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let the bandwagoners  crowd the thread who cares,  as long as you know that you were listening to charli before the song ever existed then you're good and its a great feeling ......speaking of btr it has million views finally 

The original use of the n word in your opening paragraph and the further explanation doesn't really excuse you from saying it. I'm well aware of the use of the word (being from Brooklyn and all...) but it's a better look overall if you don't use it here at least. And yes before you ask, I am black. Welcome to our Charli thread.

i promise i wont use the n word here you guys and gals have my word.

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let the bandwagoners crowd the thread who cares, as long as you know that you were listening to charli before the song ever existed then you're good and its a great feeling ......speaking of btr it has million views finally


i promise i wont use the n word here you guys and gals have my word.

I'm just not here for people coming in here like "omg I lOVE BTR Charley is so cool and punk what's True Romance??"


also fair warning, though this would hopefully be more obvious to you, I'd advise against using the word faggot since you're not gay

but yeah welcome! :party: have you heard any of Charli's older unreleased stuff like Valentine, I'll Never Know, I Like You, Art Bitch, etc?


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Anyway fuck I'm not ready for the BTR bandwagoners that will inevitably crowd this thread. :rip:


I'm assuming this won't happen because it can't possibly outdo Boom Clap :awkney:

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I'm just not here for people coming in here like "omg I lOVE BTR Charley is so cool and punk what's True Romance??"


also fair warning, though this would hopefully be more obvious to you, I'd advise against using the word faggot since you're not gay

but yeah welcome! :party: have you heard any of Charli's older unreleased stuff like Valentine, I'll Never Know, I Like You, Art Bitch, etc?

i never said faggot ? i dont get it?


yea i have pretty much every single song that has charli xcx on it, except for the ones with none of her vocals, i have the leaked songs and 14, but i got pretty much all of everything i i could find of hers on itunes because i want to support her also  and not just listen to leaked tracks and w.e, which i do, 

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i never said faggot ? i dont get it?


yea i have pretty much every single song that has charli xcx on it, except for the ones with none of her vocals, i have the leaked songs and 14, but i got pretty much all of everything i i could find of hers on itunes because i want to support her also and not just listen to leaked tracks and w.e, which i do,

I know I'm just warning you lol

@@SitarHero Hero I feel like BTR will become bigger than BC and bring in even more :ohno:


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He continually doesn't realize she's not trying to relate to 20somethings even after I feel like we talk about this every day

You're just proving my point. Charli makes songs about drugs for children. You can think that's a good thing; you can think that's a bad thing. It's just what it is.

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That comment is so sad, especially for a song about having fun. :toofunny:


You act like the song is about going to the amusement park. 

 Stop being such a hater plz.




People have ruined a perfectly good word. It should now be banned from the English language. It is all too often used to stifle criticism even when it's deserved.

14 is all about bein free :creep:

14 is all about being stupid. There is a reason why 14 year olds aren't even allowed to drive in the U.S. 

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14 is all about being stupid. There is a reason why 14 year olds aren't even allowed to drive in the U.S. 

You didn't get that reference, so I don't care what you have to say.


You act like the song is about going to the amusement park. 

The girls and I have gotten drunk to this. It's shouty, catchy, FUN.


People have ruined a perfectly good word. It should now be banned from the English language. It is all too often used to stifle criticism even when it's deserved.

I don't think you've ever said anything good about her, other than she's hot, so you're not the one to criticize. And IT IS NOT constructive if all you can say is that it doesn't appeal to you.

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The girls and I have gotten drunk to this. It's shouty, catchy, FUN.



In a primitive sense. Some people are easy to amuse. Other people require a higher level of stimulation. 



I don't think you've ever said anything good about her, other than she's hot, so you're not the one to criticize. And IT IS NOT constructive if all you can say is that it doesn't appeal to you.


I've said positive things about two of her mixtapes and True Romance. I've said a lot more about BTR than "it doesn't appeal to me." I don't do hero worship. It's for the simple-minded.

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@@782anonymous So now you're basically calling us simple minded for not taking a simple pop song with no connotation besides partying into consideration? I think you're honestly being too judgmental for no reason. Enjoy her older work if you dislike it instead of bashing our opinions.


You are not better than any other fan because you're slightly older than us or you prefer her older music. When Charli purposefully tries to appeal to the 20something year old male crowd and fails to do so then we'll talk. Until then you can enjoy the pop music geared towards 15 year old girls learning about female empowerment.


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I've never read of anyone here blindly agreeing with everything she does anyway...

Then you have no reason to be offended. People should accept that I don't like everything she does. If anyone's opinions are being bashed, they're mine.

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do you mean fans in general or in this board? cuz all the shows in ny and a bunch of her sxsw shows and a few other festivals i went to, there were alot of couples and straight guys there who loved charli


the only reason why i feel like i dont fit in with her fans is because like i said most of them are like punkish hipster types and i dont fall in that group because i dont l dress in their type of style and clothing brands, and while they mostly hate rap i listen to only rap, EXCEPT FOR CHARLIS MUSIC OF COURSE , NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY OR NOT


like most people i talk to about charli , always bring up marina and the diamonds or kitten or w.e and i have no idea who they are nor do i want to, except for the songs that they make, with charli's name on it lol

I don't know if it happens in this forum, but in other forums or twitter a lot of Charli stans listen to some rap like Brooke or Azealia


I mean, I don't think her fans hate rap, Charli even talked a lot about Yung Lean and Kitty Pryde

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ughhhh i am so over 728anon.... Like, if you really think people are primitive and below you for experimenting with alcohol and drugs then get out. People college aged are the MOST likely to use alcohol and drugs and they are 18-22, not 14. Experimenting with drugs in a safe way does not make you immature, a bad person, or less intelligent than anyone else. Many intelligent people have smoked weed, and MOST people have drank alcohol at various stages in their lives. Get over it. I'm starting to get annoyed (I'm also a bit drunk right now  :teehee: )


and @ everyone else, I'm with @@SitarHero , I don't imagine Break the Rules getting that big (at least not enough to get bandwagoners... tbh I dont think its a good enough song. I like it because I like Charli... God forbid a song like BTR would ever convert me to an artist I didnt already know) ... Yet, all the guys I talk to on tinder and grindr are messaging me about it because they know I like Charli, so it must be getting some kind of mainstream recognition, at least amongst the gays...

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People college aged are the MOST likely to use alcohol and drugs and they are 18-22, not 14.

What is this in response to? It was already determined that Charli's song is not for the 18-22 crowd. I really don't get what you're arguing.


I've tried alcohol like most people. It dumbs you down. I don't like feeling dumb, other people do.

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