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Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.

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In the scheme of warfare it's fair to ask that children and innocents are not taken prisoner on both sides. I'm sure she's still sympathetic to Palestine, and probably doesn't really like Biden, but felt the most important issue is taking children hostage. Thats not controversial and we shouldnt assume or, read more into, what was not said. 

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5 minutes ago, American Whore said:

by this logic, isn't every war considerably genocide then? and can't the same goal be said for the government in gaza/hamas? because i've read the same statement from the other side. we could apply this to the ukraine / russia conflict too


personally, this doesn't affect me at all and i'm not a political science major, so i'm not for one side or the other, i'd rather them all go back to normal life and stop fighting, but from how i understand it, this started by hamas killing people at a music festival and taking people hostage right? so... maybe they shouldn't do that if they don't want to be attacked back?? idk maybe i just don't get it or it's beyond me. i also googled hamas and from how i understand, aren't they basically the political party/military group in charge in gaza? and haven't they been saying their goal is to destroy israel? so... which one is calling for genocide and which isn't? or is it both? i've read israel is saying they want to destroy hamas, but they aren't saying they want to kill all palestinians, that's what i'm getting at. i don't see this as being a genocide - just seems like a misused buzzword to entice political outcry


but what do i know and who tf am i to really know anything about it, honestly, i'm just someone from the US and only see what's shared here. i could be wrong and if i am, i'm sorry if i've said something to offend anyone, i'm trying to piece things together and talk about it. regardless, if i am wrong, i won't change my opinion of being on neither side.

Just to explain a few things:

Gaza is the world's largest open air prison, they really have no government or resources, or anything close to what Isreal has so this situation is not equal in the slightest

The last election Palestinians had was in 2006, and that is how Hamas came into power but they are more like a gang than an actual military group or government

40% of Palestinians are 18 years and younger, so they had no say in this election

Israel was formed on top of Palestine, which stole land from the Palestinians and forced them back and back until they have barely anything now. People are kicked out of their own homes for Israeli settlers to live in, many of them coming from the United States. In their government and law system they are not seen as equal to Israelis and Israel has been killing them and causing them to suffer for 70+ years

So, Palestinians just want to live and they want their land and homes back, while Israel sees them as a threat to their "state's" existence and respond by constantly bombing and killing them. Many countries around the world recognize Israel's occupation of Palestine as illegal as well



These are things I wish they would teach us in school in the US, but the US is also very involved with Israel so :crossed:

♡ 𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 ♡

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6 hours ago, pinkelliot said:

Excuse me ? "Because" ? Are you really trying to justify the fact that a terrorist group (=Hamas, officially labeled as that for tens of countries) killed more than 1400 people + is still holding people (including children) captive in horrible conditions today ? Justifying terrorists actions is CRAZY, I'm genuinely horrified when reading some of the posts on this thread. Am I the only one ? Just wondering :rip:. Supporting (or justifying) Hamas actions here in my country (France) is called "apologia for terrorism", and it's illegal. Don't know how it works in the US tho.

I also find it very weird for "fans" to keep saying that Lana is dumb, uneducated, that she doesn't know what she is talking about etc., every time she's saying something that YOU don't agree with. Maybe she's a grown, educated woman, who CHOSE to sign that letter because she wanted to. And maybe she wanted to sign it because she saw what Hamas did and wanted to stand by the thousands of bereaved families, just like Biden and almost all the democratic countries in the world did.

Palestinian people dying everyday is of course revolting. But let's not forget that Hamas is responsible for that too in many cases, by holding palestinians captive when they know Israel is going to bomb a specific spot for example. So they can, after that, say that Israel deliberately killed innocent people. So Israel is saw as the main villain and people forget that they're fighting against terrorism before all, that's what they want. Hamas is also calling for terrorist attacks everywhere in western countries so yes, they're the ennemies of everyone and some of you should be aware of that. Don't get me wrong, Israel's policies are far from perfect, but all they're trying to do right now is eradicate a terrorist movement that is dangerous for the whole world. They're defending themselves as they can and as every country in the whole world would have been defending its population after such an atrocious attack. They're also the only Jewish country, and they're only surrounded by countries that want them to disappear from the world map. I truly believe they try every time not to bomb innoccent people. In comparison, Hamas didn't care about killing innocent people, they did it on purpose. If Israel is supported by a majority of democratic countries, by your favorite artist and surprisingly not by your favorite IG page that is totally biased, or by "woke" people on X, maybe there's a reason for that. Everything's not a conspiracy.

