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@@782anonymous Has anyone here actually illegally obtained music from her though? I guess I don't doubt it, but I haven't... I've downloaded the leaked songs but once they are already leaked how much harm is it really... I've never hacked emails or begged for illegal music from someone... I understand leaks hurt her career... But when they happen I listen... Would you look if nude photos of her leaked? Just curious.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:10 AM, comeintomybedroom said:

I don't understand. Is he gonna notify the authorities?


There's a thing called "fair use" 


We never intended for the tracks to be leaked out, they were not for commercial use, and we weren't even the ones that leaked them


I suppose each person who has songs from 14 should be in jail for violating the terms of a publishing deal now, or any unreleased Lana song she's ever recorded


And before the whole "Charli didn't profit from the songs" bullshit gets thrown up, the discs were sent as promos so no ever paid for them in the first place. In fact, SHE paid to keep them.


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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:16 AM, iseeyouupsidedown said:

@@782anonymousWould you look if nude photos of her leaked? Just curious.

Of course he would, so he can take his self-righteous "stealing her music" bullshit and shove it up his ass.


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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:06 AM, iseeyouupsidedown said:

While we are already so off topic and talking about sex, can we talk about drugs? Lol It's getting WAY too hostile here... Regardless of opinions we are all Charli fans. Let's hold back and summer down a bit...


I'm guessing @@782anonymous isn't the only one here who is against marijuana and alcohol. I think it's interesting how when we say your sexual comments are creepy, you go back to how sex is natural and weed and alcohol aren't... For young people today they kind of are though... What's so wrong about weed? I think experimenting with softer and more accepted drugs like weed and alcohol are part of growing up. Young people do those things, just like they experiment with sex. And I don't hear about any young people dying from smoking a joint... I think drug policies should be more sensible.


Lol sorry mods, this may be WAAAY too off topic. I'm actually curious how 782anonymous feels about this though because most people I meet that are against drugs and alcohol as he is are also against premarital sex but you're so incredibly liberal about sex yet use almost puritanical language when it comes to weed and beer.

I believe that marijuana should be decriminalized because drug enforcement does more harm than good. It would be better off to deal with drug abuse socially and psychologically than legally. Drug use is not as natural as sex. Marijuana is not all that harmful as long as people don't operate machinery while high, but cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and the other highly-processed and designer drugs are far from being natural. Even though opium can be used close to its natural form, it's also very harmful.



  On 9/29/2014 at 12:14 AM, omgitsandrew said:

My insides are weeping at the beauty from this post

Yet, the first sentence debunks what people are saying - - that I only care about Charli's body.



  On 9/29/2014 at 12:16 AM, iseeyouupsidedown said:

@@782anonymous Has anyone here actually illegally obtained music from her though? I guess I don't doubt it, but I haven't... I've downloaded the leaked songs but once they are already leaked how much harm is it really... I've never hacked emails or begged for illegal music from someone... I understand leaks hurt her career... But when they happen I listen... Would you look if nude photos of her leaked? Just curious.

If you download a leaked song that is going to be sold or could have been sold, you are doing harm. That means you won't be buying the song when it's officially available. You might not think that some of the songs will be sold, but someone leaked songs that Charli was thinking about shopping to other artists. Even if Charli has no plans to make a song available, it is unethical to invade her privacy by obtaining a song she doesn't want leaked. You're also providing a market for the leaked music. People wouldn't leak music if they didn't get some kind of monetary or personal gratification.



  On 9/29/2014 at 12:17 AM, omgitsandrew said:

There's a thing called "fair use" 


We never intended for the tracks to be leaked out, they were not for commercial use, and we weren't even the ones that leaked them


I suppose each person who has songs from 14 should be in jail for violating the terms of a publishing deal now, or any unreleased Lana song she's ever recorded


And before the whole "Charli didn't profit from the songs" bullshit gets thrown up, the discs were sent as promos so no ever paid for them in the first place. In fact, SHE paid to keep them.

That is not Fair Use. Fair Use is when you reproduce someone's intellectual property for educational, parody, or commentary purposes.



