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Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers

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Im holding this thought for too long I cant hold it anymore....


shut up!!!! :makeup:


There I said it...what a relief :hooker:



I don't know why some of you have a problem with me objecting to the term WASP. One her lifestyle was in fact very middle class even though she comes from some money she did some very normal things that millions of girls like her (catholic, middle- to upper-class) did. The WASPy thing in my opinion is a mistake. For example wealthy Catholics like Paris Hilton and the Kennedy family did a lot of the same things as many middle-class Catholic families in the US. But the Kennedy's and the Hiltons are not WASPs.  Saying she did WASPy things is incorrect especially within the US context where WASP means Protestant Upper-Class. And the things she did as a child and so on is very common for millions of middle-class kids in the US as well.


WASPy implies values and a world-view that is not shared by non-WASPs in the US. 

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I don't know why some of you have a problem with me objecting to the term WASP. One her lifestyle was in fact very middle class even though she comes from some money she did some very normal things that millions of girls like her (catholic, middle- to upper-class) did. The WASPy thing in my opinion is a mistake. For example wealthy Catholics like Paris Hilton and the Kennedy family did a lot of the same things as many middle-class Catholic families in the US. But the Kennedy's and the Hiltons are not WASPs.  Saying she did WASPy things is incorrect especially within the US context where WASP means Protestant Upper-Class. And the things she did as a child and so on is very common for millions of middle-class kids in the US as well.


WASPy implies values and a world-view that is not shared by non-WASPs in the US. 




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I don't know why some of you have a problem with me objecting to the term WASP. One her lifestyle was in fact very middle class even though she comes from some money she did some very normal things that millions of girls like her (catholic, middle- to upper-class) did. The WASPy thing in my opinion is a mistake. For example wealthy Catholics like Paris Hilton and the Kennedy family did a lot of the same things as many middle-class Catholic families in the US. But the Kennedy's and the Hiltons are not WASPs.  Saying she did WASPy things is incorrect especially within the US context where WASP means Protestant Upper-Class. And the things she did as a child and so on is very common for millions of middle-class kids in the US as well.


WASPy implies values and a world-view that is not shared by non-WASPs in the US. 


k lets try this one more time


"WASP is an *informal* term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging, for a closed group of high-status Americans; a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power." 


i could go on and provide examples of wasp stereotypes that again, have *nothing* to do with faith, but i feel like even this post will be lost on you -- because in your mind, this is lanaboards, so we are only allowed to discuss topics or artists that lana would approve of 




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k lets try this one more time


"WASP is an *informal* term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging, for a closed group of high-status Americans; a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power." 


i could go on and provide examples of wasp stereotypes that again, have *nothing* to do with faith, but i feel like even this post will be lost on you -- because in your mind, this is lanaboards, so we are only allowed to discuss topics or artists that lana would approve of 













Looking at those new info @@evilentity 007 kindly gave us raised even more my doubts about Lana and her alleged drug/alcohol problem. Yes maybe she was drinking and doing drugs like most here but the LEVEL of it is what I question now even more. As we all know Lana got to AA (alleged :troll: ) which is ANONIMOUS so we never gonna get real info about that period. All that is left is Lana's words and we all know how truthul she can be :diva:


so was all her big fat imagination? Stories about other people?? Tell me Lana :poordat:


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Looking at those new info @@evilentity 007 kindly gave us raised even more my doubts about Lana and her alleged drug/alcohol problem. Yes maybe she was drinking and doing drugs like most here but the LEVEL of it is what I question now even more. As we all know Lana got to AA (alleged :troll: ) which is ANONIMOUS so we never gonna get real info about that period. All that is left is Lana's words and we all know how truthul she can be :diva:


so was all her big fat imagination? Stories about other people?? Tell me Lana :poordat:


"I flip my hair and make you stare and put my make-up on

And make up stories about my life and put on very cherry-bomb."








