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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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2 minutes ago, angry bitch no1 ob defender said:

some insider said candy necklace had an interesting backstory, i wonder what it was

that’s so unique and detailed and not at all vague and BS-y 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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2 minutes ago, angry bitch no1 ob defender said:

wait wdym


i mean i wouldn't necessarily trust that "insider" for having heard it bc I could literally say that about any Lana song in existence...

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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2 minutes ago, Mer said:

that’s so unique and detailed and not at all vague and BS-y 


I have an idea that it might be a song about every (significant) relationship she's had :true:


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15 minutes ago, cherrytropico said:

insiders not wanting to admit they don’t have candy necklace :awkney2:

no they have it they just can’t hear it and they’d rather play games and seek attention than just be honest about it which is really annoying :true:


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Just now, anwdelrey said:

OH I’M GAGGED. Need Jack and Lana to be endgame idc.


I never had a problem with him so I don't know why at the beginning of their relationship people were talking about how she "deserves better," he didn't do anything wrong as far as I'm concerned :raven:


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I don’t think it’s as simple as they haven’t heard it. They would tell us if they haven’t heard it. Either it’s a big inside joke to not talk about it or something truly insane that no one wants to spoil/address

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Just now, guns and roses said:


I never had a problem with him so I don't know why at the beginning of their relationship people were talking about how she "deserves better," he didn't do anything wrong as far as I'm concerned :raven:

i think he had like questionable posts on social media if i recall, just weird pictures, nothing to judge his entire character off of tho


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41 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

My “Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd” Album Ranking and Short Track Reviews (leaving out the interludes and campy necklace):


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1. Fishtail: The sultry bop we’ve been waiting for since cherry. Autotune. What the average person would expect if they heard Lana was doing a track for Euphoria, not Water(ed down drums)color Eyes. The way the first chorus comes in is going to have wigs flying everywhere. The production in the second verse is a standout and I hope Lana explores that sound more in the future.


2. A&W: Jimmy jimmy cocoa puff.


3. Taco Truck: Sexy guitar. Feels like you’re in a burlesque bar until Lanita comes out. Psychedelic sounding instrumental break into a trap version of VB. Anybody who doesn’t like this song should clean their ears out. The melody of the verses on Taco Truck is one of Lana's best 


4. Fingertips: Sonically boring, lyrically the strongest and most devastating among her discography.


5. Paris, Texas: Timeless and classic melody. Beautiful high vocals. Simplicity is key. Beautiful guitar is layered on top of the sample's piano and it really makes the song pop.


6. Let The Light In: Beautiful warm production. Inviting guitars. FJM’s vocals complement Lana’s perfectly. It’s, for me, the first track of the “second part” of the album. In the second part of the record, there is a shift sonically, and it just feels more relaxed. From this song and on, it feels like Lana’s “processed” all the heavy themes in the first tracks and is ready to have some fun.


7. Kintsugi: Gorgeous gorgeous melody. Beautiful (but confusing) lyrics. Fingertips sister song with a more concrete melody. For the girls who care about melody too much to fuck with Fingertips. Mentions a man by name.


8. Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd


9. Peppers: A breath of fresh air for Lana. I’m so happy to see her making songs like this even if they aren’t Grammy winners. Lana has an ear for samples/melodies and I can totally see her utilizing them to make less (emotionally not sonically) heavy, fun tracks like this one in the future. Interesting production, might take a few listens to get it. Starts to feel like an LSD trip gone wrong.


10. Grandfather: Lovely message and pretty melody, but it just doesn’t have that replay value for me. Wish the drums were more developed.


11. The Grants: Sorry but the intro really kills my buzz. Pretty melodies and vocal delivery but nothing special compared to the rest of the record.


12. Sweet: Pretty chorus, but the Disney-esque strings get old.


13. Margaret: I’m sure lots of you will LOVE this song, I just really can’t with Jack’s verse. It sounds like he’s having a stroke. The intro/outro to the song is VERY VERY nfr sounding - the production is done very well.


Fun Fact: The exact same phrase is used several times in the chorus of two separate songs.




Oh my godddddd I am SO excited now. Like more than normal :crai: I completely agree with the reviews for the songs (leaks) that I've already listened to and I love how the rest of the songs are described THEREFORE I- :sluttybunny::sluttybunny::sluttybunny:

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1 minute ago, ivory almond said:

i think he had like questionable posts on social media if i recall, just weird pictures, nothing to judge his entire character off of tho


yeah that's what i meant, also something about him being with Courtney Love in the past which is kind of insignificant I think :raven:


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