  On 9/29/2014 at 12:19 AM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

Of course he would, so he can take his self-righteous "stealing her music" bullshit and shove it up his ass.

You're so violent.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:10 AM, comeintomybedroom said:

I don't understand. Is he gonna notify the authorities?

I am the authorities, but you're probably out of my jurisdiction. I don't care to notify anyone. Just remember that when you attack me for saying something you don't like that I didn't take part in leaking Charli's music.

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@@782anonymous the only thing I want to comment on is that saying if I download it when it leaks I won't buy it is totally untrue. I've bought every song Charli has made available for purchase... Even the ones I had already downloaded before she officially released them (I.e Boom Clap and Superlove). If she wants to release something that's leaked already, she can do so and I will buy it. But if something is out there, I'm going to listen to it whether she released it or not, because I love her music.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:36 AM, 782anonymous said:

That means you won't be buying the song when it's officially available.

That's situational & not really true.



You're so violent.

I know. :party:

Nice to see you not denying it tho.


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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:41 AM, iseeyouupsidedown said:

@@782anonymous the only thing I want to comment on is that saying if I download it when it leaks I won't buy it is totally untrue. I've bought every song Charli has made available for purchase... Even the ones I had already downloaded before she officially released them (I.e Boom Clap and Superlove). If she wants to release something that's leaked already, she can do so and I will buy it. But if something is out there, I'm going to listen to it whether she released it or not, because I love her music.

You're still adding to the demand for leaked music, and a lot of other people are not going to purchase the music when it's made officially available.



  On 9/29/2014 at 12:42 AM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

That's situational & not really true.



I know. :party:

Nice to see you not denying it tho.

I didn't look at Jennifer Lawrence's leaked pictures, and I used to have a major crush on her. I thought about looking for them, but then I felt icky.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:38 AM, 782anonymous said:

I am the authorities, but you're probably out of my jurisdiction. I don't care to notify anyone. Just remember that when you attack me for saying something you don't like that I didn't take part in leaking Charli's music.

Nobody here took any part in leaking. 14 was given out on CDs years ago, probably leaked by the guy who tried selling it, it's not our fault it surfaced. Most, if not all of her unreleased were on her MySpaces at some point. The 3 recent tracks were accidentally released on a producer's website, again, not anyones fault but his.

Why am I even talking about this with you? I have no dirty conscience over anything on this girl. I buy everything officially available. Twice if I can. I have bought a ticket to three of her shows even though I have only seen her once. I support her all that I can. If I want to spend $30 on a promo CD she gave out for free at one point, it doesn't make me a bad person.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:58 AM, comeintomybedroom said:

Nobody here took any part in leaking. 14 was given out on CDs years ago, probably leaked by the guy who tried selling it, it's not our fault it surfaced. Most, if not all of her unreleased were on her MySpaces at some point. The 3 recent tracks were accidentally released on a producer's website, again, not anyones fault but his.

Why am I even talking about this with you? I have no dirty conscience over anything on this girl. I buy everything officially available. Twice if I can. I have bought a ticket to three of her shows even though I have only seen her once. I support her all that I can. If I want to spend $30 on a promo CD she gave out for free at one point, it doesn't make me a bad person.

If she wants you to get it for free, then she will give it to you for free. If she wants to sell it to you, then she will sell it to you. If it's no longer officially available, then it's no longer officially available. Our moral compasses are all in different places. Ethics are not an absolute thing. I have no dirty conscience over my comments about her appearance.

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Serious question: why did people here view the leaking of 14 as some kind of incredibly amoral thing? Especially when there's no such feeling compared to Lana's Sirens, or her early two EPs? This isn't accusatory; I was genuinely confused by the reaction. The songs weren't obtained by hacking. Someone who bought the CD uploaded the tracks and gave them to someone else. Isn't this the same thing that happened with Sirens? Yet through all the archive binging I've done on this forum, I've never seen anyone react ambivalently to the availability of Sirens stuff. Is it different because Charli doesn't like 14? I've just never seen this reaction to material that was previously available (Lana's pre-AKA albums, Lady Gaga's Red & Blue/Words EP) and I'd like to understand why this particularly case was met with so much outrage.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:38 AM, 782anonymous said:

I am the authorities, but you're probably out of my jurisdiction. I don't care to notify anyone. Just remember that when you attack me for saying something you don't like that I didn't take part in leaking Charli's music.


