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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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i just made this one !! (link)


OMG thank you so much. This is amazing.


Can I ask you for one more version of this same cover? Just switch places of the album name and her name, and if it's possible to put 'MARINA' horizontally? Sorry, my OCD is too strong for this. :(

If it's too much to ask, let me know. <3

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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OMG thank you so much. This is amazing.


Can I ask you for one more version of this same cover? Just switch places of the album name and her name, and if it's possible to put 'MARINA' horizontally? Sorry, my OCD is too strong for this. :(

If it's too much to ask, let me know. <3

just made 3 alternate versions with stuff moved around, hope at least one of these is to your liking! <3 

(links: one two three)


OT: i hope we get at least ONE song that's over 5:30+, marina's long songs are always amazing.

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just made 3 alternate versions with stuff moved around, hope at least one of these is to your liking! <3

(links: one two three)


OT: i hope we get at least ONE song that's over 5:30+, marina's long songs are always amazing.

That was fast. You're amazing, thank you so much. <3

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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OMG if we get Enjoy Your Life by Friday I’ll be so happy it’s the main song I want and it’ll hold me out for the rest of the album ❤

it looks like she's releasing songs every 3 weeks so we should be getting EYL on April 12th

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omg that would be so good, a new song every week. Let's pray! 


I really need Enjoy your life in my life <3 

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I wonder why is she kepting Fear untill the last moment. I think we are about to experience some experimental project


I personally think she's going on the tracklist order to promote the songs, and that's what she meant by a new way of promoting the album. What I'm guessing is that she'll take a mini-era during the L+F promotion era to give a space for each and every song, going on the order of the album. The main reason I think it may be true is because she has never, ever, stuck with promoting only the first first half of the album before it's out. It's very strange that she has only promoted the first four songs, and Baby may not be promoted after OT but that's only because it's originally by Clean Bandit and it came out months ago

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I have..........some strong mixed feelings about the idea of her dropping one song per-week til the release.............

2015-me would have loved this. But I kinda learnt how this can end up... limiting the "impact"  of listening to the full body of work.


No idea of what she's doing for fear, but I expect at least one music video for it since she sounded so confident about it being a real double album and 2 different albuns etc.

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I have..........some strong mixed feelings about the idea of her dropping one song per-week til the release.............

2015-me would have loved this. But I kinda learnt how this can end up... limiting the "impact"  of listening to the full body of work.


No idea of what she's doing for fear, but I expect at least one music video for it since she sounded so confident about it being a real double album and 2 different albuns etc.

I don't think she's doing a song per-week... seems rushed. What I think will happen is that she will focus on one song per month after the release of L+F, to have a balanced era where every song gets attention from the public. Seems smart to me and personally very pleasing,

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I wonder why is she kepting Fear untill the last moment. I think we are about to experience some experimental project

Probably she just wants to release songs from LOVE as singles because most of them are mainstream or happy pop songs

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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I really like this release strategy tbh. When she first announced the release date for the album it felt quite long away but by releasing songs in tracklist order every month/week it’s allowed us to spend time getting to know the first few songs and give them their moment, rather than allowing them to be overlooked or skipped when all 16 songs are available. Also, by releasing Love first Marina is truly embracing the concept of the double album by treating them as separate and I think by Friday, as it’s getting close to the release date, we’ll either have Love in full or be getting a song from Love each week. Sadly she can’t do the same for Fear and let us have the album song by song because that’d really diminish the impact of actually releasing an album. I think she’ll definitely release at least 2 singles from Fear with videos though!

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girl..i dont wanna get my hopes too high or nothin (i did it with OT and look how that turned out) but WOW........THAT SOUNDS 10X BETTER THAN THE OTHER STUFF MARINA HAS BEEN SERVNG...sis why are you withholding this????

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