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The way Sine From Above clicked with me. I still wish Elton wasn't on it tbh, I really don't like his voice on it, like at all. before any of y'all come for me ik he's a legend etc etc but that doesn't make his voice less ugly


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I've warmed up to this album, definitely not my favourite work of hers and I still feel underwhelmed, but it is nice uplifting background music.


I rejigged the tracklist a bit, the interludes kinda make it a pain though...


01. Chromatica I

02. Alice

03. Sour Candy (with BLACKPINK)

04. Enigma

05. Replay

06. Chromatica II

07. 911

08. Plastic Doll

09. Rain On Me (with Ariana Grande)

10. Free Woman

11. 1000 Doves

12. Chromatica III

13. Sine From Above (with Elton John)

14. Fun Tonight

15. Stupid Love

16. Babylon

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The way Sine From Above clicked with me. I still wish Elton wasn't on it tbh, I really don't like his voice on it, like at all. before any of y'all come for me ik he's a legend etc etc but that doesn't make his voice less ugly

I agree but the problem is that it was his song to begin with :poordat:

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My ranking for all of Gaga's discography.


I really hope we get an super deluxe version of Chromatica. Apparently alot of the tracks have different mixes. Bloodpop confirmed that gaga intends to drop the Haus Mix of Babylon.


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Tracklist should've been 


Chromatica 1




Sour Candy

Chromatica 2


Plastic Doll

Stupid Love

Rain On Me

Chromatica 3

Sine From Above

1000 Doves

Free Woman

Fun Tonight



I don't know why she hid the best tracks (Sour Candy, Enigma, Replay) in the second half of the album and put Free Woman, 911, and Plastic Doll ahead of them. 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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My ranking of Gaga's albums: TFM > Artpop > The Fame > BTW > Chromatica > Joanne.


I can't rank ASIB because I've only heard half the songs, and I refuse to listen to C2C because I want my hearing to remain intact.



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Born This Way

The Fame Monster

The Fame





is the correct order


C2C and ASIB aren't counted as her own albums by her label, so I'm not ranking them


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1. The Fame Monster

Her best album. Wow, I don't have a single skip on this album. And the aesthetic was on point *Chefs kiss*

2. Artpop

A really interesting and innovative album. Some of her most creative ideas are on this album and to me this is Gaga's peak. Truly an amazing record

3. Born This Way

A really great album, but after Bloody Mary, I skip most of the songs. However, its got her best songs (Bloody Mary, Heavy Methal Lover, Marry The Night,...)

4. Chromatica

A lot of skips, but its also got some really nice songs and I've always wanted to hear her experiment with this sound (Idk how to describe it other than early 90s Madonna)

5. The Fame

The singles truly are a cultural reset, but the rest...  :toofunny:


I never listened to Joanne or the other two in full, so I don't really want to rank them

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