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Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)

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I am worried because I try to understand since I often feel seriously depressed and even suicidal. But I wish Lana could feel joy from living and know in her heart that she is loved. She seems numb! Her life has meaning, she makes a difference. Her Art should bring her comfort not hopelessness.

Does anyone get what I mean? I want the best for her.



Lana is clearly someone who had difficult personal life, but blessed to make beautiful music, I think it's brave of her to sing about death, suicide, afterlife. This new album was announced as dark, so she probably decided to open up about such things. She had her love ones die, and even likes musicans who died at 27, it sounds to me more like something that had to come up to talk about, not that she went crazy and threathens to end her life, as some interpret..., as she is asking us to keep our fingers crossed that she makes it alive, until July.


I am surprised about number of those who would send her to psychiatrist, even try to diagnoze her based on interviews, I see Lana as fully functional girl, who smiles when happy,... sometimes tired of it all, but has deep insight in philosophical and psychological matters, also she is cathlolic and doesn't send out messages about selfharm, provoking isn't her thing, as the journalist thought, she said already her music is art, and some artists do live mentally on the edge, and want fans to join her for a moment in her rich inner world, which introverts are known to have, and dying thoughts are often part of it. I find it good that she gives me sense as being in Twilight Zone sometimes, I understand some get away from that, but they shouldn't. I will just embrace everything she says.


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I think she's clearly clinically depressed, and she's suicidal. People always talk about death before they try it and I think that the Ultraviolence reception could be the tip over. She's unbalanced emotionally, her family it's weird, Barrie it's depressive too so her close relationships doesn't really help her out, she's alone confronting irrational hatred...my god for a moment I felt it and it's horrible (waiting to be judged by haters while you are putting your soul out there)


You re saying we don't know shit about her then in the same breathe you are saying she's clinically depressed and suicidal. How the hell would you know that without doing a thorough psych evaluation?  Lana should develop a thicker skin because haters are always going to be there.

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You re saying we don't know shit about her then in the same breathe you are saying she's clinically depressed and suicidal. How the hell would you know that without doing a thorough psych evaluation?  Lana should develop a thicker skin because haters are always going to be there.

I perceived her that way from the interviews. Regarding the knowledge others poses about her I was referring to a specific poster I didn't talked about you or other members. You are right about developing a thicker skin it's just that not everybody is capable of doing it.

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If she'd had a thicker skin, perhaps she wouldn't be able to write such powerful songs. Suffering is inspiring. Her vulnerability is beautiful.

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I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but god damn people, we don't know her. Yeah, it's normal to express concern and think about hypothetical issues, but starting to talk about depression based on just an interview is not alright . It is a real illness, that some people actually have and it's nothing compared to what she is saying. As much as it can affect anyone of us, it is not as common as most people tend to say. Especially clinical depression.


I wish her all the best and I hope she will eventually find that peace that she has for so long been looking for. I'm sure it will come. Fame has taken away most of that freedom in which she used to find comfort before, but it has also brought a lot of good things and i'm sure she knows that. I hope she gets to meet more musicians like Dan, who has obviously been a great influence on her and on her music.

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What Lana needs to do is take her family and friends and go on a well deserved vacation, somewhere tropical where her dad can show off all his shirts and she can do whatever the fuck she wants and see new people and find new inspiration because life is beautiful and girl you even wrote a song about it, I refuse to believe you don't see it. 

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I perceived her that way from the interviews. Regarding the knowledge others poses about her I was referring to a specific poster I didn't talked about you or other members. You are right about developing a thicker skin it's just that not everybody is capable of doing it.


I didn't mean to be abrupt, i'm sorry. I don't think any of us REALLY know how Lana feels day to day. After reading some of her interviews it can be really confusing to determine what she really means.

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Lana Del Rey appeared in the Australian news today (news.com.au and the newspaper etc) about this interview, saying that she had worrying words.






"In an interview with UK newspaper The Guardian published today, the singer made mention of her musical idols Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse — both members of the notorious ‘27 Club’ dying at the height of their fame at just 27 years old.

Del Rey herself is 27 years old, turning 28 on June 21."

No just no. I'm going to not read anymore uv era interviews anymore BC there making me feel nervous and tbh a bit uneasy. Anyone else feels this way?


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No just no. I'm going to not read anymore uv era interviews anymore BC there making me feel nervous and tbh a bit uneasy. Anyone else feels this way?

Lana is 28 tho... they obv haven't done their research  :crossed:

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I worry about Lana. Honestly have expected her to take a hiatus for a while, might be good for her. She has it tough, cops way more criticism than she deserves. And it is so easy to focus on the criticism and completely disregard the amount of love people, especially fans, have for her. And not just superficial love. I, as do many others, adore HER MUSIC, HER WRITING. My God, she's like a fucking poet. She writes like no other. Her lyrics hold a very special place in my heart, they evoke emotions I have never felt before. She has so much talent and intelligence. In my prayers


Went a little deep there, but I really do think that, despite her success, her authenticity and talent and a singer/ songwriter is STILL underrated, particularly by harsh critics.


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No just no. I'm going to not read anymore uv era interviews anymore BC there making me feel nervous and tbh a bit uneasy. Anyone else feels this way?


Well she's been 28 for a while she's actually turning 29 soooo


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Same here. Let us fans pray and send good vibes.


I worry about Lana. Honestly have expected her to take a hiatus for a while, might be good for her. She has it tough, cops way more criticism than she deserves. And it is so easy to focus on the criticism and completely disregard the amount of love people, especially fans, have for her. And not just superficial love. I, as do many others, adore HER MUSIC, HER WRITING. My God, she's like a fucking poet. She writes like no other. Her lyrics hold a very special place in my heart, they evoke emotions I have never felt before. She has so much talent and intelligence. In my prayers


Went a little deep there, but I really do think that, despite her success, her authenticity and talent and a singer/ songwriter is STILL underrated, particularly by harsh critics.


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Maybe I'm projecting, but I see Lana as being very brave, taking a stand for sensitivity, with her Ultraviolence era.


I honestly can't tell whether it's just me getting older and hopefully wiser, or whether it really is a whole culture war going on since 2008 over toughness versus sensitivity. I see it everywhere, in the media, in churches, in conversations with family and friends: those who weathered the economic storm and who see it as a sign of their personal merit are very committed to assigning various sorts of blame to the marginalized, to the outliers, to anyone who fails to benefit from the system which rewards those who have successfully conformed. In such a system it can become vitally important for some people to hoard compassion as yet another commodity for the "deserving."


No, cheating isn't cool. But it also isn't cool to pit women against each other, the "good girls" versus the "bad girls," on a societal level. It isn't cool to pit moralities against each other. We should be able to see all virtues as good, not competing. We should be able to embrace the Other.


People speak of not letting the good become the enemy of the best. But I fear our society is far more guilty of letting the "best" become the enemy of the good. And there is something good, something likable, something valuable in everyone. I believe it is because every person is created in the image of the Divine -- but you don't need to be religious to see it. There is good in everyone, if you only have eyes to see.


I think Lana Del Rey has eyes to see. And I think, whether calculated or not, she's trying to help the rest of us open ours.


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Lana said in some interview that she has always been different, she was an outcast in school and among other kids. Maybe life is heavier on sensitive people like her and lots of other artists and unusual minds. She is enlightened and wise beyond her years...


I like what you wrote and I agree. But I wish to see this girl happy. It is not impossible.


Maybe I'm projecting, but I see Lana as being very brave, taking a stand for sensitivity, with her Ultraviolence era.


I honestly can't tell whether it's just me getting older and hopefully wiser, or whether it really is a whole culture war going on since 2008 over toughness versus sensitivity. I see it everywhere, in the media, in churches, in conversations with family and friends: those who weathered the economic storm and who see it as a sign of their personal merit are very committed to assigning various sorts of blame to the marginalized, to the outliers, to anyone who fails to benefit from the system which rewards those who have successfully conformed. In such a system it can become vitally important for some people to hoard compassion as yet another commodity for the "deserving."


No, cheating isn't cool. But it also isn't cool to pit women against each other, the "good girls" versus the "bad girls," on a societal level. It isn't cool to pit moralities against each other. We should be able to see all virtues as good, not competing. We should be able to embrace the Other.


People speak of not letting the good become the enemy of the best. But I fear our society is far more guilty of letting the "best" become the enemy of the good. And there is something good, something likable, something valuable in everyone. I believe it is because every person is created in the image of the Divine -- but you don't need to be religious to see it. There is good in everyone, if you only have eyes to see.


I think Lana Del Rey has eyes to see. And I think, whether calculated or not, she's trying to help the rest of us open ours.


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This is why I prefer video / radio interviews more than written articles - you never can be sure that artists really said this or that and in which context.


Maybe Lana just used an unfortunate choice of words, and the writer misrepresented / twisted her word (intentionally) to make this article more interesting ...





Current positive German interview: http://www.n-tv.de/leute/musik/Ich-fuehl-mich-jetzt-richtig-wohl-article12919346.html


(Maybe you can use an online translator for it.)

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