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Favorite song: "You're the One"


This song was the first song I came to love of Charli's, and it's still my favorite today. I love the way the chorus just explodes and the lyrics and very inventive imo, which I love. Also the production is perfect imo and the low synthetic riffs used as undertones and into the chorus are just so lush and sound just as good to me now as they did the first time I heard them. The "St. Lucia" and "Loadstar" remixes of the song really accentuate this aspect of the track and so I adore these remixes too!



Least Favorite song: "Dance 4 U"


Excluding unreleased tracks and such, Dance 4 U is my least favorite from Heartbreaks & Earthquakes, Super Ultra, and True Romance. I think I don't like this song because I really dislike Justin Bieber and it's seriously ruins the track for me. Plus it's not really even catchy at all imo and the high-pitched squeals get pretty annoying..


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Favorite song: "Nuclear Seasons" - I think it's just a classic when it comes to Charli. It was one of the first tracks I heard from her last year and I really loved the vibe it had, its explosive chorus and all. I believe it's kind of Charli's masterpiece and she still needs to top it for me.


Least favorite song: "Spoons" - Out of the released tracks, it's the one that doesn't stick with me too much. I have nothing serious against the track but it's just that I remember listening to her mixtape and it being the only track I wanted to skip. I just don't like how that guy sings with Charli too, maybe I'd like it more if it was Charli-only.

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Favorite: "Velvet Dreaming (LUV)" - When I first listened to the Super Ultra Mixtape it's what got me into her. It was just something I've never heard of and even though she didn't produce the track the way she is just able to sing over it is just perfect and I wanted more.


Least: "Wires" - I just don't like it it's just too eerie and doesn't seem to match her style. 

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I stumbled on this article: http://www.spin.com/articles/charli-xcx-jesus-millions-illusions-of-stream/

Is there gonna be more JesusxCharli tracks on Double Denim Vol.1?

Which you can pre-order here: http://doubledenimrecords.bigcartel.com/product/double-denim-vol-1


You mean J£ZUSxJesus?



Okay, today's question...


Favorite Song: Glow


Highly sexy + emotional, instrumental to die for, perhaps her only use of high notes that I'm really fond of. s/o to "End of the World"--if you were to ask me on a different day, I'd have probably answered with that.


Least Favorite Song: Moments in Love / Dreams Money Can Buy


Let's subtract obvious choices like "Beach Hut in Hawaii" and "Like a G6"...I either want to say "Moments in Love" because it's so bland or "Dreams Money Can Buy" because the melody is so shitty.

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Favourite Song - You (Ha Ha Ha)

This song is the definition of perfection. I remember back in the day, I couldn't find a DL for the studio version, so I would bop to the demo. This question was super hard. So Far Away and What I Like are a close 2nd and 3rd for me.


Least Favourite Song - Feel My Pain / Set Me Free

This one was even harder. I do occasionally listen to this, but the production of this compared to the demo isn't as good as it could have been.

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OOOH I'd love an i+ rip of the song too, please can anyone PM me it? <3

Favourite Song
 - Take My Hand.
Production-wise, it's the best song I've heard by her. Nothing, NOTHING out there sounds even simmilar to it. I think it's Charli's essence made into a song.


Least Favourite Song - So Far Away.

It's so generic, I forget all about it even while listening to it.

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What a terrible question to ask...the reason Charli is my favourite is because so many of her songs appeal to me, on so many different levels. :ohno: 


I have to break it up into different subsections, because her career encapsulates so many different movements.  :hooker:


PART ONE - "14" 

My favourite would probably have to be "Yet Again"...though I love "Supermodels and Holiday Stunners", "Watch the Rain", and "Alcoholic" a whole bunch too, "Yet Again" gets stuck in my head the most and I love its concise-ness. I really do like the whole album, to be absolutely honest - choosing just one is really hard.  :flop: But a least favourite? Either "I'll Teach You a Lesson" (because the opening sounds so promising, but the rest of the song is so shockingly mediocre) or "Live Life", probably...along with "Chas's Song". They're just not really strong tracks, but I still enjoy them from time to time.  :biblio:



