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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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You know, as i started the Hannah Montana video, i realized that i actually have heard one of her songs, albeit like 20 seconds of it. It was that Party in the USA atrocity. Yeah.


No that's Miley Cyrus her and Hannah Montana are like completely different people that doesn't even count.

sort of ~

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No that's Miley Cyrus her and Hannah Montana are like completely different people that doesn't even count.

Hey, let's all go through the pointless exercise of making an meaningless distinction between her Hannah Montana era and her Miley Cyrus era...



Mods, i’ll ask again: Where is the suicide emoticon?




Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I don't wanna be like Cinderella, sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, waiting for somebody to come and rescue me.



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OH MY GOD, you guys, WHAT? Where is your mind?! Is that how you've read my idiotic, nonsensical joke? Here was my thought process, let me explain/exonerate myself: So, evilentity says that that CIA parody video he posted is better than Party In The USA and i think, wait, that's not really saying much at all, isn't anything better than Party In The USA? And so the first thing that comes to mind is shit, as in feces. But i thought that was too juvenile and obvious. So then i started thinking of injuries, like, being injured is better than Party In The USA. So then i went on a search for pictures of injuries, starting with skinned knees. But i wasn't really feeling any of the pictures, they were all kind of stupid. Then i realized that i wanted to use a picture that obviously looked like a stock photo. So i do a search using a combination of key words that i figured would yield some cheesy stock images, and sure enough, some come up. And so i thought the band aid one was just too good. And so i went and composed my little stupid post and inserted the picture. Then i took a pause and thought, wait, i'm not even sure what this means, this kind of makes no sense. So then i clicked post. And then you assholes proceeded to show your true colors shdghghdhhsgdffafayopw















"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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The chorus of Damn You (especially in the first 20 seconds) is completely kitsch and cringey. I love the verses and instrumentation though.


Edit: I realise the first 20 seconds isn't actually the chorus, but it's kind of similar and whatever I don't like it.


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I abhor all the songs Lana has done with Alexis Smith, especially "Push Me Down." "Kinda Outta Luck" is slightly less nauseating, though very tiring, and I can barely stand "You Can Be the Boss" at all.


I'm with ya. PMD is ridiculous, and... WHAT?!? No love for KOL? It's hilarious, tongue-in-cheek payback for every piece of misogynistic crap women have had to listen to in rock for the last 50 years, and watch on the silver screen for the last 80. It's the perfect answer to Guns 'N Roses' "I Used to Love Her But I Had to Kill Her" for example. And YCBTB :flutter: never mind I have no excuse for myself


Is it weird that I'm a straight male and I knew what this was from?


I don't know. Is it weird that I asked two straight males to be my sister wives? (Still waitin' on that answer, Monicker... :tapsfingers:)





Quit lyin', that's one of the Cheetah Girls, isn't it? ISN'T IT?





Uh, isn't it?





Never mind, I have no idea what's going on anymore in this upside-down universe.


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Uhm. That was, like, so Raven. These cheetah girls are a little late though--the Spice Girls beat them to Girl Power by some years. Whatever will you guys introduce me to next, i wonder.



No love for KOL? It's hilarious, tongue-in-cheek payback for every piece of misogynistic crap women have had to listen to in rock for the last 50 years, and watch on the silver screen for the last 80. It's the perfect answer to Guns 'N Roses' "I Used to Love Her But I Had to Kill Her" for example.



Ha, i like that take on it. I love that song and now it's even better. I've been meaning to ask you about hair metal because i think you and i may have grown up on the same music? Which leads me to...


I don't know. Is it weird that I asked two straight males to be my sister wives? (Still waitin' on that answer, Monicker... :tapsfingers:)





Quit lyin', that's one of the Cheetah Girls, isn't it? ISN'T IT?




Uh, isn't it?



Wow, that's a bit uncanny. How did that happen?!

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I've been meaning to ask you about hair metal because i think you and i may have grown up on the same music?


Sounds like it. As much as I enjoyed grunge at the time, it killed off blues metal AND I'M STILL PISSED...




:woot: They said YES!!! :woot:

I know my husband, he wouldn't have to be told... :teehee:


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Guys, PrettyBaby is getting scandalous over here.


Can't have that. :O I repent!


"Honey, good news -- I recruited two sister wives! The bad news is, they're two straight dudes. So yeah, I have no idea if the house is going to get any cleaner... but I can guarantee that the nightly fight over the remote is going to be AMAZING..."


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