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43 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

I’m not tip-toeing around anything. Her transphobic comments are gross, but I’m not gonna clutch my pearls every time she says something like that because it’s been going on for a while. The shock factor is gone. I have never supported or agreed with any of the hateful things she’s said. 

I don’t even listen to her music anymore so no, I’m not sitting here trying to defend her just because I enjoy music she released 7 years ago. All I did was wish her well with her engagement & express my thoughts that maybe she will become a better person now that she’s in a happier place in life. That’s all. :) 


twist my words to fit your narrative if you’d like but I’m not defending her transphobic comments. If you reread my post I specifically said I don’t agree with anything she said in retaliation to rude people in her comments. 

what I think a lot of people don’t understand is that you can enjoy certain aspects of an artist / their work / their personality while disagreeing with things they’ve done or said... the world isn’t black & white. And just because I have a perspective on her that isn’t lined up with yours doesn’t mean I’m over here defending transphobic remarks. 


I didn’t come into the thread looking for a fight, hence why I didn’t mention you, so I’m not sure what this “narrative” is when you were the one who wanted me to @ you.


What I was trying to say is that this —>sure she was rude in the comments but it was generally her responding to ppl telling her she can’t be Jewish ........ I’m not condoning anything she said, but she wouldn’t lash out like that if people would just let her be happy & not say ugly things to her from the jump “ rubbed me the wrong way because I found it dismissive to describe her transphobia as just “rude”, and I’m sure you can see how I interpreted it in that way. I also said that the Judaism comments weren’t malicious, so for you to describe her transphobia as her simply “lashing out” against haters also seemed dismissive and I think that’s valid.


I never said you can’t enjoy her music without agreeing with her, I literally enjoy her music myself. I also never said you agreed with her. Nowhere did I say that you were transphobic, but yes, I’m the one twisting words. :xgiggle:

Edit: just to clarify, this had nothing to do with you wishing Azealia well. 

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1 minute ago, partymonster said:


I didn’t come into the thread looking for a fight, hence why I didn’t mention you, so I’m not sure what this “narrative” is when you were the one who wanted me to @ you.


What I was trying to say is that this —>sure she was rude in the comments but it was generally her responding to ppl telling her she can’t be Jewish ........ I’m not condoning anything she said, but she wouldn’t lash out like that if people would just let her be happy & not say ugly things to her from the jump “ rubbed me the wrong way because I found it dismissive to describe her transphobia as just “rude”, and I’m sure you can see how I interpreted it in that way. I also said that the Judaism comments weren’t malicious, so for you to describe her transphobia as her simply “lashing out” against haters also seemed dismissive and I think that’s valid.


I never said you can’t enjoy her music without agreeing with her, I literally enjoy her music myself. I also never said you agreed with her. Nowhere did I say that you were transphobic, but yes, I’m the one twisting words. :xgiggle:

I’m not here to fight either but you were the one who decided to make a comment directed at me without quoting or @‘ing me, knowing I would see it anyway lol. Like at least have the nerve to reply directly to me instead of talking about me like I wasn’t in the thread. 

Literally no one was even posting here until I said I’m happy for her engagement, then everybody had to jump in with reasons I shouldn’t wish her well. I don’t know why her dumbass remarks hold so much weight for y’all when she’s been saying hateful + stupid shit for years, because she knows it’ll get people talking about her since her music isn’t doing that anymore. 

I don’t think you can really speak for all the comments on her post not being malicious unless they were all made by you. I saw comments that were intentionally rude just to get a reaction from her. I agree with you regarding her comments being out of line & pathetic - it’s just what I’ve come to expect of her so sure, my reaction is downplayed. And no you didn’t outright call me transphobic but the implication is there when you say I’m defending / dismissing / tiptoeing around the fact of miss banks being that way. 



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6 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

I’m not here to fight either but you were the one who decided to make a comment directed at me without quoting or @‘ing me, knowing I would see it anyway lol. Like at least have the nerve to reply directly to me instead of talking about me like I wasn’t in the thread. 