This is 100%, hands-down my favourite collection of Charli's work. That's why I'd rather hear songs like "Pop Princess" and "Falling in Love" from here more than anything since...there was something about her creativity and exploration as a budding artist that really flourished in these years, no matter what she says about it. :P "Princess Song" is my favourite lyrically, although some of the production elements on the version we have agitate me...I never get tired of her saying Box up the truth, push it to the side:legend: "Do It Well" and "Valentine" tie for overall faves from this time, but it's really hard to single out even two from the few we have...so much brilliance, so precious little left. :( Least favourites, of course, would simply have to be the Save the Rhino tracks, just because Miss Twiggi's presence adds an aura of immaturity that even young Charli tended to vie away from...since everyone else seems to ignore those two, however, I'd have to say "Too Cool" is less beautiful a track than most from this time, though I wouldn't discredit is as listenable. 



(Ideally, there would be a separate subsection for all the songs she did with various producers between 2010 and 2012 that were overlooked for the album, but seeing as none of these have leaked, we don't really have that luxury.  :noparty: )

I love both mixtapes dearly. I remember looping them CONSTANTLY after I started listening to her, and her material was so uncommon that we were obliged to over-listen to every song we had. :P My favourite from the first one would just have to be her adaption of "Dreams Money Can Buy". Most of you probably haven't heard of Jai Paul as an artist in his own right (not meant as a disparagement, simply as a truth...he is very eccentric/reclusive/niche :eek:), but the primary sample comes from his awesome track "BTSTU", which was further sampled by Drake to become "Dreams Money Can Buy". The chorus of Charli's version just gets me every time. So much energy, so much forcefulness, so much pure vocal power! As far as least favourite from the first one, I'd have to go with "Champagne Coast". I like it, but the mumbling just gets annoying after the first few listens. :/ 


Now, on to the far more coherent, fairly longer second mix. Choosing is, as always hard...this was the first true release she had after I became a fan, so I had the will to listen through every song on here until I liked them all. However, the song that sticks with least is "Velvet Dreaming (LUV)". I've grown fonder of it over time, but I just think it's kind lackluster lyrically. The high-pitched whispering in it, though...so gorgeous. Naturally, I don't love "Cloud Aura" as much as I might, but this seems to be a fairly common tendency. My favourites here are hard, because every song has at least moment that's just phenomenal!  :ohno: But "Dance 4 U" and "Moments in Love" are top of the list. Mention goes out to "Heatwave" for aging super quickly...not a bad track, but the sample and lyrics struck me as massively shallow after 20 or so listens. :P



Favourite? Without a doubt, "Take My Hand". Sure, "Stay Away" is an all-time shocker. Sure, the gliding vocals on "Nuclear Seasons"  and "You're the One" are wonderful. Yes, the lyrics on "What I Like" are so undeniably Tumblr-esque that all comparisons are futile. Of course the spoken bridge on "Feel My Pain" is the most wonderfully melodramatic thing I've ever heard, and "You (HA HA HA)" epitomizes the catchy vengeance tune! Yes, "How Can I" is a dirge, and the soft-spoken freestyle raps on "So Far Away" are contemptuous in a truly splendid way. Of course (and how did I not mention this earlier?) "Lock You Up" represents one of the best Pop melodies I've ever heard, and uses cliches in a truly admirable patchwork. But "Take My Hand", as I once said long ago, is freakin' euphoria in a song. So bubbly, a meteoric opal in an already sparkling crystal realm. Least? I knew it had to come to this. :ohno: However, simply because I forgive "Black Roses" its repetitive nature for its melodic brilliance, "Grins" ends up at the bottom of my hierarchy. I think it's still one of my most played Charli songs, but I felt like it never deserved to be promoted from mixtape status when such songs like "Midnight" exist that we might never hear.  :deadbanana: 



Charli does something that she seems prone to forget - she works with a lot of other vocalists, especially in songs which she has a hand in writing. She rarely mentions the majority of these collaborations, especially with the advent of her new career, but they present some of her best moments. My personal favourites are "Smile" (though I don't think it is beyond fault, especially structurally speaking, the spelling just gets me) and "Like a G6", partly because the latter is essentially the only thing left from the grand ole days when she worked with Uzo Emenike, and partly because her flow in the opening verse is just  :excited:! Imagine if she still did stuff like that. Least favourite would probably be "Just Desserts"...I enjoy Charli's lyrics, but I find Marina's lyrics and general aesthetic do not work when applied to Charli's wild energy. "Heartbreak's hard, when you got a plastic heart..." and it goes downhill from there.  :toofunny: Honourable mention goes out to "Train In Vain", which for some reason I was obsessed with for about three months and then got so bored of I virtually forgot about it. 

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What a terrible question to ask...the reason Charli is my favourite is because so many of her songs appeal to me, on so many different levels. :ohno: 


I have to break it up into different subsections, because her career encapsulates so many different movements.  :hooker:


PART ONE - "14" 

My favourite would probably have to be "Yet Again"...though I love "Supermodels and Holiday Stunners", "Watch the Rain", and "Alcoholic" a whole bunch too, "Yet Again" gets stuck in my head the most and I love its concise-ness. I really do like the whole album, to be absolutely honest - choosing just one is really hard.  :flop: But a least favourite? Either "I'll Teach You a Lesson" (because the opening sounds so promising, but the rest of the song is so shockingly mediocre) or "Live Life", probably...along with "Chas's Song". They're just not really strong tracks, but I still enjoy them from time to time.  :biblio:



This is 100%, hands-down my favourite collection of Charli's work. That's why I'd rather hear songs like "Pop Princess" and "Falling in Love" from here more than anything since...there was something about her creativity and exploration as a budding artist that really flourished in these years, no matter what she says about it. :P "Princess Song" is my favourite lyrically, although some of the production elements on the version we have agitate me...I never get tired of her saying Box up the truth, push it to the side:legend: "Do It Well" and "Valentine" tie for overall faves from this time, but it's really hard to single out even two from the few we have...so much brilliance, so precious little left. :( Least favourites, of course, would simply have to be the Save the Rhino tracks, just because Miss Twiggi's presence adds an aura of immaturity that even young Charli tended to vie away from...since everyone else seems to ignore those two, however, I'd have to say "Too Cool" is less beautiful a track than most from this time, though I wouldn't discredit is as listenable. 



(Ideally, there would be a separate subsection for all the songs she did with various producers between 2010 and 2012 that were overlooked for the album, but seeing as none of these have leaked, we don't really have that luxury.  :noparty: )

I love both mixtapes dearly. I remember looping them CONSTANTLY after I started listening to her, and her material was so uncommon that we were obliged to over-listen to every song we had. :P My favourite from the first one would just have to be her adaption of "Dreams Money Can Buy". Most of you probably haven't heard of Jai Paul as an artist in his own right (not meant as a disparagement, simply as a truth...he is very eccentric/reclusive/niche :eek:), but the primary sample comes from his awesome track "BTSTU", which was further sampled by Drake to become "Dreams Money Can Buy". The chorus of Charli's version just gets me every time. So much energy, so much forcefulness, so much pure vocal power! As far as least favourite from the first one, I'd have to go with "Champagne Coast". I like it, but the mumbling just gets annoying after the first few listens. :/ 


Now, on to the far more coherent, fairly longer second mix. Choosing is, as always hard...this was the first true release she had after I became a fan, so I had the will to listen through every song on here until I liked them all. However, the song that sticks with least is "Velvet Dreaming (LUV)". I've grown fonder of it over time, but I just think it's kind lackluster lyrically. The high-pitched whispering in it, though...so gorgeous. Naturally, I don't love "Cloud Aura" as much as I might, but this seems to be a fairly common tendency. My favourites here are hard, because every song has at least moment that's just phenomenal!  :ohno: But "Dance 4 U" and "Moments in Love" are top of the list. Mention goes out to "Heatwave" for aging super quickly...not a bad track, but the sample and lyrics struck me as massively shallow after 20 or so listens. :P



