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shut uuuuup about glam or stranger, those are dated and you have them already, get fucking ready for the shit you don't have tho....Super Sunset is unequivocally Allie's strongest project e v e r

i'll put spoilers tho if you don't wanna hear about new songs





not so bad in la

little things


girl of the year


can't stop now



intro is literally like 30 seconds of vaporwave mall music

girl of the year is the fucking SONG of the year ((((and may or may not be the music from the trailer, it is AMAZING))))

interlude is a sample from some canadian kids show

can't stop now is really cool but you'll probably find it boring, it's on the same vibe as like, lifted


but let me fucking tell you, allie putting science and girl of the year one after the other??? best songs, BEST songs. 




allie knows what she's doing and this album DELIVERS, just let it happen!!!!

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what a MESS.

LORD IN HEAVEN, WHY the good songs are still saved while we have stuff like stupid hat out.


Anyway, at least the official record is coming. Girl of the Year will be THAT SONG I can feel it coming. And her vocals for Science live... pls god don't let it be another focus situation. Give us these VOCALS kween

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not y'all pretending glam or i take it back or worth a spot on an 8 track ep.


very interested to hear how this thing flows because as it stands i can't imagine focus being that good of a closer with its current ending, alexandra prove me wrong.

edit before posted: actually i mean it COULD work but honestly i'd even say NSBILA could work as a better closer just to tie the record's concept off.  kinda am wishing for an extended outtro or something exclusive to the ep after focus just to leave it feeling a little more conclusive.


it IS a mini project before cx3 tho so i'm not totally upset at the concept of an intro and interlude on it, as long as they're brief and work to make it more cohesive and flowing.


girl of the year is such an awkward title, hoping it slaps as much as people say it does.  interested about can't stop now as well, not listening to any audio of either before studio cuts drop out of respect since it's probably going to be early september.


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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For all the people talking shit about Glam: I wouldn't like it if Allie made a new album using only old songs, I probably wouldn't even like an album with more than 4 reused songs. That's why I have an Unreleased album on my phone. But using 1 old song on her album would be something exciting to hear, specially because she makes new versions of them to include them on her albums! (like TLIV and OHDH). Glam is the song I've heard of her that is CLOSEST to the LA theme (apart from NSBILA obv). Why wouldn't she use it on an album INSPIRED BY HER EXPERIENCE IN LA????? It seems like a missed opportunity to me

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For all the people talking shit about Glam: I wouldn't like it if Allie made a new album using only old songs, I probably wouldn't even like an album with more than 4 reused songs. That's why I have an Unreleased album on my phone. But using 1 old song on her album would be something exciting to hear, specially because she makes new versions of them to include them on her albums! (like TLIV and OHDH). Glam is the song I've heard of her that is CLOSEST to the LA theme (apart from NSBILA obv). Why wouldn't she use it on an album INSPIRED BY HER EXPERIENCE IN LA????? It seems like a missed opportunity to me

because she wrote new songs for super sunset! and they're good!! why do you want her 5-year-old dr luke collabs on her 2018 album jfc, she's already writing the follow-up to super sunset which could very well be a full-length project, but this is a solid mini-album. it's also meant to be a sensationalized reflection on living in LA, so songs from when she was actually getting into it don't quite fit that theme (also this record is largely self-produced and we're going to suPPORT it)

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because she wrote new songs for super sunset! and they're good!! why do you want her 5-year-old dr luke collabs on her 2018 album jfc, she's already writing the follow-up to super sunset which could very well be a full-length project, but this is a solid mini-album. it's also meant to be a sensationalized reflection on living in LA, so songs from when she was actually getting into it don't quite fit that theme (also this record is largely self-produced and we're going to suPPORT it)


I mean, why not including an old song that fans love (and that is perfectly connected to the theme) on a 8-tracks long project, instead of both an intro and an interlude... it's just a waste of space

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I mean, why not including an old songs that fans love on a 8-tracks long project, instead of both an intro and an interlude... it's just a waste of space

the intro and the interlude serve the concept nicely and honestly you're going to need the fucking break after science and girl of the year back to back

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