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Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir

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The lawyers / editors seemingly must have in their better judgement, made Kim remove the "off" comment and it is not in the book. It was an amazing naïve statement for Kim to make.

But you know what, it shows how popular Lana is- Kim created this whole controversy so she hoped Lana's fans would buy the book and even if Lana's fans don't, Kim had hoped the controversy would

get others to hear about the book and they would buy it.


That is why all these older artists from decades ago are gravitating to Lana, and also why brand new artists namecheck Lana (though in cases like Sam Smith and Lorde, after they hit fame themselves, they seem to forget how much they got from Lana). Without Lana, neither of the two would even have made a record.


But when one is unique like Lana is, everyone wants to be in her world.

Lana is so magnanimous, watch her offer Kim an opening slot on her tour at some point.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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As a long time fan of Sonic Youth and Kim Gordon I just find this pathetic. Either 1) Kim was ignorant, misinformed and misspoke or 2) is trying to sell books. I've never believed Kim to be ignorant.


How is this any different than Marshall Mathers wanting to "punch Lana Del Rey right in the face twice, like Ray Rice ..."


Ironic that two former greats, a misogynistic rapper and a feminist rock hero both resort to verbally assaulting Lana Del Rey to further their own no longer relevant careers. Pathetic.


Lana ... You go girl! Clearly, what you do, you do best.

Watch what you say to me, Careful who you're talkin' to.

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Aaaand now she's saying it's because she was protective of Frances :facepalm:



Gordon explained on HuffPost Live that the admittedly harsh take came on behalf of Frances Bean Cobain, the daughter of the late Kurt Cobain, who had just showed her an interview with Del Rey where she declared, "I wish I was dead already." Offended, Cobain proceeded to tweet back, "The death of young musicians isn't something to romanticize."


"I don't really know," Gordon shrugged, "I just sort of felt, on the one hand, protective of her."


"Poor Frances took her statement in some literal way and didn't realize that [Del Rey] was actually just playing around with her persona," she continued. "She took it to heart."


The whole diatribe "wasn't actually talking about Lana Del Rey's whatever her retro-throwback image is," Gordon explained. "I think that's interesting. So in the book, the context I was saying it in was really addressing issues of persona: How much of it is really you and how much of is something you're really selling, basically."


But now that all's been put out into the open, the legendary singer and guitarist has a new qualm.


"The bigger question is, why are people so excited to see female catfights?" she inquired. "That, to me, is actually the bigger issue, really. There's something that's just kind of dumb about Twitter."


I think it's such shit that everyone says Lana can't possibly be depressed and it's just a persona because why, she's rich and pretty? And she's said many times that she thinks heroes/famous rock stars are more useful alive than dead but everyone just ignores half of what she says, takes her words out of context and then repeats it over and over like it's the holy truth.

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She's protective of Frances Cobain, ergo she completely trashes Courtney Love, the girl's fucking mother, and implies she's mentally ill?

The bigger question should be why is this repugnant woman still talking?

She got the attention she wanted for her book, idiots everywhere are applauding her for her "wit" in suggesting a young woman kill herself, and she did all of it without getting half the public backlash Lana gets for showing up to an interview without a forced pearly smile.

Love how just a few days ago she was smugly retweeting Lana fans like their expressions of disgust were the height of hilarity now she's awkwardly trying to dig herself out of a hole. Also this was NOT a cat fight, Lana took no part in this. This was one feeble older woman viciously slandering a harmless 29 year old younger woman (whom she'd never even met) and disguising it as feminist commentary.

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lana's mere existence gives me hope in humanity. but her prominence in society has also made me really cynical about the way many (if not most) people think 


like honestly it went from 'soulless whore with a rich daddy' (2012) ---> 'calculating she-demon lacking in any true personality' (2015) 


people will always find some kind of false justification just to make themselves feel more whole 


and kim gordon is undeniably talented, which makes this particularly depressing 


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lana might appreciate the "female chris issak" remark -- is that even supposed to be an insult? maybe i'm not privy to whatever cultural reference she's alluding to 


"weird" isn't bad either but "affected" -- obviously based on superficial reasons (i.e plastic surgery) compounded with lana's NATURAL awkwardness. ugh, you'd think kim gordon would be above these stupid fucking games 


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Ah for fuck's sake, still?! I know people probably keep asking her about Lana but if she really hates catfights (maybe don't start then?) she should refuse to answer and move on. She is loving this. I knew there's a reason why I never liked Sonic youth. And her comments about Courtney are way out of line as well, Courtney had a fucked up childhood and a fucked up father, it's a miracle she's not completely crazy. Also, "I don't like the whole self-destructive thing..." YOU ADORE KURT! FORGOT HOW HE DIED? I love him but she's being completely irrational and stupid. And god forbid people being weird, we can't have that!


And Chris Isaak is wonderful wtf.

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I do believe the French have already compared LDR to Chris Isaak with some admiration. What I find amazing about this newer comment is this: If Chris Isaak was heavily criticized as an anti-feminist menace, then Kim Gordon's comment could make sense. However, if Chris Isaak was never so criticized, then her remark is amazingly anti-feminist in the sense that it suggests males can do anti-feminist things with impunity that females can't. BTW, what I think she's referring to is CI's tendency to obsess or submit to a lover in some of his songs (e.g. songs like "Livin for you Lover", "Wicked Game"). Finally, I get the impression Kim is digging herself into a deeper hole (and that LDR shouldn't reply for that reason). 

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If Lana is obliged to take responsibility for her actions (not sure what she's actually referring to tbh) maybe Kim should take responsibility and apologise to Lana for those vile and cruel words. She may have toned it down for the book but the original comment is still out there, we all read it so she can't just ignore it.

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She saw how much attention she got from mentioning Lana in the memoire, saw it fade some when it was taken out of the final version of the book, and is refueling the fire now to get attention again. This is literally pathetic.

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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Kim makes a perfect example of why you should never shout your opinions for everyone to hear before getting your facts straight  :facepalm:. I sincerely hope that most people will see through this misinformed, ignorant rant, but I fear they won't. Lana is a pretty complicated and sometimes self-contradictory person, so if you're not a fan I imagine it's not easy to separate right from wrong when it comes to everything that's said about her. It doesn't help that Lana often makes clumsy comments in interviews. It's sad because Lana really doesn't deserve the amount of public hate she's recieved through the years and keeps recieving, and I think we can all agree on that she doesn't seem like the kind of person who can easily "shake it off" :taylor:


*Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood ominously plays in the background*

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