Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted August 9, 2019 Well, the more you lose the less you have left to lose, so it's cool. I'm just saying it's something we all need to be aware of. Nothing and no one is forever. Sometimes people leave your life on their own volition, sometimes you cut them off, and sometimes no one's given a choice because death is a sad reality of life. It happens. Denial only works for so long. Maybe not in the exact same way, but I know what it's like to lose someone u really love like that. and ur right about those things, and it's good to be self sufficient, believe me, I'd really just rather be alone most the time but. I hope that. you can still find the beauty and all the good that life still has to offer.. and that it renews itself daily. I know ur smart, really, I guess all I can really do is hope that you've got someone to just talk to or even lean ur head on their shoulder and feel some sort of peace, k? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanaFlowers 8,752 Posted August 9, 2019 Maybe not in the exact same way, but I know what it's like to lose someone u really love like that. and ur right about those things, and it's good to be self sufficient, believe me, I'd really just rather be alone most the time but. I hope that. you can still find the beauty and all the good that life still has to offer.. and that it renews itself daily. I know ur smart, really, I guess all I can really do is hope that you've got someone to just talk to or even lean ur head on their shoulder and feel some sort of peace, k? I appreciate your words, but I do not expect to find peace before I die. I do hope for peace after death, but not much else besides that. It's far from ideal, but if I've learned one thing, it's the importance of working with what you have and making the best of your circumstances. When you're not allowed peace, you get better at fighting And when you're not allowed safety in other people's company, you're forced to improve your relationship with yourself. Which is always a good thing. 4 Quote I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted August 9, 2019 I appreciate your words, but I do not expect to find peace before I die. I do hope for peace after death, but not much else besides that. It's far from ideal, but if I've learned one thing, it's the importance of working with what you have and making the best of your circumstances. When you're not allowed peace, you get better at fighting And when you're not allowed safety in other people's company, you're forced to improve your relationship with yourself. Which is always a good thing. Definitely. I don't know what else to do- but. thanks for sharing these things with me, I mean, for the most part, I was already aware of the truths you were speaking but. I just really appreciate the tone of the convo. If u ever get lonely, or just wanna talk about stuff like this, know I'd love that. PM whenever u want to k? This is gonna b totally random, but I hope u have some kind of comfort w u rn to laugh about this sentence lol 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanaFlowers 8,752 Posted August 9, 2019 I try to find comfort in little things. I wasted my best years being all serious and trying to build a future for myself. Getting married, starting a family, etc. If I had realized the futility of it all sooner, I would have had so much fun. I would have spent my time instead of investing it in things that never came to be. When you give up on the future, you can live more in the present. You can have more fun. I find comfort in money and material things. And in laughing at people who want me in their lives so badly now that I don't want them. Life is funny like that. I truly do thank you for your kind words, kindness is so underrated. And you can message me any time you want too <3 8 Quote I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted August 9, 2019 I try to find comfort in little things. I wasted my best years being all serious and trying to build a future for myself. Getting married, starting a family, etc. If I had realized the futility of it all sooner, I would have had so much fun. I would have spent my time instead of investing it in things that never came to be. When you give up on the future, you can live more in the present. You can have more fun. I find comfort in money and material things. And in laughing at people who want me in their lives so badly now that I don't want them. Life is funny like that. I truly do thank you for your kind words, kindness is so underrated. And you can message me any time you want too <3 Not even funny, well a little funny. But I guess, for me I haven't gotten there yet, and most times, I honestly just see myself working to build the future that I want too, and I've already missed so many opportunities in knowing a lot of great people bc I was too preoccupied working. I mean, I'm still in my earlier twenties, and I'm actually taking some