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Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024

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7 hours ago, champainproblms said:

do you guys think trump is really worst than biden? cuz atp i think theyre basically the same but trump cant shut up

Well, one is a convicted felon, a pathological liar, incited a riotous insurrection, a civilly liable rapist, a twice impeached former president and an egomaniacal narcissist. And if you look at his past comments, he’s at the very least clueless and uninformed, if not downright stupid.

As feeble and weak as Biden is, he’s the far lesser of two evils. There isn’t even a debate about it. You can say he sucks with the Middle East conflict, but foreign policy is almost always a lose-lose situation, especially given the mess over there. Aside from his handling of that, what bad things has he done?

Trump seems to do and say horrible things on a daily basis. If you care about women’s rights and free speech, Trump has done and vows to do more things to strip you of those rights. He admits to wanting to be a dictator “on day one” and his track record speaks for itself. 

I’m a registered independent. I have been for 12 years. I’d like to say I keep an open mind and don’t pledge my support behind any political party. I genuinely think the two party system sucks. Very little gets done in government. Americans are turning on each other, just because of what “team” they’re on. 

I’ve been fighting for third party candidates for most of my adult life, but in the short term, we’re stuck with two realistic choices. Trump may be bringing down the Republican Party in flames. The party could literally die if he loses, but if he wins another term, the prospects are ugly for our country and the world. Win or lose, the Democratic Party has to do something to get younger blood involved. Enough of these 60+ (often 70-80+) year old white men running things. We need term limits. Campaign finance reform. Etc. 


If it’s Trump vs. Biden, I’m still going with Biden, but I hope people fight like hell to give reasonable third parties more of a voice in the future. 

In 2000, the third party vote likely swung the election for Bush. Jill Stein arguably pulled enough votes away in swing states to give Trump the election in 2016. You can either vote for the lesser of two evils or throw your vote away in this election. I’m sorry. The stakes are too high, in my opinion.

The democratic party is tone deaf on the economy. I’ll give you that. Most everyday people are really struggling. Income and wage inequality is skyrocketing. Climate change is a serious threat to our near future. The U.S. Supreme Court has turned into a right wing political court. 

If you care about any of those things in the above paragraph, Trump will objectively make them all worse if he’s re-elected. 

So, with all of that said, I think Trump is objectively, far worse. 

Sorry for the long rant. :icant:


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2 hours ago, Quincy said:

In 2000, the third party vote likely swung the election for Bush. Jill Stein arguably pulled enough votes away in swing states to give Trump the election in 2016. You can either vote for the lesser of two evils or throw your vote away in this election. I’m sorry. The stakes are too high, in my opinion.


With respect, I feel like that's ignoring that Hillary wasn't likable to begin with AND that people who support Jill Stein, the Green Party, and ecosocialism were never going to vote Democrat in the first place, unless perhaps if Sanders won the nomination.


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why is it so easy to become a president? like you can be a felon and cognitively impaired and you can still be president, HELLO? we have so many dumb requirements to be a recipient of federal aid for college, but barely anything on being president? ummmmmm.... 

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36 minutes ago, psycholifegaurd said:

why is it so easy to become a president? like you can be a felon and cognitively impaired and you can still be president, HELLO? we have so many dumb requirements to be a recipient of federal aid for college, but barely anything on being president? ummmmmm.... 

Basically, if you are a reality TV star or have a ton of money (or both), then you’re in the running to be President :flop: the U.S. electorate is not exactly the most educated 



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3 hours ago, Strangelove said:

Biden called Kamala “Vice President Trump.”

Talk about foreshadowing…

Biden also called Ukraine's president Zelensky as "president Putin" :rollin:


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this is so insane. idk, i dont think biden will even make it to Jan 20 for his first day in office. would kamala be that bad of a president? i lwk fell out of a coconut tree, so she speaks for me...

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On 6/28/2024 at 11:25 PM, Quincy said:

the U.S. electorate is not exactly the most educated 


This is simply not true. The US electorate is educated at some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country. Let’s be honest: Joe Biden and Donald Trump may look like clowns, but they aren’t stupid, and let’s not pretend they are. One is a career politician, and the other is a business connoisseur and media mogul. They aren’t uneducated.

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1 hour ago, Embach said:

Biden also called Ukraine's president Zelensky as "president Putin" :rollin:


1 hour ago, psycho lifegaurd said:

this is so insane. idk, i dont think biden will even make it to Jan 20 for his first day in office. would kamala be that bad of a president? i lwk fell out of a coconut tree, so she speaks for me...

They need to replace him by August or the Dems are sincerely cooked. 

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What an incredibly selfish, stubborn old man. I 100% believe that Donald Trump and MAGA are a threat to our democracy but the way democrats are handling Joe Biden with baby gloves makes me wonder if they truly believe Donald Trump is a threat. If so, they need to spare Joe Biden's ego and feelings and get a new candidate in there immediately, jesus christ. 


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15 minutes ago, aGlassShipThatCanFly said:

What an incredibly selfish, stubborn old man. I 100% believe that Donald Trump and MAGA are a threat to our democracy but the way democrats are handling Joe Biden with baby gloves makes me wonder if they truly believe Donald Trump is a threat. If so, they need to spare Joe Biden's ego and feelings and get a new candidate in there immediately, jesus christ. 






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8 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Saw someone say Michelle Obama will be taking over for joe :rihanna: like honestly think about it

It would be her Hillary moment. But I'm kinda surprised that Hillary isn't running for president anymore, what's stopping her? I mean, she's like 70+ yeah but still younger than Biden and Trump :hillary:


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3 hours ago, Wait For Life said:

This is simply not true. The US electorate is educated at some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country. Let’s be honest: Joe Biden and Donald Trump may look like clowns, but they aren’t stupid, and let’s not pretend they are. One is a career politician, and the other is a business connoisseur and media mogul. They aren’t uneducated.

I think there might be a misunderstanding of what my point was. The U.S. has some great educational institutions, but a lot of the people who vote in this country:


1. Have no college degree 

2. Lack critical thinking skills

3. Don’t vote on actual issues 


The states with the worse education systems tend to vote against their self interests, i.e. for right wing politicians who run on fear tactics, rather than supporting affordable healthcare, better education, etc. 


There’s a reason why the U.S. popular vote and the electoral college often yield two different results. Population density is greater where education is better, but the electoral college gives lopsided weighting to states where education is poorer. 

Does that make sense? Maybe my first post was over generalizing a bit, but it partially explains how Trump got elected in the first place and how he might actually get reelected. 


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