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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Poll  

1,088 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?

    • The Grants
    • Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
    • Sweet
    • A&W
    • Judah Smith Interlude
    • Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste)
    • Jon Batiste Interlude
    • Kintsugi
    • Fingertips
    • Paris, Texas (feat. SYML)
    • Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
    • Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
    • Margaret (feat. Bleachers)
    • Fishtail
    • Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis)
    • Taco Truck x VB

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1 hour ago, the greatest bitch said:

I think I’d prefer the grants a lot more without the Melodye, Pattie, & Shikena intro. 

Does anyone have any strong opinions about this portion of the track?

when i heard it for the first time, i was very confused and didnt like it. but i also forgot it was the opener and i think no other track could be. something about the „im gonna take mine of you with me“ is so powerful and i feel like connects to a lot of the album. the song in general has grown a lot on me i feel like i ~get it~ now. generally im a fan of the „spoken“ parts throughout the album … even judah smith interlude for some inexplicable reason

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i can't believe i'm saying this but this is lowkey her best album... like fr

norman was like something made to love and this one is MUCH heavier but... it's so fucking good and risky and lyrically she's fucking killing it :rollin:

every time i'm listening to it i'm having new fav tracks and i'm finding something new i love about her vocals, production and lyrics


AND the way so many people (including me obv) were starting this album being unsure about if it's good or not and over next few days i'm seeing so many of them changing their minds like :deadbanana: i just feel like this album is out of its world


it's not an everyday album like norman was for sure but this is actually kinda why it's even better... if you know you KNOW

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Btw why were reddit stans bitching about the Judah interlude and cancelling their vinyl orders when its the first track on Side B and they'd have to flip the vinyl anyways after A&W so it's no extra hassle to skip :toofunny: just randomly came to mind


Anyways, i have not stopped listening to and enjoying the record. Fishtail still the weakest for me ngl :fabcat:


Kintsugi, Grandfather and LTLI current obsessions

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9 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

i feel like this has prob been so obvious to everyone but it JUST clicked for me that god knows i tried (arguably the best songwriting on honeymoon :yesnod:) was a crystal ball for this album, w its lyrics abt hotel california to trying so hard to letting there be light </3

@Favorite Ever this is actually exactly what i feel like rn having my first thought of the yr yAPweJd.gif

well, i'm glad that it's a good one! I actually wasn't focusing on too much about it when she ref'd it, but I like the way that you put it, and for me, how I think about it is it might also be a euphemism about the tunnel, pathways and movement, but more so in her case, perhaps even effort and how doing all u can and just letting go, kinda similar to ride's monologue where she mentions wanting everything, to losing it, is a great form of freedom. 

i've been subconsciously connecting how this album relates to the others, something that i just like to do, but especially w this record being so spirited, it feels like a lot of culminations of different cycles, and it's just exciting to be able to grasp that kind of growth and passage. and, just the atmosphere of the album, it just feels like a sweet release, honestly that just feels like flying 


like flying! yAPweJd.gif



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2 minutes ago, MrFameKills said:

and you think about who would be with you


and then there's donoghue



i kept trying to decipher what she was saying during my first listen and this man's last name was not my first guess rs_1200x1200-220713123621-1200-lana-jack.jpg?fit=around%7C1200:1200&output-quality=90&crop=1200:1200;center,top



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Even Margaret started growing on me :oprah2:

I really love the run from the stars to Paris, Texas... especially the way A&W ends and the creepy eerie vibe begins with Judah Interlude. It feels like Grandfather is an opener/closer in a half. And the ending with these bops?? :monica: 

The high pitched 'lalala' in x VB sounds so fucking fresh :trisha: Never thought I needed Lana's hyperpop era.


I can't say it's my favourite album because it's too early yet. It's funny cuz I wasn't sure about UV when it dropped bc it was so different from what I had used to hear and now UV is still my top1. Listening to those recent leaks (especially Summertime cover) reminded me that there's something about UV era that will always be special for me.


Yet still Ocean Blvd made me feel things on so many different levels... it's like growing up with her and her music and now you wake up not being teenager anymore and she's singing about death again but not 'i wish i was dead' but like you really care for yourself and your closest people and you're really worried about death and not being loved :toofunny:

it's definitely one of her best album :krylie: 

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This album is so compelling. It's impossible to have it as background music, the lyrics are so interesting, and so are the melodies... there are many moments where you just can't not pay attention to the music... The Grants outro, "fuck me to death", "basic bitch", A&W transition, Candy Necklace and its freaky piano... there's a lot going on.

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