Whoopiedoo 445 Posted April 30, 2013 I don't think Lolita is about anyone. It's just the idea of Lana putting on this little girl act to attract guys and turn them on. It's role playing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fruitpunchlips 823 Posted April 30, 2013 Admire this but there's a lot of fundamentals that I disagree with Like Radio and Bel Air being about Jimmy...I think Bel Air references the city, not the car. Also I have Lolita as a Mr. Campbell track. Who Radio is about haunts me I do think it's about Jimmy though, in Radio she sings "how do you like me now?" a line she also used in Get Drunk, and in GD she sings "I am sleeping with your best friend" and I loosely remember reading something about there being a triangle drama between Lana, Jimmy and some other dude. (Arthur?) It bothers me that in the HDB demo she sings "Ruby Tuesday's or Citco, I loved you then" and in Every Man Gets His Wish she sings "He found me waitressing at Ruby Tuesdays" and references a Chevy/Chevrolet in both but in This Is What Makes Us Girls she sings "Teachers said we'd never make it out alive" and back in EMGHS "You said I'd never make out outta here alive" It's like she's doing it on purpose to confuse us 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vmbb 110 Posted May 1, 2013 Before Sirens leaked I thought For K Part 2 was about David Kahne, as someone stated previously. In that facebook-interview (the one where she says "I just thought it was so sad that like, I don’t know, God had found someone so perfect for me and that we really couldn’t be together") she talks about the person she had a relationship with that influenced BTD and she says "we were birds of a feather" In a Lizzy Grant interview she says "My producer, David Kahne, and me got along very well because he knew that I lived in my songs, and so he just tried to make them better. He asked me in a letter what I wanted the record to sound like, and I said, “I want it to sound famous, like a sad party.” He thought that was a wonderful idea, and we began working the next day. I like to think we’re birds of a feather." It's probably nothing, she's just using the phrase to describe different people, but I did used to think that FKP2 was about their (professional) relationship, "Use that voice, sing that song , And tell me to come on, to come on, come on" but this doesn't really fit with For K (or anything else for that matter), still, it might interest some. I used to think K was Elvis. She's said that she was obsessed with him as a teenager, K is for King, Elvis was The King. Elvis' body guards were called the Memphis Mafia - gangsters (not literally), and in Gangsta Boy she sings "high school, loved you from the beginning". She's also said that when she saw Elvis for the first time she was blown away by his beauty. In Lucky Ones she sings "everybody told me love was blind, then I saw your face and you blew my mind". In interview (or it might be in part 2) the interviewer asks her if Million Dollar Man is about Elvis, and she says "maybe" and smiles. "One for the money, two for the show" is also a lyric in Blue Suede Shoes. When I googled it I found that the expression "one for the money..." is one used in horse racing, as in Off to the Races.And obviously Elvis fits the description in American "tall, tan/skin so golden brown" although it doesn't really makes sense that American would be about him since she namedrops him. Also, Elvis is from Mississippi (Raise Me Up). I thought that maybe, since a lot of people think she writes each song about more than one person, that she uses Elvis as a base-character and then writes autobiographically around that base... if that makes sense. I'm sure Y&B is about Jimmy Gnecco (also Radio and Bel Air) "had my cake" > in Lolita she sings "I want my cake", Lolita is about JG (in Jimmy Gnecco she sings "take me to the park, kiss me in the dark" similar to Lolita "kiss me in the d-a-r-k") "in bel air now" > "Jimmy pulls up in his blue chevy nova" in Hundred Dollar Bill, a bel air is a type of chevrolet, which got me thinking that Bel Air is about Jimmy, which leads to Radio being about Jimmy. "I've been raised from the dead" > "Walking away from my soft resurrection" "he's my sun" > JG "you're my sunshine" I just read this on wikipedia: "In Nabokov's 'Lolita', the name is used in reference to Mr Clare Quilty, the man who takes Lolita from Humbert. Carmen and Clare being both male and female names, Lolita uses them to deceive Humbert into thinking he is a woman and no threat." I knew there was a song in Lolita called Carmen O my Carmen, my Carmen! Something, something those something nights, And the stars, and the cars, and the bars and the barmen-- And, O my charmin', our dreadful fights. And the something town where so gaily, arm in Arm, we went, and our final row, And the gun I killed you with, O my Carmen, The gun I am holding now. and so I assumed that's where she got the name from. I'm not sure if it's relevant or not (God, imagine if every song she's ever written is just fan fiction about Lolita) but thought I'd share. And this has been bothering me for a while, in the album booklet it says "Thank you to my devoted managers Ben Mawson and Ed Millett. And to A.G." Who is A.G.? Andrei Gillott? You know, he's the guy who hung out a lot with Lana in