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The Horror Movie Thread

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Some of my favorites/liked movies that I haven't seen so much in this thread : 



House (1977)

Valerie and Her Week of Wonders

I Spit on Your Grave

The Thing (1982)


The Town That Dreaded Sundown

House on Haunted Hill


The Old Dark House

The Witch



Let's Scare Jessica to Death

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I do agree with some of this, though I still really loved the movie. I hadn’t even thought of the point you made about Alyson not even knowing what happened to her friends so what was the point? I wish they’d let Michael stalk more & be creepy like in the original, instead of focusing on the body count. But I’m still pretty happy with it. :)


I hope now that they’re not worried about fan service & a solid return for the series, that they focus on making the sequel really scary & creepy. We better get it next Halloween! They’ve definitely made 10x more than the budget already so we know it’s happening. :flutter:


considering he's clearly not dead, there's definitely going to be a sequel i'm just curious who it'll be about because now the daughter and granddaughter have both experienced a taste of what he's capable of so that should be interesting if they play with that idea i think


i feel like the stalking part was the part i was complaining about and i agree it's part of his character, but the way they executed it this time around felt out of place or like "we can do whatever we want" whereas if the people he killed brought him closer to laurie & co. with some info it'd be more believable otherwise it feels like he just got lucky with finding her if that makes sense? some deaths could have been this but then like the lady in the window i didn't think that was necessary because who was she? it just felt like a let down especially for a strong representation of a female lead in horror, an over 50 female lead and a female lead that fought back, i just wish we had more from her pov or followed her more like i would have expected maybe her to go out a find him to lead him back to the trap right? because what if he never got back to her house, it IS in the middle of nowhere to be fair


UGH i'll probably still see the sequel though lol

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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Welp, I just finished watching Get Out. Totally not what I was expecting. I thought I was going to be more blown away/shocked or whatever have you. My friend has been hypinnnggg this movie up for so long and damn I wish the movie was as good as I thought in my head

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I've mentioned this before here on LB but I was way obsessed (and that's put mildly) with mother! for a couple of months, to the point where I browsed through lots and lots of theories and analyzes and even the actual script on a daily basis to form some of my own; also it's like number 2 on my top favorite films on Letterboxd, Moonlight being the first but okay now we're getting sidetracked. Anyways, I thought I had dug up every promotional photo possible until I randomly bumped into this one earlier today and I was shook to my very core. It's brutal, it's Aronofsky alright, and I freaking love it. I have no idea whatsoever where the person who posted it online had found it but I can definitely see why they didn't use it to promote the film since it's controversial as hell - for example one could argue that it glorifies violence against women. It just captures the film so well and in my honest opinion it's amazing.





Also Suspiria will finally hit the theaters next Friday here in Finland! I can't believe I'll finally see it, I've been so obsessed with the soundtrack and oh my god. Is this really even happening :defeated: Love these two clips btw, keep your eye on Tilda's cigarette in the second one, it's kinda funny (also the shot at 0:38 omg love it). The first one features the track The Jumps which is one of my favorites on the soundtrack.





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Got my tickets to see Suspiria Friday afternoon!  :flutter: It'll have an advance screening tomorrow evening as part of Night Visions in Helsinki, a film festival of horror, action, fantasy and sci-fi genres and also cult films. Only 3 out of the festival's 41 films will get a proper cinematic distribution in Finland, the rest will be distributed straight to DVD and even then we're talking about best case scenario. According to the organizer Suspiria's (which is one of the 3) advance screening has been the most popular as it sold out fairly early, Gaspar Noé's Climax being the 2nd best ticket seller (which I'm hoping to see eventually as well, as it won't get wide distribution). Other than that people and critics have been wondering how come a 2,5-hour film like Suspiria is getting a wide release over here but thank god it is since I would've died otherwise  :defeated:  I was surprised to see a Finnish film magazine marketing it this big, their latest issue even has a long article about it so I might have to buy it in a couple of days.




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Is The Neon Demon as good as it sounds because I listened to The Demon Dance yesterday and I'm incredibly into it. I watched a video spoiling and explaining the end but I would like to know if it is as beautiful as it appears to look


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Is The Neon Demon as good as it sounds because I listened to The Demon Dance yesterday and I'm incredibly into it. I watched a video spoiling and explaining the end but I would like to know if it is as beautiful as it appears to look

Honestly I hated this movie, but yes it’s visually appealing. The story & characters are all incredibly unlikeable imo... idk the movie just felt very EMPTY to me, visuals were great but everything else was bad


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Neon Demon is one of the worst film I've seen


Honestly I hated this movie, but yes it’s visually appealing. The story & characters are all incredibly unlikeable imo... idk the movie just felt very EMPTY to me, visuals were great but everything else was bad

Thank you both for confirming what I was fearing! I already don't like watching movies so I was on the verge but I think I'm just gonna keep listening to the soundtrack :) But I have a question though - if I loved Enter The Void would I like The Neon Demon? I don't mind if it's rly empty as long as it's a visual experience, but I also hate gore for gore


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I recently saw The Blaire Witch's Project and it was v underwhelming. I really thought it was gonna be something and it ended up being pretty dull. I guess for the time it came out it might have been shocking or whatevs but I was kinda bored. the highlight of the movie was lowkey one of the actors lol

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Thank you both for confirming what I was fearing! I already don't like watching movies so I was on the verge but I think I'm just gonna keep listening to the soundtrack :) But I have a question though - if I loved Enter The Void would I like The Neon Demon? I don't mind if it's rly empty as long as it's a visual experience, but I also hate gore for gore

I haven’t seen Enter the Void. Neon Demon has pointless gore, definitely a shock-value-for-no-reason kind of movie.. I would UNWATCH it if I could :toofunny:


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The Neon Demon is visually very stunning at times but yeah it's not really that good. I have it on blu-ray and have watched it a couple of times, I love the opening credits (omg that music) and the opening shots.


Also okay y'all I've finally seen Suspiria which I've been spamming about so much here lately, it definitely wasn't as gory and disgusting as people made it out to be but I still loved every second of it. The climax omg. Might just be my favorite film of 2018 so far, hands down. I wanna see it again already. As we left some man reached out to us if we knew anything about the music and if Thom Yorke also sang in the movie and it was my time to shine, also when he asked if its score is available somewhere I was like "yeah I actually have it on CD and it's on vinyl as well" :flutter:

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@@Tragic Rabbit When Suspiria reviews first started spreading I remember it was mixed af, on Letterboxd people seem to mostly love it although there's obviously some haters in the bunch as well. I've been very surprised how all professional Finnish reviews I've read have given it 4-5 stars except for one, I assumed most of them would just throw it 3 stars or something and criticize its length for example - but no :crying4: Based on my own observations, the subplot has been the main issue for many - and honestly I didn't mind it, the film definitely didn't feel like 152 minutes and I would've loved to see more and more. That said, after the amazing finale I could've done without the following epilogue but it did give a closure to the subplot, I think I even heard someone crying at that point. To me the film was a magical experience and I'm craving to see it again as soon as possible, I'm definitely thinking of going to see it on the big screen again as I simply can't wait for the blu-ray to drop (which I already preordered) and I can't wait to have seen it enough many times to start analyzing it to every last detail. mother! is shaking as Suspiria might take its place on my list of my favorite films ever.

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Ok I'm gonna be that person buuuut I don't think The Neon Demon is bad at all, nothing great or special but I think is a nice movie, I got everything what I wanted from it tbh It was a nice visual>substance movie with some genuinely creepy moments.


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