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Baby V Alex

Ariana Grande

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Album is definitely a slow burn, but goooorl she been getting some good diq because some of these lyrics WHEW. 

I like.....Safety Net, 34/35, Off The Table, Positions, West Side, Nasty,  Motive, POV.


It’s definitely an album i need to be in the mood for but it will grow on me over time, her stuff usually does for me.


Thank You Next was lyrically very depressing, she was obviously heartbroken making that, but Positions feels like she’s really let go of all that and is just vibing/chilling after being fucked really hard.

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13 minutes ago, veinsineon said:

the collabs keep this album afloat. otherwise it’s just such a redundant stain on her discography...

imho the only collab that really felt like it added something to the song was doja's

safety net and - yes, idc - off the bed could've been solo songs, ariana would've been just as fine then

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I've listened to positions a couple times and as of now, I'm only sure I like motive and six thirty. However, I don't particularly hate anything either. I guess I'll get to like it eventually!

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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My rating as of right now, it's honestly a great album I was soooo wrong (I think Nasty is a lil messy overall that's why it's last)


1. Love Language

2. My Hair

3. 34+35

4. POV

5. Shut Up

6. Motive

7. Just like Magic

8. Safety Net

9. Off The Table

10. Obvious

11. Six Thirty

12. Positions

13. West Side

14. Nasty


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I've listened to it several times now and tbh I still really like it. It's very mixtape-y and def not a whole Moment like TUN, Sweetener and DW were, but it's nice. It's good throughout but it has no standout songs that are fully Excellent (other than safety net tbh idk what it is abt that song but it Hits me). One of my favs is west side which is like objectively not that exciting. It's just really nice to listen to. I'd say the album's a 7/10.


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I've listened to the record, and it feels like it lacks a certain "oomph" if that makes any sense. they're nice to listen to, and maybe I'm just not feeling it as much, but it's alrite imo.. 

but ok, kinda random, but does anyone have the Kpop face edit version of Ari, I'm trying to prove a point 


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