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Charli XCX

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The fact that she's going to release another remix album variant, with the extra song remixes/reworks (Spring Breakers w/ Kesha are you serioussss 😭🤯 PLEASE be a full rework too), girl... YES. 


She is the ultimate troll, Taylor did her dirty (cuz Taylor literally hates other female artists lol) with her boring ass Poet album being released a new way every time it dropped off the charts, specifically to fuck over Charli, and then Charli coming back and doing the same 💀💀💀. Mother is mothering hard


Oh also, I totally thought this would be pure a remix album due to the singles (Von Dutch aside actually), but GOD DAMN. A full ass rework, production and lyrics of like, most the songs?! HER MIND. It's soooo much better than I expected. Also I appreciate the new release having both the remix/rework songs and the originals. (At least on the stream service I use, but I keep them separate in my library.) The song I disliked the most (ITAIATT, duh), with Bon Iver?!? And it's soooo beautiful and not as depressing 😭. Literally my only note/take is I think Caroline should have been on the Jon Hopkins remix, and Rosalía should have been on Everything Is Romantic. 

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5 hours ago, Obduration said:

Girl why isn’t this on the $80 vinyl I pre ordered…


If there's *another* variant or whatever that drops that has it on it, I'm going to go nuclear.

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