Literally no one was even posting here until I said I’m happy for her engagement, then everybody had to jump in with reasons I shouldn’t wish her well. I don’t know why her dumbass remarks hold so much weight for y’all when she’s been saying hateful + stupid shit for years, because she knows it’ll get people talking about her since her music isn’t doing that anymore. 

I don’t think you can really speak for all the comments on her post not being malicious unless they were all made by you. I saw comments that were intentionally rude just to get a reaction from her. I agree with you regarding her comments being out of line & pathetic - it’s just what I’ve come to expect of her so sure, my reaction is downplayed. And no you didn’t outright call me transphobic but the implication is there when you say I’m defending / dismissing / tiptoeing around the fact of miss banks being that way. 



The comment which I saw her transphobic reply to is pinned underneath her post and it simply said “doesn’t work like that”, so I’m obviously not referring to the malicious comments she gets on the daily anyway? I made it clear in the beginning that I was only talking about people who were saying that it’s not possible to become Jewish like that. 


You said she wouldn’t be lashing out if people didn’t say anything to her (all the ones I saw were only saying that judaism doesn’t work that way), so I’m sorry that I see that as you defending her...? I don’t think that defending and agreeing with someone is the same thing, and I’ve said multiple times that I don’t think you’re transphobic, but if you don’t see it that way then I can’t do anything about that.


I’m not scared to @ someone on lanaboards, I came here to post my 2 cents and dip. I didn’t care for you seeing it or not, I didn’t know if you checked the thread every 5 minutes or whatever. I wasn’t sitting there shaking in my boots thinking user Hundred Dollar Bill will definitely see this. I wrote one or two sentences about people defending- oop- happy for Azealia, the rest was about Azealia herself, then I left... that’s literally it.


I’m bored. You were only happy for Azealia, I think you were oversimplifying her rant, you’re immune to AB tantrums blah blah blah it was nice chatting :hottie:

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Well although it's no surprise that she's upsetting everyone on this occasion, people who are pretending to be offended by her ring (which has a Jewish Menorah on it) should get themselves a reality check. This is not a "traditional Jewish ring", and the only cultural sin it's committing is being corny.


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1 hour ago, partymonster said:


I wrote one or two sentences about people defending- oop- happy for Azealia, the rest was about Azealia herself, then I left... that’s literally it.


You didn’t leave though... :eartha:


When ppl act like they’re above an argument that they took so much pride participating in.. :toofloppy:


anyways thanks for the chat :byeh8rs:


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its quite sad that so much talent went to waste (obviously this has been said before) - but her music really is a gem.

i've been listening to her more and more recently and knowing there's a very low likelyhood of getting any future projects is a bummer. but at the same time the things she's said, done, and how she generally acts is...messy and i don't know if she deserves the coin skskks.

also- once the whole cat skull fiasco was explained i can empathize with her reasoning for wanting to keep the skull, you can tell she really cherished that cat (although its still a little eyebrow raising to say the least).





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Best way to start an argument: "I didn't come here to argue" 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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Y’all take this stuff too seriously though.. as far as I’m concerned it wasn’t really an “argument” - no names were called, no ALL CAPS to be found. Just a little attitude here and there from both sides which is totally fine with me. It was a discussion! :hooker:


@partymonster i fully respect your point of view, no shade. & I appreciate the way you remained civil despite our disagreements. :) 


live & learn ladies! :yesnod:


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4 hours ago, icecreamqueen said:

damn you two are really doing this huh ?

its embarrassing at this point tbh:runs:

3 hours ago, Mer said:

Best way to start an argument: "I didn't come here to argue" 

so true bestie

2 hours ago, icecreamqueen said:

okay granted if there was gonna be a fight then its very unsurprising that it was gonna be in a thread about azealia banks :icant:

NOW- :eartha:

2 hours ago, Party Favor said:

did anyone try the chicken 

It was really good! I liked the seasoning!


god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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