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22 minutes ago, avenue said:


you already used up your free “quote me with why i’m wrong”


please insert $1.00 into the slot


every song was made to go together, she didn't have to add a mainstream lead single etc she literally had 100% creative control for the first time EVER and no one telling her what to do


the features don't stick out, they only add to the songs


it's a perfect gorgeous blend of PC music pop princess 2015-2016 i'm wearing a tennis skirt and a bikini top whilst chugging champagne charli that we have!


for me with every other charli record (minus crash), there's a song i straight up don't like but n1a lacks that!


the triple punch of dreamer-3am-roll with me could start a housefire 

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5 hours ago, blameitonme said:


every song was made to go together, she didn't have to add a mainstream lead single etc she literally had 100% creative control for the first time EVER and no one telling her what to do


the features don't stick out, they only add to the songs


it's a perfect gorgeous blend of PC music pop princess 2015-2016 i'm wearing a tennis skirt and a bikini top whilst chugging champagne charli that we have!


for me with every other charli record (minus crash), there's a song i straight up don't like but n1a lacks that!


the triple punch of dreamer-3am-roll with me could start a housefire 

But the whole album (Except for the Deluxe tracks) is mainstream pop :uh:

Whoops I somehow read it as being about Crash and I was confused :toofloppy:

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5 hours ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

it’s funny because N1A is actually one of her most cohesive albums where nearly every song transition is perfect.. but everyone is different i guess :smokes3:

this. Even the weird ass cut at the end of Drugs feels perfectly acceptable because of the sheer sharpness of Lipgloss intro :true:

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Crucify me for saying it but the only tracks I still use are Lightening, Crash and Good Ones... the rest is very mid. Very little on this album really pops to me, and I've stanned her since TR. Definitely my least favorite thing she's ever done but glad she's seeing some success and a confidence boost :party:

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