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2 hours ago, MrE said:

Instead of being bitter about the arena show, I did what any dumb bitch would do: I just now overpaid for tickets to the Chicago Brat show.

It's the way I realized I have friends who are moving there (so I have a couch to crash on), so I decided to try and get tickets, and they're all sold out.

I guess I'd have to get from resellers if I wanted to go, and honestly.....I'm tired and have other financial priorities.

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1 hour ago, jamesss said:

love you for this 

I'm about finding personal solutions to external problems and outcomes that we cannot control. If the cover is ugly to someone, then just find a DIY way to handle it. Go to a print shop and run off something and then glue it over the jacket. We're not helpless little beings here, adrift in the wind and at the whims of whatever life throws us. There *are* solutions to our personal first world grievances, if we disabuse ourselves from the notion that the solutions have to also come from the people causing the distress.

Tune in next time when I recommend drinking a glass of cyanide as a healthy alternative to Melanie Martinez and Ava Max concerts.

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5 hours ago, Chorli Xbox said:

omg are you gay? what the- :whoopi:

i don't know this person you're quoting but how is that shocking exactly… like… it's the charli xcx thread on lanaboards

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spiralling has grown on me so much since I first listened to the boiler room set b4 I was kinda :stareney2: towards it but the yelling glitchy chorus at the end goes SO hard I switched like a fag :smile: hoping sympathy is a knife goes as hard but even if it doesn't we still got the easyfun remix :true:

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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3 hours ago, lanasozempicpen said:

B2b her best song in recent times :trisha3:

club classics >>> sue me.. burn me at the stake.. murder me i will DIE on that hill 

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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logged into my soundcloud account for the first time in forever and reminded myself bout this boom clap / no angel mashup i did back when it got released 



those were the days, y'all

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