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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Toxic feminism??? What’s so toxic about having rights...

Toxic feminism= woman putting down other women for wanting something they consider to be not okay as a feminist like being a stay at home mom. 


Feminism is wonderful but it does have its girls that go too far. But yeah it's just like toxic masculinity doesn't say masculinity itself is toxic, just certain behavior.



Handmade Heaven = Heaven Yaaaas :flutter:

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Toxic feminism??? What’s so toxic about having rights...

There's nothing toxic about having rights nor is there anything toxic about true feminism.


However, toxic feminism is extreme feminism, where people denigrate men (for simply existing) and women who may take up a more traditionally feminine role (e.g. cooking in the kitchen for their husbands). 


Feminism is wonderful in advocating for equality of all genders, but the very small and vocal minority of 'feminists' (I loathe even calling them 'feminists' because of their inconsistent views) take things way too far and preach female superiority at the expense of all others (including all men, quiet/submissive/traditional women, other genders). 


True feminism is supposed to be about equality for everyone and removing all forms of gendered oppression and marginalisation. 


I think what Marina is trying to say in Can't Pin Me Down is that these so-called 'feminists' do not preach equality between men and women, but rather force women to take control (often against their will) and disrespect their male partners. Marina is saying that she can be both a feminist and a woman who cares for her (hypothetical) husband and does nice things for him. But of course, this is only because the (hypothetical) husband respects her too. So true feminism is about all people regardless of gender having the CHOICE to behave in the way they want and it is based on a sense of mutuality and respect. Toxic feminism goes against these very basic principles by forcing overpowering roles on women and treating men like the scum of the earth. Sure, some men really are the scum of the earth but true feminism distinguishes between men of power who enforce patriarchal and oppressive systems and the rest of the male population (majority of men) who have nothing to do with these systems and actually are often oppressed by them themselves too.


Marina is a true feminist and CPMD ended toxic feminism.


ANyway, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk on feminism ;)

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This song is a dud and so is her face.

Sorry sis, this ain’t the Beyonce thread

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Omg she snatched my whole skin she's alive and well and SHE'S COMING! This woman is so talented I can't believe she exists tbh. Beautiful song

ps: It also gave me some Lana teas during the verses which is nice (and it could also be a possible feat with her in the future? it would be amazing)

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