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No Better is currently free on itunes.


(sorry if I'm late on this info and someone's already posted about it)


I just noticed this was free because iTunes is having their annual 12 days app/music giveaway and they started off early by sharing this. The app is free for download here. It's a great day to be a Lorde fan basically :)


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I'm not sure about this. It's not a studio snippet. It sounds more live. 


Was someone trying to pass this off as a leak or something? She recorded this snippet on a NZ television spot that showed her in the studio with Joel.

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Was someone trying to pass this off as a leak or something? She recorded this snippet on a NZ television spot that showed her in the studio with Joel.

Hey, cheers to you for actually knowing! :P I was wondering why no one brought it up yet, haha. 

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Hey, cheers to you for actually knowing! :P I was wondering why no one brought it up yet, haha. 


I'm so excited it's being passed off as something it's not with a fake title, and now a Pure Heroine outtake :tina:




Post please


You could copy and paste it...

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