downtime rn, but still keeping productive towards the life that I want, plans are invaluable, if just slower rn, but yeah, the point is, I think I kinda understand what you're saying. Did u get to build that dream of yours? Having a family? It's not futile, I don't wanna believe that, I'll keep that it mind, but I don't want to at least right now, but I think, sometimes it just comes in forms or ways that we sometimes can't just readily appreciate, kinda like appreciating something when it's gone bc we didn't really understand at the time what it meant. It's kinda funny when that happens huh? Hahahahahahahahaha I mean, yeah no I get you on that. Ah- lol and heyo, yeah! Sorry, sometimes I just feel like I'm being stupid at this but, anytime! and, thanks too, let's just talk about life or some shit hahahahahahahaha Have a good one LanaFlowers 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanaFlowers 8,752 Posted August 9, 2019 Not even funny, well a little funny. But I guess, for me I haven't gotten there yet, and most times, I honestly just see myself working to build the future that I want too, and I've already missed so many opportunities in knowing a lot of great people bc I was too preoccupied working. I mean, I'm still in my earlier twenties, and I'm actually taking some downtime rn, but still keeping productive towards the life that I want, plans are invaluable, if just slower rn, but yeah, the point is, I think I kinda understand what you're saying. Did u get to build that dream of yours? Having a family? It's not futile, I don't wanna believe that, I'll keep that it mind, but I don't want to at least right now, but I think, sometimes it just comes in forms or ways that we sometimes can't just readily appreciate, kinda like appreciating something when it's gone bc we didn't really understand at the time what it meant. It's kinda funny when that happens huh? Hahahahahahahahaha I mean, yeah no I get you on that. Ah- lol and heyo, yeah! Sorry, sometimes I just feel like I'm being stupid at this but, anytime! and, thanks too, let's just talk about life or some shit hahahahahahahaha Have a good one LanaFlowers We all live different lives, walk on different paths, and we're all dealt different cards. What didn't work for me might work for you. Do what feels right to you, just try to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. See everything as a lesson, and don't let things be; examine them, re-examine them, learn all you can from every experience you have. Every time I turned a blind eye to something or ignored a pattern, I paid for it dearly. Granted there were quite a few nasty shocks thrown in there too, way too many for my fragile mind to handle, but some things I should have seen coming. Technically, I'm still young, but I'm just too worn out for certain things, like love for example. I've been put through the grinder lol, and there's no coming back from that. I'm not capable of trusting anyone, and without trust there can't be love. Call me cynical, but every time I assume the worst I'm right. It doesn't help that I'm only romantically attracted to men, i.e. the scum of the earth (no offense, you know what I mean). This plague upon humanity never fails to remind me what awfulness they're capable of. I'm pretty sure the good ones are like, one in a billion, and I'm not going to waste my life waiting for a miracle that won't happen. Maybe in another life. 1 Quote I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted August 10, 2019 We all live different lives, walk on different paths, and we're all dealt different cards. What didn't work for me might work for you. Do what feels right to you, just try to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. See everything as a lesson, and don't let things be; examine them, re-examine them, learn all you can from every experience you have. Every time I turned a blind eye to something or ignored a pattern, I paid for it dearly. Granted there were quite a few nasty shocks thrown in there too, way too many for my fragile mind to handle, but some things I should have seen coming. Technically, I'm still young, but I'm just too worn out for certain things, like love for example. I've been put through the grinder lol, and there's no coming back from that. I'm not capable of trusting anyone, and without trust there can't be love. Call me cynical, but every time I assume the worst I'm right. It doesn't help that I'm only romantically attracted to men, i.e. the scum of the earth (no offense, you know what I mean). This plague upon humanity never fails to remind me what awfulness they're capable of. I'm pretty sure the good ones are like, one in a billion, and I'm not going to waste my life waiting for a miracle that won't happen. Maybe in another life. It's one of the main reasons I overthink yeah. and sometimes it's the most difficult thing to face, when the truth isn't what u want it to be, and although how much you hope n try to alter a