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Member of the Month (September): Poison Ivy

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Poison Ivy didn't deserve my procrastination so be sure to give it up for her. Her overwhelming lesbian following brought her here but her thoughtfulness and humor backed her up--add the only LanaBoards political campaign in history, however short-lived, and you've got the recipe for a Member of the Month that's been a long time coming! Praise ha!


:hawt: Member of the Month: Poison Ivy! :hawt:


1. What did you do today?

I woke up at like 2 pm and brushed my cat as an apology for making her wait around for so long. Then I had a chocolate cookie and decided to answer this before starting my video games marathon. I have a very active life, you see.


2. What's something not many people know about you or that we would be surprised to learn about?

Hm, I guess that I’m very reclusive and happily introverted. I can go like a week without leaving the house and I only talk to like 5 people at college – I really prefer to spend my free time there in the library rather than making boring small talk with people I can’t relate to. I’m also mostly this guy http://mymusicshow.t...ark-wow-guy.jpg in a different physique and more into writing than video games.

Also I watch freaky porn :creep:


SH: I smell a motif...


3. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you become that yet? Did that decision change for you?

I mean, I don’t know, because I wasn't ever dead-set on something. I was more extroverted as a kid but the place I lived in sort of knocked that out of me – I remember wanting to be a singer/actress for awhile (as the karaoke contest can prove tho, I have no musical ear whatsoever :awk:  ). Then I wanted to be a movie director or a writer. Now I guess to be a writer you just have to write, which I do, to be a published writer though... that’s a lot of work. It’s not really my aim in life because I’m bad at trying to impress people, mostly because I have no desire to.

But I’d love to publish one day – I have plenty of room to improve now - if I worked with people who don’t feel like cutting off too much.


Alternatively, I thought of whoring out my skill and writing mass produced airport books or something Twilight-like to sell and do the real writing for myself. But every time I want to do stuff ironically I remember it makes me sound like a hipster. Heard erotica sells really well tho, stay tuned.


SH: Did I lie :whatever:


4. What are your hobbies?

Reading, writing, getting drunk, League of Legends, stalking Lana, reddit. You know, anything not too outdoorsy. 


5. What's your biggest funny fail?

My life.


:thumb: sorry, had to.


6. What is your favorite memory?

I guess it’s not one in particular, but being on the beach. I have this really strong connection with the sea – I assume because my parents used to take me to the beach every summer since I was 2 or so till 10-11 which made me associate the place with this kind of hazy, unlimited happiness. I’m sure that’s why I romanticize it a lot, but the same imagery Lana captures when singing about Coney Island – the rides at night and the waves, it’s probably the most beautiful thing I have on my mind.

7. Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were/are yours?

Well, they were a bit chaotic in the sense that I moved countries and I had to spend two years among people (GIRLS only, for that matter, it was a girls’ school – but only like 3 were hot or something, not many lesbian stories*) who knew each other for ages. So that was pretty isolating but as I mentioned, I don’t really mind being alone so it was ok. Now it’s less chaotic because in college everyone’s more mature and less likely to bother me. I seem to be friends with older people more so none of my close friends are there but there are some cool people here and there.


*However there was this one weird chick who went through a lesbian phase, she was a bit bully like but not too mean spirited. Anyway she felt me up a few times when changing for PE and I enjoyed it far more than I should've. I think she gave up at some point when she realized she's not freaking me out at all, but I kept giving her opportunities intentionally  :creepna: 


SH: What kind of porno scenario. Poison Ivy, guys, everyone's lesbian itch on LanaBoards and beyond.


8. Do any of the words “sassy”, “fabulous”, or “flawless” describe you?

Flawless especially :hoe:  sass is for little girls   :candy: 


SH: fu it's for the big leagues :candy: :hairflip:


9. If you could bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner, and some great conversation with them...who would they be and what would you eat?

I would love to have enchiladas and cocktails with Marilyn Monroe and Vivien Leigh and drunkly talk about everything from movies and mental issues to Kennedy’s dick and how girls are better. Then hopefully have a threesome at my place.




10. Do you believe in any form of life after death?

Yea, very much so. I don’t have a particular idea about it (well, I probably do but I don’t believe it’s necessarily how it is – it’s just how I visualize it). I believe nothing really stops existing and a ‘soul’-like energy or figment of us goes on living and is immortal. I just don’t see how switching off to non-existence is a thing. I’ve also had my fair share of eerie encounters with unhappy spirits – I believe that happens when they can’t let go of that particular life after violent deaths and the like – but if I start talking about that I’ll sound like the crazy lady who looks into crystal balls.


11. What do you see in people that you yourself wish to emulate?

Caring about things (no seriously, I have a hard time taking anything seriously because I’m so scared of disappointment) and I guess social confidence. Knowing how to enjoy life better. Also big boobs.

12. If your balls were a celebrity couple, who would they be?

I don’t know about celebrities couples, but when I was 15 and a fan I used to tell my then-boyfriend that my boobs are Lady and Gaga. Now I guess I’d go for Lizzy and Lana, cause one’s classier and all grown up.


