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Hacker Gets Suspended Prison Sentence for Selling Unreleased Music

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i mean i am fully for punishing people attempting to profit off artists work tbh. if i was ariana/lana/literally whoever & had my song stolen then found out someone had sold it for $$$$ i would be rightfully pissed


leaking music in general is a morally gray area anyway but selling it is way beyond the line

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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Just now, details said:

that explains why leaks have been dry lately they arrested the source :smile3:

nah, she was arrested jan 2023


"One gun on the table. Headshot if you're able..."

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8 minutes ago, ivory almond said:

i mean tbf, u don't hear about anyone selling taylor's music often, so it's partly on the artists for not being careful enough about material that they don't want to be heard

i never understood this thought process bc imagine i said to you 'should have installed titanium grates on your windows' after someone breaks into your house like that is on the person who broke in not on me :um2:


honestly i think people are more fearful of certain artists who have the power behind them to be litigious but think they can get away with doing it to 'smaller' artists

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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This person was SUPER active on leaked.cx (the second person to be arrested from that site :brigitte:)


14 minutes ago, Francesco Carrozzini said:

wait so people actually SELL leaks ? who tf is buying them :derpna4: imagine having all that money to spare


There are hiphop artist songs that have been sold for thousands it's genuinely wild



Need to know where she is hiding that extra 100k tho :eek2:



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31 minutes ago, Francesco Carrozzini said:

wait so people actually SELL leaks ? who tf is buying them :derpna4: imagine having all that money to spare

Weren’t la who am i and dark city being sold at some point

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Here's a good thread for me to share my pretentious leaked music manifesto that I have always wanted to jott down in one place: 



 1. I do not believe that leaked music in and of itself--in almost all cases--is harmful to listen to 2. Albums that are leaked within the month of their SCHEDULED release date have never actually hurt the sales or impact of an album (the argument that the release date is sacred to the artist is moot when almost every single one is not important to them but more so their label and only the actually dedicated fans who monetarily put in more than the average listener are the ones listening anyway) Future Nostalgia, NFR, Renaissance, are recent examples of how little to no practical effect leaks have 2.5 Listening to leaks in lower quality does not decrease the experience of an album nor a listener's relationship to the material. 3. Leaking music months before schedule, however, is unethical and does decrease the potential of the album's commercial success (FROOT and Bey's 4 narrowingly escaped this curse) 4. Leaking music that is not yet scheduled for release is unethical and those who did the initial stealing should be punished but 5. Again, in many instances, those listening to these leaks are the most dedicated of fans who have the patience to find links, and thus those who choose not to listen should get off their moral high horse saying it's wrong for others to listen 5. Artist's arguments that leaking music can ruin the chances of their music being sold to another artist is true but if the new artist's rendition is good then it also practically does not matter (Ariana, Bey, and Rihanna are good examples of their versions being superior so who should care that writer's demos are out there) 6. There are many things labels and producers--of the caliber we are discussing--can do to decrease the chances of leaks if they really want to protect their artists 7. Despite my belief that the listener and subsequent spreaders of leaks are not morally lesser for consuming stolen material, we should still want producers, artists, and labels to decrease the chances of leaks as much as possible. 



I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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the name seems familiar to me from a different thing and if it's who i think it is, good riddance. she can rot in there. 


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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