So yeah, let Lana do her thing, have opinions, and unstan her if you want to. Some users on this thread tend to say very often "you don't know what you are talking about" but I don't think they know who they defend either. They're probably women, or gay men, that would be killed within a MINUTE in front of people that are part of Hamas.

I won't elaborate on the conflict even tho I think I'm pretty much aware of what's going on, but let's say that yes, everything's not all black or white. And there's a lot of disinformation going on on social media regarding Israel. Hamas is a very tactical and organized group that knows how to communicate, keep that in mind and try to inform yourself through independant media if you care.

Anyway, total support towards Lana and goddamn ... please stop trying to force on others your way of thinking, or your "facts" that are sometimes just fake news. I was so scared for my own family who lives there these days, and I'm happy to know that Lana is calling for the release of the hostages and that she's condemning what Hamas did. Tbh, shouldn't we ... all ? :facepalm:


if you'd read my post carefully, you would have realized that i'm writing in my second language. So, no, i'm not justifying anything - the phrasing was wrong, that's all.


 your tone is awful btw. I'd take a look at that if i were you

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All the people online acting like Lana is a victim:bebe: While I do agree she was most likely uneducated about this, she is a grown woman and the public has a right to react when she does something, especially dealing with such a horrible situation. 

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3 minutes ago, fishtails said:

Just to explain a few things:

Gaza is the world's largest open air prison, they really have no government or resources, or anything close to what Isreal has so this situation is not equal in the slightest

The last election Palestinians had was in 2006, and that is how Hamas came into power but they are more like a gang than an actual military group or government

40% of Palestinians are 18 years and younger, so they had no say in this election

Israel was formed on top of Palestine, which stole land from the Palestinians and forced them back and back until they have barely anything now. People are kicked out of their own homes for Israeli settlers to live in, many of them coming from the United States. In their government and law system they are not seen as equal to Israelis and Israel has been killing them and causing them to suffer for 70+ years

So, Palestinians just want to live and they want their land and homes back, while Israel sees them as a threat to their "state's" existence and respond by constantly bombing and killing them. Many countries around the world recognize Israel's occupation of Palestine as illegal as well



These are things I wish they would teach us in school in the US, but the US is also very involved with Israel so :crossed:

the exact oppsite is happening tbh

my sister told me that yesterday her teacher made a joke that went like "don't worry you won't be starving like the kids in gaza"

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Create your own thread if you’d like to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the World News topic. This thread - from now on - will only be about the letter sent to Joe Biden. 


.・゜゜・ ⋆·˚ ༘ * GIVE PEACE A CHANCE  ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ・゜゜・.

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6 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

the exact oppsite is happening tbh

my sister told me that yesterday her teacher made a joke that went like "don't worry you won't be starving like the kids in gaza"

well I'm glad to see people are mentioning it in classrooms now but when I was in school they barely ever taught us about anything that happened post 9/11 :eek:

But going back to the letter, I think a lot of Americans (Lana included) just don't know much about this situation. I think its possible a lot of the people who signed the letter didn't fully read it or just heard a summary of what was in it

♡ 𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 ♡

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Lana probably got a mass e-mail with the subject line #nohostageleftbehind, read a 10 line 'open letter' that ends by saying "We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace" and probably clicked a "click to add your name to support" link. She hasn't spread any misinformation or ANYTHING, and the only reason we know about this letter is because of a tweet and now a handful of news articles. 



"Don’t forget me"

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Anyway, as someone who IS pro-Palestine, I don't think signing this letter warrants not listening to her music yet, although that's a choice anyone can make at any time, and one I'd respect. I also don't think Lana will do anything to get herself cancelled from this. She's part of the dumb majority, unfortunately.

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13 minutes ago, Ultra Violet said:

She's part of the dumb majority, unfortunately.


Well she does have studies in philosophy and meta physics, so I would say she is above average intelligence. I think with the whole Joan Baez thing she might have felt compelled to engage in some sort of activism. 

