Beautiful Loser 50,784 Posted July 5, 2017 I dreamt that Lana was performing and had all these new dance moves... that were a bit too complicated for her, she did her best but it didn't look so good. But I thought to myself "oh, now I know why it took 6 months to learn all the dance steps". xD 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DLT 7,595 Posted July 7, 2017 I assume this would be the thread to place this in but I had a dream about a new Lana album. It was in an aesthetic similar to Neil Young. Hell, it was Neil Young. Like Neil's music but Lana's voice, it was fucking beautiful. I would live for a whole album like that. I realize it wouldn't be for everyone but that's why it is a dream I guess. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted August 10, 2017 I had a dream about sniping a certain member on here near a movie theater. But the gun was like GTA but it felt really good. After I killed them I went to go pick up for some coke I think that was for another mission. Weird 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,784 Posted August 12, 2017 I dreamt last night that I got to see Lana live once more, this time reeeaaalllyyy front row, and she was the sweetest and sang so many songs she hasn't sung and I remembered so many details when I woke up but not anymore. I guess she wore Adidas too. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,784 Posted August 14, 2017 I had another Lana concert dream the other night where they played a song twice as fast and it sounded so funny and everyone were laughing 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted August 23, 2017 Had a dream last night where they were making a film about Lana, Lana actually starring as herself but her voice was a bit lower while talking. It started from her AKA days and reenacted some of her music videos and live performances from each era etc, though the one thing I found disturbing was that she had changed some of the lyrics to be more PG and thus didn't really stay true to herself - she also had a blonde low-quality wig during the AKA scenes. Nevertheless I was proud of her 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RiverColaLight 95 Posted August 23, 2017 I had a dream Lana, Lady Gaga and I were performing ''Teeth'' (by Gaga) live at a festival in Russia. Then I went backstage to hangout with Lana, and she was sitting in front of a poster of her in a safari outfit holding some white substance on her pinky in front of her nose. She asked me if sniffing was allowed here and I said yes. Then i said hold still and I took a picture of Lana doing coke in front of the poster and she burst into laughter, lol. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,784 Posted September 17, 2017 I dreamt that Lana tweeted that she was pregnant and very happy and excited, and I was so happy for her since it sounded like it was something she really wanted. And she wrote back to fans who congratulated her in the most sweetest way and she also wrote all her sassy tweets... ... And then I woke up and thought that it's good that she's not pregnant in real life because then the world tour might be postponed. Omg, I felt so selfish and immediately regretted even thinking such a thing... 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultra Violet 19,274 Posted September 17, 2017 I dreamt that Lana tweeted that she was pregnant and very happy and excited, and I was so happy for her since it sounded like it was something she really wanted. And she wrote back to fans who congratulated her in the most sweetest way and she also wrote all her sassy tweets... ... And then I woke up and thought that it's good that she's not pregnant in real life because then the world tour might be postponed. Omg, I felt so selfish and immediately regretted even thinking such a thing... who was the dad!? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,784 Posted September 17, 2017 who was the dad!? Nobody knew. Probably the guy she was dating in my dream, but no one specific that I can remember. I was just happy for her. =P 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted September 20, 2017 I dreamed that Lana was in a park with Stella and she was singing Coachella acapella while Stella was exercising 0 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LAman 3,225 Posted September 26, 2017 I had a dream that Yosemite was released, but it wasn't that good so she can keep it 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white gold 4,242 Posted January 6, 2018 I had a dream that I got to go backstage after the La to the Moon tour and fucking iCarly was there. iCarly was literally there like... doing A/V stuff 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltraHeroin 8,804 Posted January 6, 2018 I really dreamed the night before her first show of the tour that she was dressed in her blue jeans and black sweater and doing only cherry and white mustang from LFL, nothing from Honeymoon, nothing from UV..Just all BTD and a bit of Paradise....glad that it wasn't true 0 Quote ~~~My body is stuck in the ocean My mind is lost in the universe*** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daisy Hearted 1,727 Posted January 12, 2018 When I was 15 I had a dream that Lana had died by overdose and she was found in a hotel. I remember I woke up on the verge of crying. I ran to the computer in my mom's room and googled her name just make sure nothing bad had actually happened. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tropico Roses 203 Posted January 15, 2018 I had a dream the other night that I was waiting in line for her concert and she recognized me and asked me to come hang out haha. We walked around outside while she smoked and I remember her seeming unsure about herself and asking me for advice? And I was just laughing and assuring her that she was amazing. I remember specifically that we were sitting in the grass talking and she asked me if I liked her arena concerts or outdoor amphitheater concerts better. I told her the latter were my favorites because I love seeing her perform in the spring/summer and she always seems so happy performing outdoors. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cherryblossoms 10,457 Posted January 15, 2018 I had a dream the other night that I was waiting in line for her concert and she recognized me and asked me to come hang out haha. We walked around outside while she smoked and I remember her seeming unsure about herself and asking me for advice? And I was just laughing and assuring her that she was amazing. I remember specifically that we were sitting in the grass talking and she asked me if I liked her arena concerts or outdoor amphitheater concerts better. I told her the latter were my favorites because I love seeing her perform in the spring/summer and she always seems so happy performing outdoors. Just wanted to say your username is so pretty 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltraHeroin 8,804 Posted January 17, 2018 OMG I just had a dream that I was at Lollapalooza waiting for Lana's show to start but it was very strange. It wasn't even in my country, I was somewhere else. Also the place was very small and only 50-60 fans where there. Lana came on stage and I guess started singing, but she got tired and went down to talk to us. I was in first row so I was the closest to her. I started screaming and hyperventilating so hard jdhfjj and then we started talking like "casually", and she told me that I looked cute etc etc. Then I told her "Lana, you should add more songs to your setlist. Maybe replace Blue Jeans with a Honeymoon song, like... like Flipside". I DON'T KNOW WHY I SAID THAT; FLIPSIDE ISN'T EVEN ON HONEYMOON, and also it's among my least heard songs by Lana. So she says "Yeah! that's a good idea, where are you from?", and I replied "Chile". Then she goes "Okay, I'll sing Flipside for my chilean fans then!". But that wasn't the best idea, obviously. I had to tell her to sing one of my favorite songs, her most underrated masterpiece. "No, no, Lana, you should sing God Bless America [stream it, fats!] for us. It's my favorite song!". She started laughing and then, suddenly, she stopped and looked at me with a serious face. She said, almost whispering, "No. Not that song. Choose whatever song you want, but not... God Bless America". I was soooo scared, but I said anyway "But why? It's an amazing song! Also you wanted to release it as a single, remember?", and she replied "I don't like that song. Please, don't ask me about it". And then she changed her expression again and started smiling and taking selfies with me. It was so weird, and I was heartbroken because she hated my favorite song Omg That's so funny and weird. 2 Quote ~~~My body is stuck in the ocean My mind is lost in the universe*** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gone user 5,374 Posted January 17, 2018 Omg That's so funny and weird. I know! If she ignores GBA on her tour, now you all know why 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites