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Baby V Alex

Ariana Grande

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feels like a distant cheap imitation of Break My Soul. And I love Ari


is it me or does she not sound confident on the song? Like even on songs that she’s quieter on (like better off) she still sounds more confident than this


maybe I’m in a sour mood:crossed:



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1 hour ago, Fetiche said:

Good sis needs a cheeseburger and fries immediately, she’s looking emaciated in the video

You can't introduce too much at once, the body can't handle it.

(There's Irony here cause in the song she literally says don't comment on it and here I am lollerskates)


1 hour ago, cherrytropico said:

also ariana will always have ballads and vocally powerful songs on her albums so this song isn't a representation of the entire album necessarily.



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2 hours ago, venicebitch said:

Realistically, what do you think would be more traumatic for a child - you father leaving your mom for another woman or your parents forcing themselves to be in an an unhappy marriage your whole childhood?


I’m nowhere near Ariana and Ethan’s side, just pointing out that there’s no win in this situation for the child, but I do think the 2nd option is probably more traumatic. 

As a kid where both parents "tried to stick it out for the kids", let me lay it down straight (in my limited case)

  • One parent wanted therapy/couples counseling. The other one couldn't put down the narcissism to admit they could be the problem.
  • One parent had anger issues and when frustrated with the other, the children were the targets who got the brunt of it
  • Children were allowed/disallowed to do certain things, just to spite the other parent
  • Extended family members started to discuss with us children rather adult topics regarding our parents relationship at inappropriate ages
  • "Sticking it out" led to one parent having MULTIPLE affairs and cheating, for YEARS - in one case going so far as to introduce the mistress to us kids

Sorry but like, I would have loved for the divorce to have happened when I was 3 rather than when I was 13. Rip the bandaid off and move on.

Some shit is irreconcilable between two people, regardless of children or not, and some folks are the sorts of persons and personalities where they're already looking for "the next one" before they've fully jumped ship from who they are with now. There's never going to be a nice, wholesome, PR-friendly, "everyone is happy" win in those cases. Ever.

Loss mitigate and move on.

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been listening to this all day and i really really like it. i wasnt the biggest fan of sweetener or positions so i’m really hyped for this era now. enjoyed the video too!! :dancedy:

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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ngl tho the lyric


"if you find yourself in a dark situation, just turn on your like and be like "yes and??"

It's very much giving, "stop being poor!", "just don't be depressed", etc.

A little....simplistic. Not to mention.... "dark situation", girl if I'm in a "dark situation" it's because I've got a gun to my head after pissing off some internet crime circle and there's a dead body on the floor in front of me in order to "send a message", and I've got 24 hours to locate the files I've misplaced or the bomb hidden under the train tracks goes off or some whacked out dramatic shit.

I ain't in a "dark situation" because I dickrode someone a little sooner than I should have. That's just called dealing with the consequences.

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23 minutes ago, AtomicMess said:

girl if I'm in a "dark situation" it's because I've got a gun to my head after pissing off some internet crime circle and there's a dead body on the floor in front of me in order to "send a message", and I've got 24 hours to locate the files I've misplaced or the bomb hidden under the train tracks goes off or some whacked out dramatic shit.


resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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i love this moment for her, its fun and catchy :kiss3: there's so many layers and references tacked in/on the song and the video that it's hard for me to lean too far one way or another on the song. But the moment is cute, and the song is not TRAP!!!! Very win I think. :popcorn: now i'm on board for the album tbh

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5 hours ago, ultrabanisters said:


Y'all meme but I've said it before I pissed off someone well enough to have myself semi-doxxed and my photos (face) photoshopped into cartel and ISIS beheading videos and spammed all over YouTube and various sites I was on, so...... pissing off people on the internet to land in that "dark situation" is weirdly in my sphere of "possible life situations" :hooker:

3 hours ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

The music video feels more like a dance video BUT I’m hoping with ag7 coming Fortnite brings back her skin because I NEED it

Girl I LOVE her Fortnite skin every time I use it I'm like "Yes, little shitheads, is it I, a F*G, and I will be getting top 10 and you will be getting bottom dead."

🎶 Art decorates space, but music decorates time 🎶

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not an ariana stan but half the timeline on twitter was hating so i had to listen… and?!??? im a fan, kind of a banger 


also why are some people acting like she killed a man or something…. people cheat all the time… its life mamas who gaf 

like that kid isn’t gonna remember shit 😭 i feel like people dragging the kid into it are just trying their darnedest to find a reason to hate her 

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