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The point is that Lana does not come from a family that has a disproportionate amount of social and financial power and is not what most people would call high-status. Sure she comes from money but her family worked pretty hard for it.  Plus WASPy people don't live in trailer parks in New Jersey follow some guy to the South and work as a cocktail waitress and attend  Fordham which is a Jesuit school in New York and is not a WASPy institution and it does not sponsor Fraternities and Sororities which are mainstays of WASPy culture. 


I am not the one who doesn't understand. You don't understand what and who WASPs are and what it means to be WASPy. 

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The point is that Lana does not come from a family that has a disproportionate amount of social and financial power and is not what most people would call high-status. Sure she comes from money but her family worked pretty hard for it.  Plus WASPy people don't live in trailer parks in New Jersey follow some guy to the South and work as a cocktail waitress and attend  Fordham which is a Jesuit school in New York and is not a WASPy institution and it does not sponsor Fraternities and Sororities which are mainstays of WASPy culture. 


I am not the one who doesn't understand. You don't understand what and who WASPs are and what it means to be WASPy. 


I did understand and I think everyone already did too. Wasp is a club and Lana doesn't have a membership rewards card 


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She can be a star by day (aka golden catholic child) and do crazy stuff during parties and at night. I can't count how many strict catholic raised children at my school smoke pot behind their parents' back. 


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I am not the one who doesn't understand. You don't understand what and who WASPs are and what it means to be WASPy. 


i've also praised gaga in the past so i don't think i understand what it means to be a member of this forum either 




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"I flip my hair and make you stare and put my make-up on

And make up stories about my life and put on very cherry-bomb."








am I the only one who loves how mysterious she can be thanks to all of that


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I swear you are lisbeth salander, amazing research

lolol love this reference


found a color pic of chuck and her fish carolinefish.jpg

omgsh so damn cute.



LOVE all this info <3


edit: depending on the month of her birthday she could have started school early. my sister started kindergarten at age 4, while i was born in Dec and I started school at 5 years old and basically almost 6.


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December 1, 1987 ADE


December 17, 1987 LPN


January 25, 1995 LPN


March 23, 1996 ADE


May 10, 1996 LPN


May 17, 1996 LPN


April 10, 1998 LPN


January 7, 2000 ADE


June 23, 2000 LPN


June 23, 2000 LPN


May 26, 2000 LPN


New links for the majority of the posts, as the website has been re-done since evilentity's original post.

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On 10/7/2013 at 8:19 AM, evilentity said:

I found a bunch of old Lake Placid News (LPN), Adirondack Daily Express (ADE), Plattsburgh Press-Rebulican (PPR) articles archived as black and white PDF scans that mention Lizzy, some with photos of her:


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December 1, 1987 ADE

Maybe someone had Fig Newtons off-camera at her SNL performance. :teehee:   :twirls:


December 17, 1987 LPN

"Jingle Bells" and "Silent Night" caroling. Too much of a stretch for Early Shows or my next covers show you think?  :ohno:  :thumb:

Also, if she was born in 1986 as she claims, she wouldn't have been even one and a half years old in these photos. Does she look only 18 months old to you?  :usrs:


In fact, that trenchcoat makes her look even older than two and a half. Serious Jon-Benet Ramsey vibes. #creepy




May 10, 1996 LPN

Pretty sure the caption's wrong and that's her in the middle. And I thought you said Custard Mustard N Brew "was the only place in [Lake Placid] to go to get vanilla ice cream":crossed:




May 17, 1996 LPN

Tri-Lakes Birthright is the local chapter of an anti-abortion organization (cue faux anti-feminist controversy :troll: ) that offers support to women facing unplanned pregnancies.



