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do you think an "unreleased" album would be a good idea

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1 minute ago, BartenderDeco said:

it will do really well so yes! i hope she puts some unleaked songs in the mix too but not too many cause waiting for albums gets boring without leaks


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I feel like the best idea would be like an EP for each era with people's/Lana's favourite songs from that time period... like on the album's birthday's (UV 10th for example)

1. God Bless America - EP

2. Melancholia - EP

3. Crazy for You - EP

4. Best American Record - EP


something among this although this is VERY unrealistic

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Many artists have released anthology albums and material with outtakes in the past. It’s not exactly a new concept. However, with Lana it’s the case that she is missing out on a lot of revenue, money and recognition. Her leaked material has viral potential. It could elevate her popularity a lot and she would get more streams = more money.


There is absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t do it.

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She should have asked this question before Blue Bannisters.



Otherwise; yes. It's an easy "coin" since she's aware of so much content being around. Putting these on Spotify and pressing a limited vinyl at obscene price would be an instant sold out.

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15 minutes ago, Harry Nilsson said:

maybe not a good idea, because it would outstream some of her last albums :gasp:

This is how I think she feels about the whole thing… as she should. She put out so many great songs and LP and some are just not clicking with the GP. It would be a shame if the songs she feels are a bit meh ended up doing so much better than the projects she is proud of… 

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Just now, fl0r1dakil0s said:

if i was lana i'd be releasing every unreleased song that goes viral and swimming in the money.. but ya blabla i get it her life is a work of art and she doesn't care about money



she had however said that "money is the reason we exist" :suicide:

Just now, evalionisameme said:

Lana is such a unique case in that many people seem to love her unreleased vastly more than her released…:awkney:


I heard playing dangerous in a makeup ad the other day- wtf?  

So random


what was that ad :ohsnap:

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Definitely a good idea. She has so many songs that are great, but maybe didn't make the final cut thematically or otherwise on a tracklist. She can easily gather up 15 or so that work well together, re-work/remaster if needed, and then put it out. Of course, she should only do it if she feels comfortable to have it be part of her discography, but she's already shown her openness for stuff like this with 1/3 of BB being previous unreleased songs.  

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3 minutes ago, Raise Me Up said:

she had however said that "money is the reason we exist" :suicide:

what was that ad :ohsnap:

Idk it was on my moms Facebook for some valentine times day Palette :eartha2: not that I don’t love the song but no artist has this phenomenon- I’m hearing random unreleased songs constantly on the internet lately and I blame queen of disaster!

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1 minute ago, evalionisameme said:

Idk it was on my moms Facebook for some valentine times day Palette :eartha2: not that I don’t love the song but no artist has this phenomenon- I’m hearing random unreleased songs constantly on the internet lately and I blame queen of disaster!

queen of disaster is one of her musics that I like the least :azealia:

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If she ever decides to release an unreleased collection… this forum will be turning into oblivion fighting Mortal Kombat style :bitchfight::bitchfight::bitchfight:

Remember BB era, when we learned about thunder and Cherry Blossom, everyone was going at it about their fave unreleased… and the debate got heated 

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Fine China deserves to be released, I don't care if it's on the next album, if it's a standalone single, part of an unreleased compilation... That song deserves the spotlight!

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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no, i can already listen to her unreleased songs just fine, why would i care if they're released, or if they stay unreleased? 

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