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Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit

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1 hour ago, IanadeIrey said:

I think what’s so upsetting about this to me is that the people who say that period of her career is “problematic” are people who haven’t experienced any ounce of real life 💀 Which is not their fault but they can’t think critically about what Lana produces and what we consume as fans—which doesn’t require having lived a particular kind of life. And in thinking critically about the material, there are deeper sociopolitical conversations that could be had about some songs like Put Me in a Movie but instead it becomes an opportunity to denounce an entire period of Lana’s artistic expression because it contains some of her most serious, thought-provoking, and culturally-important subject matter. And it concerns the very true realities of our world and more generally, the darker underbelly of developed economies (in both the west and east!), which we certainly cannot ignore. These uninformed critiques of her pre-BTD work are, therefore, also the kinds of dismissal she talked about in QFTC. It’s so dismissive to her and the art! Sorry to get deep about this in a light-hearted thread but it must be said ❤️


I don't understand how people refuse to see her as a real person.. what type of level headed normal person calls another person's very real experiences (for the most part) "problematic" :oprah:  


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3 minutes ago, Junkie Noir said:


I don't understand how people refuse to see her as a real person.. what type of level headed normal person calls another person's very real experiences (for the most part) "problematic" :oprah:  

i think the main problem is that some men refuse to see women as real people

and lana being famous is just the cherry on top of the misogyny cake

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I remember one time I posted on the Lana Subreddit about how lana inspired my drag queen name only to get bullied by people of that subreddit . I will never posted there again lol.

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I’m so glad somebody finally made this a thread. ATRL laughs at us, we laugh at Reddit, Reddit laughs at tik tok. It’s simply the food chain :true:


"Baby you my Bugsy Malone 

  and I'm your Suicide Blonde"



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Just now, Psychedelic Pussy said:

Girl we are NOT below ATRocious(L) on the food chain ! :oprah3:


True :hillary:


"Baby you my Bugsy Malone 

  and I'm your Suicide Blonde"



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Just now, Psychedelic Pussy said:

Girl we are NOT below ATRocious(L) on the food chain ! :oprah3:

tbh it's one of those things where we're about equal level

as a community we're obviously superior, but as a place of information... yeah atrl is better than us with that

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1 minute ago, paris texas said:

tbh it's one of those things where we're about equal level

as a community we're obviously superior, but as a place of information... yeah atrl is better than us with that


but does ATRL have the early shows section? no, i didn't think so :oprah3:

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5 minutes ago, paris texas said:

tbh it's one of those things where we're about equal level

as a community we're obviously superior, but as a place of information... yeah atrl is better than us with that

??? it’s literally only useful for information if you consider what a ton of b-list singers and celebs are doing with their lives “information” which I don’t :hottie:


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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1 minute ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

??? it’s literally only useful for information if you consider what a ton of b-list singers and celebs are doing with their lives “information” which I don’t :hottie:

babe half of this forum literally worships BOZ

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6 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


at this point they might as well re-name the sub to "/r/lanadelreyandtaylorswift" :eartha2:

Ever since SOTB was released, people starting to associate Taylor and Lana every single time. Another reason why I wished that song didn’t exist.




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I do think it’s funny when ATRL users make fun of LB when ATRL is basically stan twitter but worse cause most of the people participating in the constant comparing of succesfull women’s achievements on that site are grown men and not young teenagers bjsfjdj. Very sad actually,, I can’t imagine being like that in 10 years (I’m 20 now). I guess ATRL is somewhat the original stan twitter and the men on there just never grew out of that mentality. ATRL can be fun at times tho but some of the threads really make me cringe like what’s the point in comparing Beyoncé’s album sales from 15 years ago to Billie Eilish’s :toofunny: they’ll compare Anything as long as it’s by a female artist.


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