Favourite? Without a doubt, "Take My Hand". Sure, "Stay Away" is an all-time shocker. Sure, the gliding vocals on "Nuclear Seasons"  and "You're the One" are wonderful. Yes, the lyrics on "What I Like" are so undeniably Tumblr-esque that all comparisons are futile. Of course the spoken bridge on "Feel My Pain" is the most wonderfully melodramatic thing I've ever heard, and "You (HA HA HA)" epitomizes the catchy vengeance tune! Yes, "How Can I" is a dirge, and the soft-spoken freestyle raps on "So Far Away" are contemptuous in a truly splendid way. Of course (and how did I not mention this earlier?) "Lock You Up" represents one of the best Pop melodies I've ever heard, and uses cliches in a truly admirable patchwork. But "Take My Hand", as I once said long ago, is freakin' euphoria in a song. So bubbly, a meteoric opal in an already sparkling crystal realm. Least? I knew it had to come to this. :ohno: However, simply because I forgive "Black Roses" its repetitive nature for its melodic brilliance, "Grins" ends up at the bottom of my hierarchy. I think it's still one of my most played Charli songs, but I felt like it never deserved to be promoted from mixtape status when such songs like "Midnight" exist that we might never hear.  :deadbanana: 



Charli does something that she seems prone to forget - she works with a lot of other vocalists, especially in songs which she has a hand in writing. She rarely mentions the majority of these collaborations, especially with the advent of her new career, but they present some of her best moments. My personal favourites are "Smile" (though I don't think it is beyond fault, especially structurally speaking, the spelling just gets me) and "Like a G6", partly because the latter is essentially the only thing left from the grand ole days when she worked with Uzo Emenike, and partly because her flow in the opening verse is just  :excited:! Imagine if she still did stuff like that. Least favourite would probably be "Just Desserts"...I enjoy Charli's lyrics, but I find Marina's lyrics and general aesthetic do not work when applied to Charli's wild energy. "Heartbreak's hard, when you got a plastic heart..." and it goes downhill from there.  :toofunny: Honourable mention goes out to "Train In Vain", which for some reason I was obsessed with for about three months and then got so bored of I virtually forgot about it. 


It's like, how can you be the biggest Charli stan but also so consistently wrong? :sideeye:


Uh, should we all go more in depth and not let Madrigal outshine us? :biblio:

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"Falling In Love" is almost definitely "Illusions Of". 


I'm getting kinda sick of this, I will not have "I'm Fucked"s and "Teenage Wasteland"s in the Charliverse.


Madrigal just said it was a MySpace demo...

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I was seeing Charli's live performances and I got scared :oprah: she has big boobs :oprah: I never noticed them but in I Love It it's impossible :oprah:


Ah and... My Favorite track it's "Nuclear Seasons," with "What I Like" and "Stay Away" in my Top 3 too.


Least favorite from True Romance is "Black Roses" and Maybe "Take My Hand" :) I'm still getting into her mixtapes and old stuff

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Does anybody have a link to Charli's Discography? 


The one I got in February is verrryyy outdated. 


Because I'm lost about the tracks like "Your Eyes", "Falling in Love" "Do It Well" :sweat:

"Your Eyes" is a track she is featured on by a group known as Ocelot, "Falling in Love" is unavailable, and "Do It Well" can be found on SoundCloud. :P

"Falling In Love" is almost definitely "Illusions Of". 

No, there is an actual MySpace demo known as either "Falling in Love" or "Falling In Love Again"...I refuse to even consider that the two might be the same track.  :rip: 



It's like, how can you be the biggest Charli stan but also so consistently wrong? :sideeye:


Uh, should we all go more in depth and not let Madrigal outshine us? :biblio:


Hey, I'm all for well-articulated arguments among fans who can argue there points well, but I can't stand pointless, poorly written dialogue.  :crossed: 

Defend yourself with your impressive writing abilities, and help extend this thread ;).

yes tho, i feel like such a flop  :eek: 

:horror: No you're not!!! I just happened to have 45 minutes on my hands to waste typing out my opinions. :P

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