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6 hours ago, shadesofblue said:

I personally don’t think celebrities should speak on world/political events unless they are educated on the subject. Too many celebrities now are pressured into speaking out on every issue that they know nothing about and end up creating more unnecessary harm. People should not be getting their news info from celebrities.


i also think most Americans who aren’t familiar with the subject are being influenced by a lot of propaganda. Ever since I can remember growing up, the US has instilled in our minds that terrorists & Middle East=bad and are “jealous” of our freedom which is crazy looking back now. 


From what I can remember, no teacher (until college) ever divulged into what actually has/is happening in the Middle East let alone Palestine. Even in history classes in high school I remember learning up until 9/11 and then we just skipped the whole middle eastern conflicts which is pretty wild. Talking about anything in the Middle East was something that was almost seen as taboo. College was the first time I ever learned about the horrific history Palestinians have endured, and I think it’s sad. 

This plus all the pro-israel propaganda has really confirmed this for me. I’ve seen so many pro-Israel commercials the past couple weeks now. it’s kinda scary honestly knowing in reality, most people in America (hopefully less now) only know surface level info on the Middle East. So then people just assume “well terrorists are bad we don’t want that” with no context on the history and then assume Israel is doing a good thing. That being said, it’s not an excuse to be ignorant about the subject. I personally have always been confused on the topic (as are many Americans unfortunately) but try my best to make sense and educate myself. 

Little disappointing to see lana sign this but at the same time, I’m not that surprised. I don’t think she deserves to be cancelled or get hate for this. I hope she takes some time to educate herself more 


Agree on all accounts. I': also like to add that Israel's spending a lot of money on spinning the story.


I keep receiving emails from different organisations - even theatre - stating that Israel is in a crisis.


And this is even outside the US. I can only imagine the level of bs over there.

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5 minutes ago, pierre said:

What do u guys thought about that "I'm poor" posts?


Like most of her posts where she addresses any "issue", it's completely lame and unnecessary.


If she wanted to disperse those doubts, she should have done it 10 years ago when the rumours started. Not now when she's already proven herself and no one really cares if daddy paid for promo at the start.


It smells of Grammy campaigning, as does this kissing of Biden's wrinkly old misguided ass. 

What's more concerning is that she wants one. It is such an irrelevant award. About as exclusive and elite as a train station toilet brush.

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Just now, barttttender said:

Like most of her posts where she addresses any "issue", it's completely lame and unnecessary.


If she wanted to disperse those doubts, she should have done it 10 years ago when the rumours started. Not now when she's already proven herself and no one really cares if daddy paid for promo at the start.


It smells of Grammy campaigning, as does this kissing of Biden's wrinkly old misguided ass. 

What's more concerning is that she wants one. It is such an irrelevant award. About as exclusive and elite as a train station toilet brush.


Some troll was claiming things about her on Instagram and she responded. You overlooked that, which happens so often, yet there is no accountability from the peanut gallery. They can hurl whatever they want and never be held accountable to anything they say. I think you are just grasping at straws and mind projecting. 

14 minutes ago, pierre said:

What do u guys thought about that "I'm poor" posts?


Please don't. We addressed all that on the Instagram thread. 

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A bit awkward considering they sent this right after the other letter written signed by the 55 generally more well-liked celebrities calling for a ceasefire in Gaza..either way, writing a letter literally does nothing for anyoneeee but virtue signal 




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55 minutes ago, That Venice Bitch said:

Create your own thread if you’d like to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the World News topic. This thread - from now on - will only be about the letter sent to Joe Biden. 

I don’t understand this, the letter is directly related to the conflict and I feel like to give context and talk about the letter you have to talk about the conflict…?


˖° ⋆.ೃ࿔ this is my idea of fun °⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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20 minutes ago, Rivers said:


Well she does have studies in philosophy and meta physics, so I would say she is above average intelligence. I think with the whole Joan Baez thing she might have felt compelled to engage in some sort of activism. 

Smart people can still fall for propaganda, and miss extremely important details.

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10 minutes ago, taco truck said:

I don’t understand this, the letter is directly related to the conflict and I feel like to give context and talk about the letter you have to talk about the conflict…?

You can talk about the conflict, it just needs to be directly, not tangentially, related to Lana’s involvement in this letter. Having overarching discussions about the history of Palestine and Israel - and their related conflicts - need to be put into a new thread in the World News topic. 


.・゜゜・ ⋆·˚ ༘ * GIVE PEACE A CHANCE  ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ・゜゜・.

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