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Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024

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1 hour ago, JDaniel said:

I already posted them, there is a pro-Trump propaganda tik tok that Lana's husband is currently broadcasting

Wait until the average fan base learns about it and you will see, it pains me to say it, the Taylor Swift counter effect with Kamala

wait what’s tea?

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2 hours ago, aGlassShipThatCanFly said:

I think everyone should spend their Saturday not thinking about Beth Dufrene. Breathe some fresh air, get some good coffee, talk to a friend and come back refreshed, energized and ready to begin manifesting single #1 in the Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024 thread:charli:

skimming this thread, when i read this post i was like "now who the fuck is beth dufrene, what have yall found again" :brigitte: and two seconds later i was like "OH!" :wat:

1 hour ago, gasstationkween said:

Why is this low-key such a Rom com romance 

someone on instagram commented that "it's like an adam sandler movie" :eartha:


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i honestly see both sides of the argument, and i feel like it's somewhat nuanced, i feel happy for her, and i genuinely wish her the best, and i don't think we should automatically assume it's going to end badly, make silly, snide jokes about her upcoming divorce album, or completely denounce her as a person, but... i do believe we have every right to be disappointed in and concerned about the man she's choosing to marry


i don't think some of you really understand how alarming it is that she's choosing to be with somebody who actively and fervently supports donald trump, someone who wants to strip away the rights of many, perhaps you don't think it will make any difference to you, but many people, LGBT, POC, women, ETC will be negatively impacted by him becoming president once again, if he wins, it could affect the rights and the general life happiness and satisfaction of LGBT people, women may no longer be able to acesss abortions, or perhaps even birth control, and some republicans have even stated that interracial marriage should be left to the states, it genuinely could impact you and your life, and if not you, it could impact somebody you care about and love, her husband literally shared graphic violence towards transgender women on facebook, and, no matter how you feel about certain sociopolitical matters, violence, discrimination and hatred isn't okay, and it isn't normal or something we should just look past, and we have every right to be disappointed that she married somebody who holds those kinds of views, and we shouldn't just brush it off as us being parasocial, or needing to touch grass


ultimately, we're all very invested in her, and we're all parasocial to an extent, we're literally registered on a website entirely dedicated to her, some of us have thousands of posts, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that we naturally want to discuss what's happening in her life, she is a public figure after all, and it was inevitable people were going to find out about her husband's political views, she made the choice to marry someone like that, and although we ultimately should respect her autonomy and her ability to make decisions, it's silly to expect people who are very invested in her as an artist, and even as a person, to not have thoughts on it


i think we just need to keep it as civil as possible, despite the fact that we are discussing pretty heavy topics that people often feel strongly about


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2 minutes ago, Lanas Candy Necklace said:

Wait who’s Beth???

beth is a nickname of elizabeth, so lana


in fact there is an actress named beth grant. imagine if lana wasn't lizzy grant but beth grant :oic2:


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30 minutes ago, Embach said:

skimming this thread, when i read this post i was like "now who the fuck is beth dufrene, what have yall found again" :brigitte: and two seconds later i was like "OH!" :wat:

someone on instagram commented that "it's like an adam sandler movie" :eartha:

Beth Dufrene is now an alter ego of Lana Del Rey.  This is how I choose to cope :charli:


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11 minutes ago, Embach said:

beth is a nickname of elizabeth, so lana


in fact there is an actress named beth grant. imagine if lana wasn't lizzy grant but beth grant :oic2:


beth was a conjugation of the verb to be in Middle English.. "been dufrene"

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messiest thread in lanaboards history award goes to this one!! the amount of think pieces towards the 50/60 page mark is crazy.. happy for you tho or sorry that happened I aint reading all that :awk:


𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙖 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣' 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙..


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8 minutes ago, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

Hero worship will always leave you disappointed. Hopefully she makes more good music, bc that’s all she is to me; an entertainer who makes music that I like. I could not care less about her as a person 

I think Lana is interesting cus she places herself in her art a lot more than other artists. Taylor Swift’s whole thing is that she’s relatable and yet she barely speaks about what the songs are actually about - she leaves her fans to dissect it via paparazzi photos and other mediums to feed those who are parasocially interested in her personal life while leaving enough vagueness so that ppl can still interpret the songs and apply them to their own life.


Lana on the other hand will go on radio and tell a tell-all personal story of exactly what inspired a song like Mariners Apartment Complex.


My point is that she invites interest in her personal life and that’s why ppl are super interested in it. 



she has always said that she writes for herself and never pulled a “I write so others can hear my music and relate, and feel seen” shtick or dodged a question about what the song meant by saying “it’s open to interpretation”


it’s very much her in the center of it, persona and all.


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