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Divisive Princess

What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?

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oh, okay! i had no idea that music can influence so much... i mean i listen to music to get happier and even the saddest songs make me happy when i'm sad (because i feel like i'm not the only one)... maybe you should stop listening to lana for a bit if that makes you sad? or is it this kind of love when you know it's doing you wrong but you just can't stop? :)

ive been trying to stop listening to lana and go back to rihanna and shakira but its so hard cause lana makes my world go round

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How do I post this without sounding so much like an obsessed freak-fan? Lol


For me, I discovered Lana from BTD my junior year of highschool. So hearing songs like This is What Makes Us Girls helped me cope with my lifestyle at that point in time, if that makes sense. I was a wild child in a sense and I felt connected to her. And I always felt like I needed a lover in my life to feel complete, and that spoke to me through her music. So I related. 


Paradise spoke to me on levels when I was in college, first got there and felt so confused. I worked at this theater about 30 miles from campus and the drive to and from work was like my escape. When I heard Ride for the first time I just rolled all of my windows down and cried. 


Then came UV. It shooooook me. I had been in a rough relationship, very chaotic but full of love at the same time. And I related to it. Shades of Cool was my anthem driving around the backroads of my town at night. 


Honeymoon was also relevant to my life recently, engaged and living with my life partner. We have a very interesting dynamic. Which I related to in the songs of HM.


As you can see, sonically, I have grown up with her albums. Each release has related to my life events at that time so to me, she holds a very special place for me. I can put on a track from Paradise and close my eyes and remember memories of living in the dorms in college. 


Songs have helped me understand my own thoughts/feelings about situations in my life at the time. If I can’t explain what i am thinking/feeling, I can often find a track and it just speaks what I am thinking. 


Lana has given me a voice that I was afraid to find, and never realized I had. She has inspired a lot of me getting back into writing over the years as well. I have learned tons of her songs on guitar. She just helps me creatively as well as emotionally. 


I now sound like a Maaaaaajor Stan but idc


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Lana really gave me an ear for music. I'm not just talking about taste though, like now I can identify different instruments in songs and I've learned so much about what goes into song creation and how it always starts with a concept. She's also had a huge impact on my clothing style, and style in general. Without Lana i'd probably never have gotten into music and I would've probably remained how I was before (before I didn't listen to music almost at all before) 


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I won't make a long ass post, but she influenced me greatly. I wouldn't be the same without her. I started to like her when I was 13 so yeah, that says a lot. I am deeply connected to all of her albums and I listen to them literally daily. I never get tired of her voice.

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She helped me cope with depression and somehow embraced it???


Oh and also I remember the first time I discovered her and really got into her music.

I had the Lana Del Rey EP (VG, BJ, BTD, OTTR) and I was reading the Hunger Games and to this day, I still pair the two together 

First we feel; then we fall.

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I remember in one of Lana's interviews she said: 

"Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it. Read books, pick your role models wisely. Find out what they did and do it.”

That quote always struck me and now I'm finally taking her advice. I always told myself that I wanted a sugar daddy and now I have one. Lana has a life that I want, I'm pretty sure she has had at least 3 sugar daddies, she's my role model, I am figuring out what she did and I'm doing it  :brows:


But in all seriousness Lana has influenced my life for the better in so many ways, her music speaks to me. 


yaaaaaas  :party:

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I have a very boring life. I don't have many friends, I get sad a lot. When I listen to Lana, and when I absorb her lyrics, I feel like a completely different person. It feels like I'm that girl who can get what she wants, everybody likes her, had a wild and colorful life. She's everything that I'm not. I feel confident, empowered. I feel great. The emotions she puts in her music, I feel it, as if its mine. Y'know that feeling, like you get nostalgic about the memories you never had? Maybe that's why she's so important to me, because she makes me feel like everything that I'm not. 


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I have a very boring life. I don't have many friends, I get sad a lot. When I listen to Lana, and when I absorb her lyrics, I feel like a completely different person. It feels like I'm that girl who can get what she wants, everybody likes her, had a wild and colorful life. She's everything that I'm not. I feel confident, empowered. I feel great. The emotions she puts in her music, I feel it, as if its mine. Y'know that feeling, like you get nostalgic about the memories you never had? Maybe that's why she's so important to me, because she makes me feel like everything that I'm not. 

yes, i feel you! i am the same type of girl as you are + i always live in my own worlds. lana songs suit them well... :rip:


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Are you doubting her ability to affect me in such a way?


now child. i already dun told you what kind of EXPOSED i am. and Miss Tina ain't here right now.



you didn't discover sadness from your first boyfriend or the first clap back thrown right back at you?

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