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The Trinity is Lock You Up - You're the One - Stay Away.

Breaking up is an okay song. Yall give it way too much praise.

Fight me.

I actually mostly agree with your opinion of a trinity (I usually agree with you actually lol) but I might switch "Lock You Up" for likeeeeeee "You" or "Take My Hand"


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I actually listen to Break the Rules more than Breaking Up. Tbh I don't know when but Break the Rules grew on me really hard and it's like my favorite party song now... It just really psychs me up.

sir you just need to listen to famous more

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If there's ANY trilogy it's Nuclear Seasons, Grins, and Take My Hand...those shared samples


But You, I Love It, and Breaking Up are all good angry songs :stareney2:

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So since its almost the end of the year and we're already talking about our Charli holy trinities, I figured it might be fun to post my top 10 favorite Charli songs of all time! It was really hard to chose, and I've been thinking about this all day. Sorry i can’t figure out how to add the spoiler thing on here so u will all be forced to read my sappy explanations!


1. You're the One


this song is charli at her finest. lyrically its beautiful, i don’t find it excessively repetitive, i love the verses, and its even perfection acoustically. this was the first song i heard off true romance when i first listened, and i automatically fell in love with it <3


2. Grins


what is not to like about this song… i mean really. theres something so special about it that i can’t get over …. it also just has such an energy and aura about it, especially live. i’d also like to mention that it is my top played song in my iTunes library with 1768 plays…. it would be a crime not to include it in my top 10!


3. Breaking Up


from hearing the live version until seeing the video, i’ve always loved this song so much. unlike some other songs on sucker it wasn’t a disappointment from the live version to the studio, and UGH OH MY GOD ITS 100% MY ANTHEM FOREVER. also its totally punk and perfect… perfect.


4. Superlove


everyone can agree that superlove is an AMAZING song. its the perfect mixture of true romance-esque charli and mainstream pop radio music. i wish this song got more promotion or was released after charli’s success earlier this year, and was on sucker because i feel like everyone would love this song if they heard it and it would’ve done well on the charts as well... can we also talk about the video, its probably one of my favorite music videos ever! 


5. Set Me Free


this song and the demo have always been such PURE PERFECTION to me. i love the synths, i love the lyrics, when i’m happy i listen to it, its a perfect love song, and when i’m sad i can cry to it. i mean, even though charli confessed to writing it about twilight, its still SUCH an amazing song.


6. Stay Away


i love the emotion that is channeled in stay away, i love the lyrics, the sound, i just love everything. sometimes people say that the production of the song is bad but i honestly think the *fuzziness* makes it that much better. i also love the story behind it :)


7. Glow


is this not everyone’s favorite from super ultra? i always go hard to this.


8. Kingdom


when i first heard this song, i cried. i literally CRIED. it is just such a beautiful song, and i love the way her voice sounds. its so unique as well because its not really similar vocally to any other songs by charli. i really wish she would sing like this more, because i know she is capable and it just sounds so godly!


9. Smile


i don’t really know much about this song besides that it is technically not charli’s own song, but my god its so good. i never get tired of listening to it. i love the way charli spells crystal… lmao


10. I'll Never Know 


this song has a special significance to me because it was the first song i had heard by charli on 8tracks, and it made me fall in love with her musical style and songwriting. aw



this was literally SO hard.... if i could include more i would pick: Supermodels & Holiday Stunners, Hanging Around, Interior, Dreams Money Can Buy, What I Like, & Sucker.


This makes it seem like I hate Charli's old myspace songs, 14, & Sucker lol.... But I love those too! These are just my top 10 favorites... If anyone could also post their top 10 that would be awesome because I'm super interested to know everyone elses.


I just love this woman so much. and have a little too much free time.


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Is there any interviews where Charli talks about TR during the Sucker era? Just wondering what her thoughts are on it now that it's ended

Yeah, she mentioned it a bit towards the beginning when Boom Clap was rising.


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I only listened to SUCKER yesterday because I was waiting for my friend to come back from the U.S. with the album she got from Target but I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS. :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:


The album is SO GOOD.

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If anyone could also post their top 10 that would be awesome because I'm super interested to know everyone elses.




1. Fancy

2. Die Tonight

3. 14


5. Beach Hut in Hawaii

6. Cloud Aura

7. Like a G6

8. Break the Rules

9. Break the Rules (Live @ AMAs)

10. Beg For It



1. Mess

2. Glow

3. End of the World

4. Grins

5. Take My Hand

6. Breaking Up

7. Valentine

8. Neon Fashion and Glowstixx

9. Sucker

10. Art Bitch



ALSO ALSO does anyone have SuperLove in 320? Please.

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 If anyone could also post their top 10 that would be awesome because I'm super interested to know everyone elses.


1. Caught in the Middle/Doing It

2. Heatwave

3. What I Like

4. Take My Hand

5. Dance 4 U

6. Moments in Love

7. Dreams Money Can Buy

8. Grins

9. Cloud Aura

10. So Far Away/Set Me Free

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