LA..I'm sure some songs are about him, for example Bel Air with the Guns n' roses references-A.G. is GNR's tour director. (I hope it's over, poor Barrie ) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted May 3, 2013 Andrei Gillott? You know, he's the guy who hung out a lot with Lana in LA..I'm sure some songs are about him, for example Bel Air with the Guns n' roses references-A.G. is GNR's tour director. I doubt it. I posted about the A.G. mystery over in the "LANA SLEUTHING" thread because I'm pretty sure A.G. is not a person, but I should have noted that here. 0 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,705 Posted May 3, 2013 I doubt it. I posted about the A.G. mystery over in the "LANA SLEUTHING" thread because I'm pretty sure A.G. is not a person, but I should have noted that here. I don't think that's it but Andrei is friends/friendly with her brother, Charlie and lent Lana this head dress for the Ride video. Chuck has also worn it 1 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MermaidTrailerHeaven 456 Posted May 3, 2013 I don't think that's it but Andrei is friends/friendly with her brother, Charlie and lent Lana this head dress for the Ride video. Chuck has also worn it Andrei is hot 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heaux 1,401 Posted May 3, 2013 deleted post. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whoopiedoo 445 Posted May 3, 2013 OMG, i neva new Lanas songs wer so deep. Cant believe she neva told me about all her bfs I guess you guys aren't really friends... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JhnMabius 175 Posted May 10, 2013 Idk if this has been asked before, but who do you guys think are the lovers in the Ride video? She said those were the men she met along the road, so she has 4 important ex-boyfriends?.. and she's showing us what she did with them, drinking in the small town firelight, being wild, going to motels etc... This were the men who made her feel electric? I beleive the fat bald one with the snake/dragon tattoo represents Jimmy Gnecco, but who could the others be? (Sorry if this has already been posted) PD: American can't be about Barrie, he's pale as fuck. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atom Heart 1,931 Posted May 10, 2013 Idk if this has been asked before, but who do you guys think are the lovers in the Ride video? She said those were the men she met along the road, so she has 4 important ex-boyfriends?.. and she's showing us what she did with them, drinking in the small town firelight, being wild, going to motels etc... This were the men who made her feel electric? I beleive the fat bald one with the snake/dragon tattoo represents Jimmy Gnecco, but who could the others be? (Sorry if this has already been posted) PD: American can't be about Barrie, he's pale as fuck. Barrie is pale as fuck I also thought about this a little. As far as I believe the boyfriend represented when Lana is over the balcony in her white dress is 'Million Dollar Man' and possible the same person 'Summertime Sadness' is about. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted May 10, 2013 LDR: When I met my boyfriend… we always say that the entire time we were writing for each other, but we didn’t know it until we met each other. So, you feel like even though you didn’t know the person then all the songs are for them now. That’s romantic.This means we can say all the songs are about Barrie and call it a day, right? Just kidding... I think Y&B is about K, the one who is apparently dead/in jail. What gives it away you ask? Whoever this K guy is, isn't getting out of jail tomorrow, it's going to be awhile, and when it happens Lana will have aged and won't look like her young self (as in looking young and beautiful) (FYI, K getting out of jail is interchangeable with him already being dead and Lana waiting to get to heaven to meet him there. K died young, Lana dies as an old wrinkly woman. Will he still love her in the afterlife if she is no longer youthfully beautiful?) This becomes more apparent in the bridge. Lana is begging god to bring K to heaven instead of hell. Even though he has committed a crime and has sinned, he still has a good heart and makes Lana feel good inside. If not, Lana will be forever lonely and depressed. Although I don't think she sings about just two guys (as she claimed once) and I think she probably conflates and embellishes details from various relationships in her songs, I agree that Y&B seems largely like a K song. Especially considering theories about her teardrops in the video. 2 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quadrophenia 81 Posted May 10, 2013 You know when a gang member kills someone they get a teardrop tattoo for each life lost right in the Same place lana has hers in the Y&B video. She's known for having a love of gang culture so I wouldn't doubt she knows that, maybe she's trying to tell us something, no not that she killed someone (or two people rather), something else... 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lola 6,650 Posted May 10, 2013 maybe she's just trying to be gangsta glam? i don't think the tears have that deep of a meaning. i feel like they either have something to do with the boston marathon, the great gatsby itself or it's just decoration 0 Quote Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quadrophenia 81 Posted May 10, 2013 Probably just a glamorous way to express the sadness in the song, I highly doubt it's for the Boston marathon tragedy. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yourgirlsophie 21 Posted May 11, 2013 She tweeted this: "Great Gatsby Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_1aF54DO60&list=UU3N5y6UWKJaKqoU2b_0MfTQ&index=1 … 2 tears in solidarity" 2 tears in solidarity of what? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atom Heart 1,931 Posted May 11, 2013 She tweeted this: "Great Gatsby Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_1aF54DO60&list=UU3N5y6UWKJaKqoU2b_0MfTQ&index=1… 2 tears in solidarity" 2 tears in solidarity of what? Maybe that's what the two finger ring is for too? The tears may have been for K& for alcohol (her first loves). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
erink4te 82 Posted May 12, 2013 wow, so glad i joined this and finally found other lana stans i didn't read the whole thread but i have a few things to add i used to think dark paradise was about k and dealing with his death. until i heard the demo version, which threw me off a bit. but maybe. maybe k isn't actually dead, but dead in a metaphorical sense?? like maybe he got too deeply involved in crime and sirens could be lana predicting what she think may be k's future. maybe blue jeans is about what really happened with k - he was too involved in making money and crime so the relationship ended. i've always imagined that jim reminded lana of k. i have no evidence for this though. i'm not sure if bill even exists. in driving with cars with boys she may have just used billy because it's a fairly generic name. as for trash magic, i always assumed bill was just a nickname. perhaps role playing with her man. it makes me think of bill clinton, which sounds stupid i know i really wanna know whether she actually got with mr campbell or just fantasized as for young an beautiful, i kinda think that it isn't really about anyone, maybe only loosely based on someone. after all, it was written for a movie. there are so many possibilities. but i really hope that in like 20 or 30 years lana releases an autobiography where she explains everything. that would be amazing. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whoopiedoo 445 Posted May 15, 2013 I don't think we'll ever find out who K is... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missirinee 32 Posted May 20, 2013 Should this go in the lyrics section or Lana thoughts? Hm... I remember seeing in a setlist that there was a song that Lana performed a few years back called 'For Charlie' and a lot of people think that the song For Charlie is actually Aviation from Sirens. Personally, I think that Aviation is For Charlie. Aviation is about flying and jets, ect. and Charlie's Lana's little brother and around the time Sirens and the set list came out, Charlie was around 12-13 (2004-2005). It's one of Lana's few songs that feature a love interest. And I can imagine like 12 year old Charlie wanting to fly planes and stuff, haha. The line 'it's summer and I'm committed to you' is kind of what tipped me off that Aviation is about Charlie. With Lana going to Kent and Charlie most likely staying back with the Grants in Lake Placid, Lana probably didn't have a lot of time during breaks and stuff to go see Charlie and summer break is typically around 2 or 3 months and that might be the time that Lana could really be with Charlie. Okay, this was a pretty poorly written Lanalysis, but you guys can sorta see where I'm coming from, haha! And what do you think of Kill Kill being about Chuck because there was some mention of that...? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted May 20, 2013 Should this go in the lyrics section or Lana thoughts? Hm... I remember seeing in a setlist that there was a song that Lana performed a few years back called 'For Charlie' and a lot of people think that the song For Charlie is actually Aviation from Sirens. Personally, I think that Aviation is For Charlie. Aviation is about flying and jets, ect. and Charlie's Lana's little brother and around the time Sirens and the set list came out, Charlie was around 12-13 (2004-2005). It's one of Lana's few songs that feature a love interest. And I can imagine like 12 year old Charlie wanting to fly planes and stuff, haha. The line 'it's summer and I'm committed to you' is kind of what tipped me off that Aviation is about Charlie. With Lana going to Kent and Charlie most likely staying back with the Grants in Lake Placid, Lana probably didn't have a lot of time during breaks and stuff to go see Charlie and summer break is typically around 2 or 3 months and that might be the time that Lana could really be with Charlie. Okay, this was a pretty poorly written Lanalysis, but you guys can sorta see where I'm coming from, haha! And what do you think of Kill Kill being about Chuck because there was some mention of that...? I've always thought the same! I think someone debunked me somewhere but I'm not sure how... I think if any song on Sirens is "For Charlie", it's "Westbound" or "Aviation". We do have one grand Lanalysis thread (I coined that hehe ) that I ought to merge this with, though. *does so* 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites