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The Horror Movie Thread

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Have y'all seen the trailer for Unfriended? It's coming out in April I think. It looks REALLY good. It was v well received by a bunch of critics at the film festival it premiered at last year.

Even though I'm not one for horror films, this looks so great and I can't wait to see it. I'm involved in a Skype group with friends I met from another website, and one of the members showed us the trailer, so we're all going to watch it together when it's out online. I bet one of them is going to pull something tho so it matches the movie plot lol.


Especially excited since my fav is in it ;)


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Even though I'm not one for horror films, this looks so great and I can't wait to see it. I'm involved in a Skype group with friends I met from another website, and one of the members showed us the trailer, so we're all going to watch it together when it's out online. I bet one of them is going to pull something tho so it matches the movie plot lol.

Especially excited since my fav is in it ;)

can I come? :ohno:


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!!! I forgot to mention one of my favorites!!


The Strangers! Have any of you guys seen it? What did you think? I personally found it terrifying. There were one or two moments where I was like "okay guys you could've done this to get away from the killers" but overall it was really well done IMO. It scared me soooo badly. I think Liv Tyler is lovely as well, so I might be a little biased. :hooker:


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I loved Anthony Hopkins, but Mads versions is waaaaay better. It's hard to believe that they're playing the same character seeing how classy Mad's version is and how deranged Anthoy's version is.  I can't wait to see Hannibal reach that point. 


~~Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't watched Hannibal~~



What were your favorite death scenes from the show? Mine favorite was definitely the mushroom scene, burying people alive and having their bodies slowly decompose while they're helping mushrooms grow - fucking AMAZING! It's something that's stuck to me, it may probably be the best scene of all time. Oh! And the horse birthing scene, THE MURAL! Mason eating his face. OMG THE CELLO! I love how in the last episode there's a huge chance of everyone still being alive. I was so happy when I saw Gillian Anderson (Hannibal's therapist) in the last scene. I squealed with excitement :excited:  


Also, my favorite quote so far...






Someone please stop me if I'm posting too much/getting annoying. I get a little carried away when talking about horror.. and most other things  :toofloppy:





Just In Case no one has seen both seasons yet..



I love the Human Totem Poll in season 1 its straight up disturbing and insane also it was kind of morbidly beautiful. The Human mural where the victims are sown together is also one of my favs its not exactly the goriest but It has to be one of the more screwed up death scenes ever portrayed in Hannibal so far. The most heart breaking is when poor Beverley got caught and was meticulously sliced into vertical strips and stuck into glass compartments. The Bloodfest/Red Dinner scene at the end of season two was excellent to. I can't wait and see who survived also. 

​Also my favorite quote so far is this...




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!!! I forgot to mention one of my favorites!!


The Strangers! Have any of you guys seen it? What did you think? I personally found it terrifying. There were one or two moments where I was like "okay guys you could've done this to get away from the killers" but overall it was really well done IMO. It scared me soooo badly. I think Liv Tyler is lovely as well, so I might be a little biased. :hooker:


That movie's fuuuuucked

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Even though I'm not one for horror films, this looks so great and I can't wait to see it. I'm involved in a Skype group with friends I met from another website, and one of the members showed us the trailer, so we're all going to watch it together when it's out online. I bet one of them is going to pull something tho so it matches the movie plot lol.

Especially excited since my fav is in it ;)


that vine tho :lmao:


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@@Jack I seen American Mary in your OP and I highly recommend Excision and May


I am a huge fan of Eli Roth and last night he shared a short trailer of his upcoming movie Knock Knock


I'm not how horror it will be, judging by the trailer and what I've read it seems like more of a suspense/drama movie but idk....


This started just as a trailer (like it was just meant to be a trailer, not a full length) made specifically for Death Proof I think but he's said a bunch of times that he wanted to make it into a full movie. Wikipedia says that it will be out this year but I don't think there's any confirmation. But I've been keeping an eye out for it for years because it could be great.



This one was suppose to come out last year but never did :(. idk it played at some festivals or s/t but never got a release.


looks good as hell.

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focus on the life of HARRY HOUDINI



This one was suppose to come out last year but never did :(. idk it played at some festivals or s/t but never got a release.


looks good as hell.


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@@comeintomybedroom I saw a trailer for Green Inferno last year and it got me super hyped; disappointing to see it hasn't been released. :( has there been any news on it at all?






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The only horror movies I've ever cared for was the Saw franchise, and my favorite is Saw II. When I was 8 years old I thought it was a good idea to watch them for the first time, and as a result I didn't sleep for like 3 days straight. I just couldn't fall asleep and every time I closed my eyes I swear I saw the fucking puppet looking at me through the TV from the movies. But as I got older I was able to see the real beauty within the franchise.  :flutter:

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@@comeintomybedroom I saw a trailer for Green Inferno last year and it got me super hyped; disappointing to see it hasn't been released. :( has there been any news on it at all?

“As of right now, all systems are go for the theatrical release. Here’s the thing: everyone is working to resolve it. Open Road has been amazing through this entire process. I really love them, they’ve been great. Even with whatever situation World View is going through, everyone is working together to find the best, cleanest, most positive resolution and get the film out in the widest release possible. I think realistically it would be in the August to September range. We wanted to have an announcement at Sundance. Trust me, I check in with the lawyers every day. Everyone is working to resolve it as soon as possible and we have hope to have an announcement within the next couple of weeks for the definite theatrical plan for the film.


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I seen t.v previews for this movie like around Christmas time and it said it would be in theaters at the end of January but it's not?!?!?!


It's by the same writer as The Hills Have Eyes btw.

It came out for a few weeks in my area, but I'm p sure it flopped everywhere bc it got shitty reviews.


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I seen t.v previews for this movie like around Christmas time and it said it would be in theaters at the end of January but it's not?!?!?!


It's by the same writer as The Hills Have Eyes btw.

Barely looks better than that Paris Catacombs mess of a movie lmao,

But dare we forget the best horror movie EVER



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