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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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popular(ish) opinion: AKA shouldnt have flopped like it did back in 2010

unpopular opinion: brite lites should have been an underground club kid BOP!!


also yes to heaven could have easily replaced old money on UV. all T.


As many people as there are on here that love indie/unknown artists I'm shocked more people didn't know about AKA. How did she not have a little following on whatever forums they were on before lb?


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salvatore isnt that great of a song


i love the song itself but that and art deco have the worst lyrics ever i swear..

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Salvatore is such a great song when u look at its best moments, the intro gives me chills and I love the bridge and parts of the instrumental ('all the lights in miami begin to gleam' is one of my fav lines on hm) but the whole song just drags on and on forever with little to no dynamic elements. If u take btd (track) u also have these really slow verses but it manages to not sound as monotone as Salvatore does.


Also can Lana please ditch these 'vintage mix' effects finally .. we've had enough of this on uv and hm.


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Salvatore is such a great song when u look at its best moments, the intro gives me chills and I love the bridge and parts of the instrumental ('all the lights in miami begin to gleam' is one of my fav lines on hm) but the whole song just drags on and on forever with little to no dynamic elements. If u take btd (track) u also have these really slow verses but it manages to not sound as monotone as Salvatore does.


Also can Lana please ditch these 'vintage mix' effects finally .. we've had enough of this on uv and hm.

idk why lana fans boost it. they even made her sing it live in a capella.


and yeah she needs to get rid of the vintage voice that only worked for uv and go back to the same microphone she used in btd

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I don't find the fine china lyrics to be that good or interesting tbh, it's the same good ol lamentations but because its got a weird rhyming scheme and is all about these awkward metaphors we alt-gays love, its sounds like #poetry.


Also kudos to her for the "I wore diamonds for the birth of your baby

For the birth of your son

On the same day my husband to be

Packed his things to run"


Lines where she sounds so hurt when she literaly did that to Barrie around the time she was recording this song :deadbanana:

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The hate Lucky Ones always gets is absolutely unjustified.  :notamused:

looking back, the hate for all the songs except blue jeans is pretty unjustified tbh 


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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