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x VB

Most random things Lana's ever done

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1 hour ago, Elle said:

If I’m thinking of what you’re thinking of, then it’s not real skfjsk it was an edited still taken from the Honeymoon music video. Which, by the way, was also very random of her to anonymously leak as Taylor Secman along with the burthdaykake IG account which she only fessed up to 6 years later after a fan asked her during a livestream skkk xE2-B0-C361-CE04-43-EB-893-A-8-FCD901280-C9


i dont think ive ever seen the HM video :defeated:

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3 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


This was so epic :crying5:


She’s very random. UV video was very random I guess. Oh and what about that oceanblvd Instagram account where nothing happened lol

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Oh, another one that makes me giggle out of confusion is when she dyed her hair jet black near the end of 2015 and then 5 months later began the process of going from jet black to blonde… then after 4 months of going through the lightening process while having 50 shades of red in the meantime, finally reaching blonde, she dyed it back to her classic chocolate brown after having the blonde for less than a month skkkk. Sis had 8 hair colours in under a year. I remember someone asked her about it at the LFL pop-up and she was just like “it didn’t work out! It kept being blorange!” x



Also on the topic of hair, when she got highlights at a random hair salon in Oklahoma in July 2020 after going blonde in May via lemon juice before eventually going back to brown in November x



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1 minute ago, Elle said:

Oh, another one that makes me giggle out of confusion is when she dyed her hair jet black near the end of 2015 and then 5 months later began the process of going from jet black to blonde… then after 4 months of going through the lightening process while having 50 shades of red in the meantime, finally reaching blonde, she dyed it back to her classic chocolate brown after having the blonde for less than a month skkkk. Sis had 8 hair colours in under a year. I remember someone asked her about it at the LFL pop-up and she was just like “it didn’t work out! It kept being blorange!” x




her redhead era was amazing though, it suited her so well <3 it might be one of my favorite hair colors of hers :smile: 


Lana Del Rey's Blonde Hair Is A Dramatic New Look For The Typically Red  Headed Singer — PHOTOS Will never get over this hair! 🧡 : r/lanadelrey


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36 minutes ago, x VB said:

Nobody mentioned the mesh mask :toofunny:

Fully tho, she always wore a real mask and then for no reason wore a mesh one. 

my guess is she wanted people at the meet and greet to see her face and thought it was a cute reference to the Chemtrails video and theInterview Mag shoot 

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So many things about this look...



The dress she bought from some random boutique that shein ripped off so everyone thought she was wearing a shein dress...

The DNC jacket, which she did a whole photoshoot for LDR Village that will probably never be mentioned by her again...

The fact that she wore this jacket, dress, and boots together to accept an award...:assad:

𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰'𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬, 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽?

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29 minutes ago, Elle said:

Oh, another one that makes me giggle out of confusion is when she dyed her hair jet black near the end of 2015 and then 5 months later began the process of going from jet black to blonde… then after 4 months of going through the lightening process while having 50 shades of red in the meantime, finally reaching blonde, she dyed it back to her classic chocolate brown after having the blonde for less than a month skkkk. Sis had 8 hair colours in under a year. I remember someone asked her about it at the LFL pop-up and she was just like “it didn’t work out! It kept being blorange!” x



Also on the topic of hair, when she got highlights at a random hair salon in Oklahoma in July 2020 after going blonde in May via lemon juice before eventually going back to brown in November x


Gosh I love her so much with blonde, black and red hair… actually her hair I like the least is classic brown :(

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19 minutes ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

The Instagram videos filmed off her cracked-ass phone screen of her screaming at a spider :paris:

When I met Rob at the Wichita show for the NFR show, he told me & my friends a story about how when Lana was younger, they went canoeing together and she saw a spider in the canoe, freaked out, and ended up flipping over the canoe in the lake leading her & Rob to end up underwater :giggle:


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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1 minute ago, Elle said:

When I met Rob at the Wichita show for the NFR show, he told me & my friends a story about how when Lana was younger, they went canoeing together and she saw a spider in the canoe, freaked out, and ended up flipping over the canoe in the lake leading her & Rob to end up underwater :giggle:

I think about this all the time :oprah:

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6 hours ago, littleredpartydress said:


oh god... definitely the most random thing of her I guess. I remember that I saw this post immediately after she posted it and I was like mehh... I'm too lazy, I'm not reading that. And a few hours later I am opening the twitter and I am seeing #lana trending with over milion tweets and I was like whaaaat the heeell, what happened????? :stareney2: yeah... that was a very traumatizing experience for all of us :bebe:


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