January 7, 2000 ADE

Someone find that shopping bag! :read:   :hottie:




Here's a rundown of the rest of the references:


Involvement in Sports

  • Skiing. "Lately, the students of St. Agnes School have accomplished a lot out of school. Many SAS students particpated recently in some exciting ski races: NYSEF World Cup race for JV (ages 7-10). Placings are as follows... Elizabeth Grant 20th". January 25, 1995 LPN

    Sports page box score showing her run time and placing ("8. Elizabeth Grant   44.33") in the Ed Damp Junior V World Cup. March 12, 1996 PPR

    "The New York Ski Educational Foundation (NYSEF) held its annual family race and picnic for participants in the.series last Saturday, at which time the final standings were released... Elizabeth Grant (259)... Completed the top 10." March 23, 1996 ADE

  • Skating. "The following scholarships have been awarded by the Skating Club of Lake Placid to the skaters named below... $50 scholarships for ice or lessons... Elizabeth Grant." March 27, 1997 ADE
  • Softball. She played center fielder for her middle school team. "Elizabeth grant [sic] OF-C". April 10, 1998 LPN

Involvement in Other Extra-curricular Activities

  • Choir. "The Lake Placid High School (LPHS) concert started off with the chorus singing 'Psallite'. They song many traditional Christmas Carols [sic]. The chorus personnel are... Elizabeth Grant". March 7, 2000 LPN

    "After the Women's Ensemble it was the high school chorus' time to shine... Medley from 'Les Miserables' had many soloists, such as... Elizabeth Grant". June 23, 2000 LPN

    :hdu: What song do you think she sang?

  • Performed in a variety show (as well as Chuck and Charlie). June 23, 2000 LPN
  • Secretary of the high school Key Club. "On Tuesday May 9, the Key Club members welcomed new leadership... Congratulations also go to the new secretary. Elizabeth Grant". June 23, 2000 LPN
  • Staff of the Blue Times Bomber, the school newspaper which appears to have been an insert in the Lake Placid News. January 28, 2000  March 17, 2000 LPN  June 23, 2000 LPN
  • Confirmation. "On Sunday afternoon. May 21, at 4:30 p.m.. Bishop Gerald Barbarito, bishop of Ogdensburg, came to Lake Placid and confirmed more than 50 people from area Roman Catholic churches, including St Agnes... It was a beautiful and solemn ceremony, with the church's altars and pillars decked in red, the bishop in his red chasuble (robe), wearing his miter on his head and holding his staff in hand. On the altar, dozens of red roses arranged in large vases added to the festive atmosphere. The 17 Lake Placid young people, all dressed in white robes, who received the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of confirmation included... Elizabeth Grant". May 26, 2000 LPN

Honor Roll


There are also many articles that list her on the honor roll:

This establishes pretty well that she started 9th grade in the fall of 1999. Unless you skip a grade, kids are 14 or 15 when they begin 9th grade (or at least turn 14 shortly after it begins). If Lizzy was really born in 1986 as she claims, she would have just turned 13 the summer before.  :usrs:



Family Members


There's also a lot of articles mentioning other members of her family. I didn't spend a ton of time looking at those, but they appear to be mostly about her parents' efforts to organize opposition to a development project (Lake Placid does really remind me of Twin Peaks sometimes) for classic NIMBY reasons, her dad's real estate listings, and Chuck and Charlie's sports exploits (including a huge fish she caught).


However, this article describes in greater detail her dad's furniture company mentioned in that Domain Name Journal profile on him and this article gives more background on her family's ownership of "God Bless America" singer Kate Smith's home-- which Lizzy mentioned in this article and was the inspiration for the original title of AKA-- and their attempts to sell it at a large profit rather than an affordable price for the Kate Smith/God Bless America Foundation who wanted to turn it into a museum.


Note: Please let me know if any of my links appear wrong. That's a lot of links to copy and paste!

Those links don't work for me anymore. Is the site taken down now? Because I remember finding these in July as well. I wanted to read these again but I can't, the links don't work. I'm sad that I deleted all of the screenshots of these articles as well...


These were the best things ever found about little Lizzy, a lot of awesome and interesting information.


Edit: Tried again and it said I can't reach it because I'm from Europe :noparty:


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