask her about happiness or her future she's been cryptic about taking time off for herself. Plus she's 30 in a few weeks.

Confirmed: She is my prettiest fave :defeated:

All your faves look like goats.


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I think she wants to have a child. She's been exclusive with her boyfriend for a while and seems to be settling down. Every time people ask her about happiness or her future she's been cryptic about taking time off for herself. Plus she's 30 in a few weeks.


That would be soo cool, I bet she'd be a great mother.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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