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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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That Dazed interview was so good and explains a lot of why she seemed to be very distant after the whole Froot tour. I’m glad she retreated and seeked help to find herself again. Marina is a strong person and I really appreciate her honesty. The “poor” jokes were less about toxic masculinity, but more about toxic fandoms. Never found the jokes funny and it’s completely stupid to expect new music from an artist who is obviously going through tough shit and didn’t announce anything anytime soon. She was smart in announcing new music when she was ready. I prefer quality over quantity and I especially prefer CLARITY over leaving your fans to guess when you mean what you say. That’s why it was easy to wait, at least for me. I still wish she included her last name because it’s pretty and would make her name stand-out in line-ups and such, but I respect it now knowing why she did it.

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Now works!


Edit: Anyway,


someone said on instagram that Enjoy Your Life and Superstar are the same song???? Bitch wtf???




It's weappreciatepower_'s comment:


FINALLY someone didn’t put Enjoy your life btw for anyone who reads this, Enjoy Your Life is actually Superstar, idek why yall were so quick to give it a new name


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Now works!


Edit: Anyway,


someone said on instagram that Enjoy Your Life and Superstar are the same song???? Bitch wtf???




It's weappreciatepower_'s comment:


FINALLY someone didn’t put Enjoy your life btw for anyone who reads this, Enjoy Your Life is actually Superstar, idek why yall were so quick to give it a new name

Haven't a couple people supposedly heard Superstar already??? Why would NONE of them have said this when the 'Enjoy Your Life' snippet was first posted???? I am CONFUSION..


(also where the hell did tender affair come from the fuck..)


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Haven't a couple people supposedly heard Superstar already??? Why would NONE of them have said this when the 'Enjoy Your Life' snippet was first posted???? I am CONFUSION..


(also where the hell did tender affair come from the fuck..)



because it's not 

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her new logo



Okay this one ain't it, but is cute I guess



Haven't a couple people supposedly heard Superstar already??? Why would NONE of them have said this when the 'Enjoy Your Life' snippet was first posted???? I am CONFUSION..


(also where the hell did tender affair come from the fuck..)


Girl, we already know that Superstar is a ballad, and we have a leaked snippet. No way it's EYL

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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well, this is random. at least she included her best song, Radioactive, though.

no??? not at all. literally not at all. the amount of deafness in this comment is astounding ..


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no??? not at all. literally not at all. the amount of deafness in this comment is astounding ..



oh, no. your taste is so poor, i... ok so maybe it’s not her best but it’s one of the best. one cannot simply say Marina has one “best” song.

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Can someone fill me in on any news this era? Whats happening? I like marina but i haven't really been following her



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Okay this one ain't it, but is cute I guess



Girl, we already know that Superstar is a ballad, and we have a leaked snippet. No way it's EYL

It's because I saw on instagram someone saying they were the same song:


Now works!


Edit: Anyway,


someone said on instagram that Enjoy Your Life and Superstar are the same song???? Bitch wtf???




It's weappreciatepower_'s comment:


FINALLY someone didn’t put Enjoy your life btw for anyone who reads this, Enjoy Your Life is actually Superstar, idek why yall were so quick to give it a new name

I got confused too, but then Eclipse confirmed they're not the same. Thank God cause I'm not a big fan of that EYL snippet  :eek: , but I'm gonna wait to hear in full before judging.


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