SH: "How the fuck would you go switch it up and then replace me?" - Lady and Gaga :poordat:

13. When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her?

I think late 2011. I disliked her for a little while for petty reasons but I kept sneaking to listen to Born to Die on youtube, then I gave in and fell down the rabbit hole. What attracted me to her...the inherent sadness, the heavenly voice, the repeated themes and lyrics like an obsessive pattern of Lana’s intoxicating personality. Her stage-shy beginnings, her multi-layered answers. I guess the fact that I can relate to her from an weird angle and I really can’t relate to many people.


14. Which Lana album is your favorite: Paradise, Born to Die, Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant, or Sirens?

I think AKA but I’m terrible at having favourites, I’m more of a pick’n’mix kinda gal. But I think I might love every single song on AKA which is quite unheard of in my case.


15. Favorite Lana song? Why?

Hmm, no, that’s too hard. Probably something between Yayo, Elvis, Ride and all versions of Every Man Gets His Wish. And TV in Black and White. And yeah I know I'm doing it wrong  :facepalm: 


16. Least favorite Lana song? Why?

Lift Your Eyes/Ooh Baby. I don’t know they just kinda blend in for me and don’t mean much.


SH: This job stings every month :emma:


17. If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?

When I ‘met’ Lana I couldn’t speak (I might’ve meowed ‘I love you’ a few times) and sort of stared into her eyes because we were facing each other really closely. In perspective, that’s the creepiest I’ve ever been. Alas she was surrounded by a lot of people at that time and was just trying to sign as much stuff as possible so I tried to savor the moment.


If I met her in calmer circumstances, I’d love to talk to her like to a normal person I suppose, only that I suck at talking to people so I’d probably try to ask about stuff I know she likes or whatever before getting a panic attack. If we could have a drink together I'd propose a threesome with Barrie because drunk me is best me.


SH: Second threesome mention, but will it be the last? I vote unlikely.


18. Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows?

Love and be loved, although more in the friendship way because I found that the most genuine ‘love’ (I’m very cynical yes). I kinda value expression above knowledge and I think knowing all God knows would make me very unhappy.


19. Of all the unreleased videos and songs we have knowledge of, what do you thirst for most?

I thirst for any unleaked songs really, but C U L8r Alligator sounds promising


SH: Fuckin cry at me taking so long to post this that the song leaked, sorry LanaBoards. You can have a take two, Poison Ivy :flutter:


20. Skipped a question but not renumbering lol~


21. Are you the leaker?

I wish  :aw: 


22. Are you Lana?

Maybe  :yesnod: 


23. Are you Ben Mawson?

:benmawson: I will personally email you regarding that question as well as the leaks one.


24. Did you answer the 3 questions above honestly?

How could I ever lie.

25. What was the last book you read?

The Bell Jar


26. Recommend us a song (can’t be top 40/popular) that we just have to listen to!



I figure a lot of people know Be My Baby, but really all their songs are amazing. 


27. Put your iPod/music library on shuffle and tell us which 10 songs are played. Don't skip, don't cheat!

Lana Del Rey – Summer of Sam

KISS – Every Time I Look At You

Marilyn Manson – Sweet Tooth

Marilyn Monroe – I Wanna Be Loved By You

Sky Ferreira – Dynamite

Biggie – I Got A Story To Tell

Marilyn Manson – President Dead

Joe South – Walk A Mile in My Shoes

Nina Simone – For Myself

Madonna – Like A Prayer


28. What are your thoughts on emotions, and the way that people express them?

I think everything's fine in moderation and being open and honest with your emotion is key for some sort of happiness. I bounce between emotional and really unfazed very often so I don't know. Crying is part of my life, it makes me feel better! ( :crying2: ). But yea I think bottling up emotions doesn't work for too long or too well.

29. What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?

My cat, food I don’t normally get to eat cause it’s fatty or whatever (McDonalds :squidward: ) and pretty clothes/jewellery/things. Unexpected acts of kindness, I mean like very little stuff like acknowledging my existence in some way always sort of lights up my day in college or something.


SH: What about interviewing you? :smirk:


30. What do you think your purpose is? Are you happy with where you are in life?

I don't know, I want to find it but I feel very stuck where I am right now and I doubt I'll be doing anything worthy here. I really want to go to California as fast as I can, even if I don't like it there I feel that America is so big that it would take me awhile to become sick of it.


31. What are your pet peeves / deal-breakers when it comes to friends/relationships?

Any sort of oppressive thinking against any group of people. Ignorance combined with stubbornness and closed-mindness is something I really can’t support. Ability to have deeper discussions is what kinda separates my close friends and nice random people I sometimes talk to. 


32. What would you say is your favorite physical trait + personality trait in potential partner?

Tattoos&long hair and shared sense of humour.

33. do u like pies

v much


34. what is ur favourite kind of pie

girl pie. heard tpd & lola & ata are gd cooks, I’d try their pies



idk if this was the most lez interview ever?


BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?

