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"Young & Beautiful" - Lead single from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack, OUT NOW!

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The guy is the quintessence of a one-trick pony. It's unreal how limited his scope as a producer is. It borders on self-parody. And i doubt he himself created any of the sonic stamps you hear on everything he touches. I mean, we're talking about a guy who overuses an already overused Rick James sample


I know he wants to establish a sound, a similar feeling of haunting and eerie experience BUT he could do it with different samples there are so many things to get samples from but especially a lot of things to get inspired from. I like his style but that loon sample from Born To Die should stay untouched it's Lana iconic.


ps: you got great writing skills (quintessence of a one-trick pony) :brows:

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She's ok but her lip-syncing and slutty dancing at the Super Bowl was a turnoff

The superbowl performance was sung live, only the presidential inauguration was lip synced.

And the "slutty" dancing is her usual choreography for those songs. It's hot! You can't deny her stage presence and vocals.

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Awesome news! I love how we get nothing, then BAM! Fuck loads in one go.



And out so soon too! Hope ya'll intend to buy it and help it do well for our girl.



But music video eh? I assume in the style of Burning desire...can't wait ^.^

Omg will lana attend the movie premiere???


This O.o Leicester Square here I come


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No. No. Noooooo. :heidi: :Heidi:


I am actually quite disappointed with the soundtrack line up. Fergie? Are you fucking kidding me? And I am still ruffled about the defiling of Back to Black. I take this as a foreshadowing of the travesty that is to become of this movie. :facepalm:


At first I was open to the thought of Jay Z scoring the movie. But nope. They should have left it to Lana. I can't imagine how beautiful it would have been.

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The full track list for “The Great Gatsby” standard soundtrack album is as follows


The first single to drop will be the hauntingly melodious track “Young and Beautiful,” from recent Brit Award winner for Best International Female Solo Artist, Lana Del Rey; the music video and song release are scheduled for April 22nd and April 23rd, respectively. Del Rey collaborated with Luhrmann in creating the song.


So... when is Lana releasing the DP video??  weird promo  :crossed:

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I don't know why Y&B is getting this much hate. I'm in love with the piano intro with the high violins playing that pedal, then the rest of the strings coming in with the vocals and the piano dropping out, and her vocals themselves are so solemn and sweet. The track sounds melifluous, it's soft and it's calm and I love it. I can imagine the bridge in the song (if there is one) sounding like I Dont Wanna Go's. The whole track sounds so geniunely sad, the "I know you will" line comes across as heartbrokenly desperate I can't get over it. And the melody of the "will you still love me" influencing what the piano plays at the start. It's a simple motif but if it's played right it could be used in a very moving way. 


idk maybe im just too hyped to think straight i just cant get over this track  :flutter:

i have a tumblr right


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I'm excited for this song, any new music by Lana is nice of course, but I feel conflicted towards Young & Beautiful now that I've listened to the snippet. It's not that I don't like it, it's beautiful, it just doesn't amaze me as much as I thought it would, probably because it's so sloooow. It's semi-boring to me, the chorus at least. I'm sure I'll feel differently when I've heard the full song, but not a snippet I've heard a hundred times.


I don't hate this beautiful song in any way, but I'm anxious to see how it plays out.

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I know he wants to establish a sound, a similar feeling of haunting and eerie experience BUT he could do it with different samples there are so many things to get samples from but especially a lot of things to get inspired from. I like his style but that loon sample from Born To Die should stay untouched it's Lana iconic.


Off topic, but in response to your post: I'm not singling you out here, but i hear that explanation a lot--that he was going for a dark/atmospheric sort of vibe on the record--and i don't understand it. What's so dark or moody about Rick James yelling throughout an entire record? You are right that there are so many things to get samples from. But i would take it a step further and say that there are also so many things to get sound from. One need not look toward prerecorded ones. Everywhere you look, all around us, there are interesting, everyday sounds to be found, in plain view, or hidden and waiting to be discovered, or waiting to be created and crafted. I cannot comprehend the concept of lifting entire elements from someone else's work (every single detail about it: the idea itself, the engineering [microphone selection and placement, etc.], the performance and execution, the production, the mix, etc.) when the world is full of endless sound possibilities. How boring can a person be? People like Haynie are, in my opinion, a threat to the art and magic of record production, contributing to its homogenization and degradation, and they're better suited to filing someone's taxes than shaping the sound of someone's record. Good god, can you tell i don't like the guy's work? Ha. 