Neither did we :rip: You wanna talk major leaks? Rick Nowels sessions (Heartbreak High etc) were leaked by a non-fan--which you should know since you did all your data collecting. Obviously no one who paid for 14 in this thread leaked it. Nearly everything else was already posted to the internet and reasonably easy to find. Maybe if you wanna talk about the album sampler leak, which was indeed shitty, but it's not like she's ever been hacked. Least of all by us!


EDIT: I see comeintomybedroom already did all the collecting regarding this smh. But yeah we're greedy bitches and the last to leak her shit.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 1:21 AM, KBr said:

Serious question: why did people here view the leaking of 14 as some kind of incredibly amoral thing? Especially when there's no such feeling compared to Lana's Sirens, or her early two EPs? This isn't accusatory; I was genuinely confused by the reaction. The songs weren't obtained by hacking. Someone who bought the CD uploaded the tracks and gave them to someone else. Isn't this the same thing that happened with Sirens? Yet through all the archive binging I've done on this forum, I've never seen anyone react ambivalently to the availability of Sirens stuff. Is it different because Charli doesn't like 14? I've just never seen this reaction to material that was previously available (Lana's pre-AKA albums, Lady Gaga's Red & Blue/Words EP) and I'd like to understand why this particularly case was met with so much outrage.

  • she's addressed her distaste for 14 more than once i think.
  • some fans are second hand embarrassed by the album and don't want non-fans to get turned off if they happen to hear it.
  • it's a smaller fan base.
  • it's a way for not-that-hardcore fans to make hardcore fans feel kinda bad for enjoying it.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 1:21 AM, KBr said:

Serious question: why did people here view the leaking of 14 as some kind of incredibly amoral thing? Especially when there's no such feeling compared to Lana's Sirens, or her early two EPs? This isn't accusatory; I was genuinely confused by the reaction. The songs weren't obtained by hacking. Someone who bought the CD uploaded the tracks and gave them to someone else. Isn't this the same thing that happened with Sirens? Yet through all the archive binging I've done on this forum, I've never seen anyone react ambivalently to the availability of Sirens stuff. Is it different because Charli doesn't like 14? I've just never seen this reaction to material that was previously available (Lana's pre-AKA albums, Lady Gaga's Red & Blue/Words EP) and I'd like to understand why this particularly case was met with so much outrage.

I don't know anything about Lana Del Rey.


Take my advice. Getting unreleased or yet to be released music from one of your favorite artists is not worth the risk of being fined, incarcerated, or sued. Just wait. If it's never released, then it's never released. You aren't going to die if you don't hear every single song from your favorite artist. You're probably not even going to care about them 10 years from now.


Several years ago I had an interview for a job with a government agency that wasn't even a law enforcement position. After the interview, they had me answer questions about my current and past activities. One of the questions asked me if I had ever illegally obtained music. I answered truthfully that I did as a teenager. If I had lied, I don't know if the truth would have come out in the polygraph they were going to give me or when speaking to acquaintances during the background investigation. I don't know if my answer disqualified me or if I didn't do well enough in the interview, but I didn't get the job. One organization has said that there is a good chance they will not hire someone who has illegally obtained copyrighted material.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 2:25 AM, omgitsandrew said:

do not plug that horrid song in this thread  :crossed:

I'm obsessed with the concept of it. The song is TERRIBLE, that's obvious. But, the concept behind it is so fascinating, I love it.

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  On 9/29/2014 at 12:06 AM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

That's what pisses me off. Argue with whoever all you want but don't turn around and insult everyone because you're feeling cornered. Pitiful.

Hold up! You "liked" a personal attack against me. In my eyes, that's the same as you attacking me yourself. I don't feel sorry if you were offended by the generalization I made after the personal attack was made against me.

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