I really love all of you guys and you make this place so welcoming and special to me. I enjoy reading all the opinions and discussions here and I’ve really never felt so comfortable opening up on a forum (or in most places rly) before, so thank you :kiss:  You’re all amazing and made me feel like Miss America. Gonna go buy a tiara ~  :hae:


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3. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you become that yet? Did that decision change for you?

I mean, I don’t know, because I wasn't ever dead-set on something. I was more extroverted as a kid but the place I lived in sort of knocked that out of me – I remember wanting to be a singer/actress for awhile [...] Then I wanted to be a movie director or a writer. Now I guess to be a writer you just have to write, which I do, to be a published writer though... that’s a lot of work. It’s not really my aim in life because I’m bad at trying to impress people, mostly because I have no desire to.


6. What is your favorite memory?

I guess it’s not one in particular, but being on the beach. I have this really strong connection with the sea – I assume because my parents used to take me to the beach every summer since I was 2 or so till 10-11 which made me associate the place with this kind of hazy, unlimited happiness. I’m sure that’s why I romanticize it a lot, but the same imagery Lana captures when singing about Coney Island – the rides at night and the waves, it’s probably the most beautiful thing I have on my mind.


Are you me? Am I you? Do we have the same life?  :hoshet:  


7. Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were/are yours?


*However there was this one weird chick who went through a lesbian phase, she was a bit bully like but not too mean spirited. Anyway she felt me up a few times when changing for PE and I enjoyed it far more than I should've. I think she gave up at some point when she realized she's not freaking me out at all, but I kept giving her opportunities intentionally  :creepna: 


Okay, I guess not.  :omfg:


BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?

I really love all of you guys and you make this place so welcoming and special to me. I enjoy reading all the opinions and discussions here and I’ve really never felt so comfortable opening up on a forum (or in most places rly) before, so thank you :kiss:  You’re all amazing and made me feel like Miss America. Gonna go buy a tiara ~  :hae:



Poison Ivy, you are so funny, thoughful and sweet, and I'm so happy to know you! Congrats  :kiss2:



SH: This job stings every month :emma:


Yeah, but you also get to score extra "likes" you didn't earn, strictly speaking, so you know...  :creep:  Just kidding -- great commentary as usual, Sitar!


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Another lesbian?


Hi bby :delish:


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2. What's something not many people know about you or that we would be surprised to learn about?

Hm, I guess that I’m very reclusive and happily introverted. I can go like a week without leaving the house and I only talk to like 5 people at college – I really prefer to spend my free time there in the library rather than making boring small talk with people I can’t relate to. I’m also mostly this guy http://mymusicshow.t...ark-wow-guy.jpg in a different physique and more into writing than video games.

Also I watch freaky porn :creep:


SH: I smell a motif...

i second the request for a porn discussion thread :agree:


4. What are your hobbies?

Reading, writing, getting drunk, League of Legends, stalking Lana, reddit. You know, anything not too outdoorsy. 

:sadcore2: o

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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SH: Fuckin cry at me taking so long to post this that the song leaked






 SH: What about interviewing you? 



yess!  :kiss:



I'd like to taste their pies as well 


I suggest we join forces :creep:



but we must invite @@xNoirx if she eVER GETS AN INTERNET CONNECTION AGAIN.


the more the better! I remember xNoir she had that angelina-jolie-in-her-really-pretty-youth look going on  :bodyisready:


my pie is sweeter than yo mama's apple pie  :yesnod:






Next hit thread topic tbh.


Haha, I think lanaboards is a bit of a PG-13 audience, people got scared of the prolapse pics Antonia posted :toofunny:  - not that I'm into that, but you gotta be ~tough~ to walk on the dark side. I'm sure you can do it evil. 


@@PrettyBaby Don't worry, you can be my non-gay twin  :smile2:. You're a sweetheart, if you think we're similar it's a huge compliment to me! The sea and writers are amazing, it's a fact. 


congrats!!! loved the interview...insightful, profound, funny and honest  :flutter:

@@Poison Ivy, you rock rock rock rock rock! ♥

:kiss:  need to read an interview by you one day, your posts are always fascinating. 


Another lesbian?


Hi bby 


Haha, hae  :creepna:



i second the request for a porn discussion thread 


:sadcore2: o


1. knew u would  :creep:

2. not sure if you like or dislike reddit, but i posted on gw like three times with lana references in my username/post title 



Thank you for all the kind words, I really really appreciate it :smile2: ~ and I'm really flattered you guys wanted to hear my rambling and actually enjoyed it  :cuteface: love u all <3



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2. not sure if you like or dislike reddit, but i posted on gw like three times with lana references in my username/post title 

reddit suckz get out of there <3 



what's ur username tho i want 2 see ur posts :creep:


Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I just check it when I'm bored  :toofunny: so pretty often




HeyLolitaHey but I have a separate one for gonewild :creep: 



that's so tame, pm me ur gw username <3

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Yeah, but you also get to score extra "likes" you didn't earn, strictly speaking, so you know...  :creep:  Just kidding -- great commentary as usual, Sitar!


OMG I hear this every time, everyone interview themselves and post it themselves and just leave me out of the backlash from now on :bye2:

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