situation, how much u want to make it better, it could still just fall through for the tiniest thing and it gets me so frustrated bc it feels like all the effort was for nothing. I used to, and well, admittedly, love learning things the hard way to kinda just, not even intentionally, but I have to experience those things, to experience the depth and fullness of a situation, maybe I can just get real intense and think, maybe if I keep fighting, things'll be ok and work out, for me, it usually does thank god, but it's different w relationships bc u have to put the other person first, and for a really long while, I had trouble accepting that w my personal values mixing giving up as some kind of failure, these days, I get genuinely surprised when I see someone kind, or see when people stay. It scares me how easily detached I can b, and how I use objectivity to just stay detached. That way, no one can hurt you. I get that, at least for me, seeing the best in people can really get you in trouble, but I guess it's just establishing better boundaries bc others have a plethora of motivations, nd it's really difficult for me to think that there're people who're really selfish, who're only looking out for themselves. I'm gay so I'm kinda stuck w em ah. I don't know what that's like, not being able to trust people. I guess it makes you a really strong person, but I can tell how lonely that might be. I usually do my best to kinda just be sincere, I mean, blank n blank is what I am, might as well just own it, and trust as much as I can, but once I sense something weird, I swim away, bc I don't wanna be used and then just tossed aside, bc I know how dangerous it is to care for someone or just people who don't care for you. It pisses me off how guys do so much to just get u, nd once they have you, treat you less than how things started. Sometimes I just get so skeptical and it's so fucking sad how we sorta have to care for ourselves thru that way, having to retreat back into ourselves bc sometimes people do just want something from u and leave. I love intimacy and it just kills that. Nd it's stupid, and I'm aware of how people call me good or whatever, not even humble bragging, it's just so difficult, having to stay this way, it's just heartwrenching, always giving people chances nd trying to see the best in them, then just being let down. It's not even some kind of twisted expectation, it's just being able to reciprocate in a respectful way, like there's a more evolved type of human, why can't you at least try ascending to that instead of staying in ur lowkey mediocrity? It gets tiring, but I can't help it? I can't help it. Like, help me help u. Maybe they're just not ready or something and I know I'm still learning. I honestly hope we both find em. I'm tired of getting reeled into games I never signed up for. Not gonna lie tho, I love just doing better, doing my own thing, and having guys want me, bc I mean hell yeah it's easy, it's fun and half retribution, but I never do anything unless I see there's more to them than just wanting to bed me. I want to treat them like people, bc I know what it feels like to just be treated like meat yeah. I've been teetering between just having a great big moraless party fit, nd staying right w myself. These problems we shouldn't even be facing bc others can't control themselves, nd honestly I'm guilty of that sometimes too, but it just gets me thinking how we're all so alone bc of our fears, and how we've coddled them time and time again bc they make us feel safe. How that's something not even much to cling to, but bc it's still something to fall back to and feed our predispositioned judgments we've formed for ourselves. It's horrible feeling so alone w others that just make u feel even more alone. How do we fix that? I personally believe in a more humanist kind of view, where little moments aim to help and heal, but we never really know for sure. Maybe that's what makes just trying and being kind can be so disarming. I guess, it's just tactfully and responsibly applying that, that might get the best results. It's hard tho haha 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MoreCruelThanYou 5,277 Posted August 10, 2019 Top 10 Lana Unreleased (in order from best to worst): 1 Cherry Blossom 2 Fine China 3 Your Girl 4 Wild One 5 Say Yes to Heaven 6 Hey You 7 Angels Forever, Forever Angels 8 On Our Way 9 Hundred Dollar Bill 10 Serial Killer Honorable Mention (in order from best to worst): 1 JFK 2 Hit and Run 3 Live or Die 4 I Don't Wanna Go 5 Big Bad Wolf I'm sorry, I do NOT make the rules. These are the untouchables, enjoy ladiez 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BluVelvUnderground 1,754 Posted August 11, 2019 [redacted] 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BluVelvUnderground 1,754 Posted August 12, 2019 So I spent hours and much much listening over and over and over the years and past few days... my updated top 25 001. Flipside 002. Wild One 003. Venice