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The trailer is epic. I mean, it didn't really show much more than the outline we already know but footage is always welcome and well received.


After them saying that Arya has had the most training yet never been in battle, I am so so sooo excited to see what she does this season. I'm also really excited and scared to see how Jorah and Jaime go

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STOPPPPP, i have my finals during the finale season, i can already see myself watching conspiracy videos about GoT instead of studying :defeated:

I miss the last 4 episodes because I'm going to be on a field trip with no internet or reliable phone reception



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So I was watching a Fine Bros. reaction video on who they think will live or die and of course they had to talk shit about Sansa. "She has no character development"; "She doesn't do anything. Her sister has been training to be a badass assassin, what does she do?"  :crossed:


Unpopular opinion, but Sansa is one of my favorite characters on the show because she's so normal. She's annoying af as a kid like we all were, and naive as hell because she was raised thinking she's meant to marry a prince, have his children, and fulfill her duties as his beautiful loyal wife. And then all that comes crashing down around her. She's does what she believes will save her father, then the prince who supposedly loves her, betrays her and orders her father to be executed. She gets physically/mentally abused by Joffrey, almost gang raped at such a young age, married off as a pawn and a sick joke for Joffrey to laugh at, loses her family at the hands of people she's being held hostage by, almost killed by her aunt, creepily kissed by and betrayed by Little Finger, raped by her second husband, and by that point she finally takes one last action to get Brienne to save her even though she knows she'll either die or be tortured. She had a fucked up childhood with Cersei and Petyr Baelish as her mentors, but she used their knowledge on how to play the "game" to get to where she is now. Cersei and Petyr don't know how to fight themselves, but they did get what they wanted by how much they manipulated people and used them to their advantage. The difference is Sansa has a good heart, and her skills in playing the "game" will benefit the people she loves and the people of the North.


People gave her a lot of shit for not telling Jon about the Vale coming to help them fight the Boltons, but she made a wise choice because 1) she stopped trusting Petyr and didn't know whether or not the Vale would come, so she couldn't tell Jon they were coming 2) it was a desperate attempt that would have repercussions since she knows Petyr doesn't do shit without wanting to get something in return; it was a last resort in my eyes 3) Ramsay Bolton played dirty; if he knew Jon had more men, he'd reorganize and attack them in different shady ways before/during the battle. The Vale coming last saved them because Sansa outsmarted Ramsay and he knew he was fucked when he saw them riding in. Then there was the whole Arya/Sansa rivalry that made people believe she'd actually kill Arya. 1) that's her sister; she's lost so much of her family and although to her it's strange her little brother is a warg and her little sister an assassin, she needs to keep them by her side. They've all had different journeys but now they're finally back home and going to protect each other. 2) there was just no way in hell Sansa was ever going to fall for Littlefinger's lies and scheming after he left her to the Boltons 3) Bran probably told both his sisters what Littlefinger planned to do and what he did to their family. So Sansa played Petyr into thinking she was actually going to betray her sister so she could corner him with her family + the Vale in one room so he'd have no where to turn and pay for his crimes.


Sansa uses people's underestimation of her to her advantage and it's her knowledge of how politics work that'll help Jon not be so naive, help the people in the north and hopefully Arya has a bit more understanding of Sansa since they both went through so much. Anyway, that was my unnecessary rant for today. lmfao Two more days!  :defeated:

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Sansa can annoy me but she is an amazing character and more realistic than a lot of the others. I think she deserves to be queen. All of her annoying moves can be justified by what she's been through too.


I think it's silly that I like Arya more than Sansa tbh. I was just attached to Arya from the start.

But the idk who my favourite character is anymore. Probably Davos.

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So I was watching a Fine Bros. reaction video on who they think will live or die and of course they had to talk shit about Sansa. "She has no character development"; "She doesn't do anything. Her sister has been training to be a badass assassin, what does she do?"  :crossed:


People actually say she has no character development?? Have they watched the show? 

Like, she was annoying when she was sucking up to Joffrey but she literally had no other choice but to. She did what she had to to survive. She's been scared and abused for years, and she just got outta that. S8 will def show even more character development.


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If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?


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I believe in Flipside/Is This Happiness?/Your Girl supremacy

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Every other season I've had an idea what would happen, but this time I'm clueless. Can't wait for Monday :defeated:

Same, I spoiled all of Season 6 and 7 for myself cause I was obsessed with leaks and this time I've searched for nothing besides what the actors have said about it.

It's going to destroy me omg

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I am way too excited. The only way to watch in Australia is with Foxtell, but you have to spend $50+ a month on a package with other shit like movies, sports, etc. And then they only play it at certain times a day, So I dont wanna be locked into a useless expensive contract like that. So I  am doing the good old torrent/stream again this season  :toofunny:

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