Anyway, i don't want to derail this thread. Back to the good news of a new Lana recording! 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Everywhere you look, all around us, there are interesting, everyday sounds to be found, in plain view, or hidden and waiting to be discovered, or waiting to be created and crafted [...] when the world is full of endless sound possibilities.

Do you mean something like.. a loon ? 


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Good god, can you tell i don't like the guy's work? Ha.


Basically I can :P

You are right by 50% for me cause I kinda like the feeling not the repetition...that's it the rest is just a very opinion you have there are so many things to get inspired from.


Do you mean something like.. a loon ? 



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I think the vocals are too forced for such a slow song. I think it would have been better if she delivered it softer and quieter like a little whisper. It's a sad song, so sound sad, Lana! Then it can pick up through the later part of the song and end with an incredible crescendo.


Is "Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful" the opening line or the chorus (or both). I think it's way too bland to be the chorus. I hope Lana has something different for that.

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I don't know why Y&B is getting this much hate. I'm in love with the piano intro with the high violins playing that pedal, then the rest of the strings coming in with the vocals and the piano dropping out, and her vocals themselves are so solemn and sweet. The track sounds melifluous, it's soft and it's calm and I love it. I can imagine the bridge in the song (if there is one) sounding like I Dont Wanna Go's. The whole track sounds so geniunely sad, the "I know you will" line comes across as heartbrokenly desperate I can't get over it. And the melody of the "will you still love me" influencing what the piano plays at the start. It's a simple motif but if it's played right it could be used in a very moving way.


idk maybe im just too hyped to think straight i just cant get over this track :flutter:

"The whole track" = same 20 second snippet we've had for 9 months

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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as much as i was hoping it would be something we hadn't heard previously in any capacity, i'm so excited for this and am glad they used the same portion in the trailer that she teased a while ago. this explains why that latter clip pretty much was wiped from the internet.


also semi-ot but i am so excited about that florence track and new music from the xx <3


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You are right by 50% for me cause I kinda like the feeling not the repetition...that's it the rest is just a very opinion you have there are so many things to get inspired from.


Ha, i actually don't dislike the loon (whatever it happens to be--i'd be surprised if Haynie created the sound), i just have a lot of issues with how much/often he uses it, and also how loud it usually is in the mix. Now that i think of it more, i wonder if it's an ego thing. What i mean by that is that it seems like an attempt to put his "producer's stamp" on the stuff he produces, like a calling card of sorts. That was kind of a big thing in the '90s with Timbaland, how one could always recognize a Timbaland single and his signature sound when they heard it. Although, unlike Haynie, Timbaland was pretty adventurous and varied for a while. I don't think he got gimmicky until later. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I'm excited, it sounds go good! Look at those people she's among on the soundtrack.. so amazing.  Crying @ Fergie, I luv her, don't judge. ALLEGEDLY - video to come on the 22nd. I'm picturing something like BD- Lana singing w/ clips of Daisy + Jay. 

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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"The whole track" = same 20 second snippet we've had for 9 months


well unless she decides to randomly add some jealous girl type chanting i think we're good on the whole "it's sad" side of my argument

i have a tumblr right


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Will you still BE AGGRESSIVE, B-E AGGRESSIVE, love me, B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E, when i'm no longer young and beautiful. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Young and beautiful. Written by Rick Nowels and UNKNOWN WRITER. Damn you Lana, stop making life hard for the stalkers. Srsly.


If that's listed as unknown writer, what other gems are :creep:


edit: just realised Elvis had a song by that title didn't he?


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