Bitch 004. Black Beauty (UV version tbh) 005. Yayo (Paradise version tbh) 006. The Blackest Day 007. Heroin 008. Video Games 009. Ride 010. The Ocean (Kill Kill) 011. West Coast 012. Mariners Apartment Complex 013. Driving in Cars with Boys (high pitch version) 014. Get Drunk 015. Salvatore 016. Cruel World 017. Pawn Shop Blues 018. Terrence Loves You 019. Get Free 020. Change 021. God Knows I Tried 022. Queen of Disaster 023. Wayamaya 024. Old Money 025. Prom Song (Gone Wrong) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted August 13, 2019 I end the four worst months of my life (aka my internship) tomorrow and I'm celebrating by listening to all of Lana albums in full one after the other. Started w Honeymoon now at UV enjoying the fuck out of it 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doll Harlow 12,374 Posted August 18, 2019 This is probably absurd but I wonder if Lana and Barrie will ever get back together? I know given the circumstances of their split, it seems rather unlikely. And I wouldn't want Lana to become depressed again. But they really did have something, a twin flame sort of thing. 1 Quote You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veinsineon 78,830 Posted August 18, 2019 This is probably absurd but I wonder if Lana and Barrie will ever get back together? I know given the circumstances of their split, it seems rather unlikely. And I wouldn't want Lana to become depressed again. But they really did have something, a twin flame sort of thing. I miss Barrie writing Lana's music 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChicaCherryCola 1,394 Posted August 18, 2019 This is probably absurd but I wonder if Lana and Barrie will ever get back together? I know given the circumstances of their split, it seems rather unlikely. And I wouldn't want Lana to become depressed again. But they really did have something, a twin flame sort of thing. You know what they say, sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough I don't know why. Okay, to elaborate: despite your last sentence, I don't think they'll ever get back together "once and for all". The connection they had was amazing, but it's still hard to build a healthy and prosperous relationship like that. They get each other, maybe they're soulmates, but they would need stability and someone a bit different to give them what they needed to grow. I hope they still cherish what they had and that, in some way, they kept it, though. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted August 20, 2019 "I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy / I'm tired of driving 'till I see stars in my eyes" will forever be my favorite part of Ride, I always tear at that point when I watch videos from my first Lana concert also when she hits that high note at "I just ride" 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultra Violet 19,278 Posted August 20, 2019 "I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy / I'm tired of driving 'till I see stars in my eyes" will forever be my favorite part of Ride, I always tear at that point when I watch videos from my first Lana concert also when she hits that high note at "I just ride" I used to be obsessed with that part in the music video where she's on the bike with the fireworks in both hands and wearing the headdress but I found out later that doing that is very problematic, but ignorant me loved that aesthetic Random, but when my sister first heard that part in Ride, she was like "I think Lana might also have bipolar! Cause when she says 'I'm tired of feeling like im fucking crazy!" and I was like, oh sis, not everyone who feels crazy has to have bipolar 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted August 21, 2019 I started binge watching Mindhunter yesterday w my sister (watch it on Netflix it's freaking amazing and apparently season 2 is even better) and I was watching mindlessly videos about the serial killers they talk about in the show and I stumbled upon a video where they use a screenshot of Lana's rape scene from Marilyn Manson's video to illustrate a murderer raping his victims and I don't know why but that actually really troubles me. It's completely out of context and her image makes no sense being used here. I'm even more shocked that I instantly recognized her seing the picture is processed with filters.Here's the video, at 12:27. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serene Queen 4,787 Posted August 21, 2019 Okay what exactly is the deal with this Marilyn Manson rape footage?! I’ve never heard of it before!! 0 Quote Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted August 21, 2019 Okay what exactly is the deal with this Marilyn Manson rape footage?! I’ve never heard of it before!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serene Queen 4,787 Posted August 21, 2019 Um that’s FUCKED UP 1 Quote Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You Share this post Link to post Share on other sites