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It really just hit me, Baby is going to go off on the Crash tour. I can’t wait to hear the singles live, the only songs I’m really hoping for from HIFN is Anthems and Visions, but I’m sure it will be Claws and Forever. 

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4 hours ago, charli bby said:

please just give us the tracklist and put us out of our misery

what so twinks with no life can scour every corner of every atlantic hard drive to find them and leak them?


NOT on my watch :sideeye:

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with the album being so short there’s definitely a lot of room to bring back some oldies, i expect her to do a few mainstream classics - but not all of them


she has praised true romance & sucker a lot lately so maybe some grins/stay away/need ur luv/body of my own? perhaps?


it would be fun if maybe she brought out some xcx world tracks…. come to my party would be so fun but 👀 

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The setlist imo will be something like:

Good Ones
*Rina collab from Crash
Stay Away
Unlock It
Vroom Vroom
I Got It
New Shapes
Track 10
Don't Think Twice
Party 4 U

Encore: Girls Night Out


Plus 3 more Crash songs

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2 minutes ago, Townie said:

The setlist imo will be something like:

Good Ones
*Rina collab from Crash
Stay Away
Unlock It
Vroom Vroom
I Got It
New Shapes
Track 10
Don't Think Twice
Party 4 U

Encore: Girls Night Out


Plus 3 more Crash songs

this is actually a very serviceable setlist imo :oic3:


which means it won’t happen :toofloppy:

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5 minutes ago, Chorli Xbox said:

can someone explain to me why suddenly everyone is calling Caroline Polachek racist (even at Charli’s TikTok video comments)


it might be because her last name is a derogatory word that was used towards polish people but tbh i don’t think that’s the reason it’s happening right now

edit: changed slur to derogatory word

edit 2: yeah the above is not the reason see below

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3 minutes ago, Chorli Xbox said:

can someone explain to me why suddenly everyone is calling Caroline Polachek racist (even at Charli’s TikTok video comments)

they're bringing up the time where she quoted a song lyric on her instagram story (typed it out) and it had the n word in it


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4 minutes ago, Chorli Xbox said:

can someone explain to me why suddenly everyone is calling Caroline Polachek racist (even at Charli’s TikTok video comments)

many years ago Caroline reposted a song from a rapper on instagram stories which said the n word and she wasnt even singing the song at the post I think lol. Later on she was called out for that

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47 minutes ago, LunaeManifestum said:

many years ago Caroline reposted a song from a rapper on instagram stories which said the n word and she wasnt even singing the song at the post I think lol. Later on she was called out for that

it was a lyric from kanye west's album which came out in mid 2018. she did this right after doing an ad with several outspoken black artists, she was being ignorant and just braindead.

the person that called her out was Kelela, who was in the campaign ad with her, like what a slap in the face.

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58 minutes ago, abombnd said:

they're bringing up the time where she quoted a song lyric on her instagram story (typed it out) and it had the n word in it

yeah it was just a copy/paste on her story, she apologized on her ig story right after, i thought everyone moved past it since it was 4 years ago & she’s spoken about it but :toofloppy: tiktok comments have no shame (also dare i say - performative)


obviously it’s not a great thing and at her old ass age she should’ve known better but also, the fact that the word racist is thrown around so easily has me?? like i don’t think her copy/pasting a lyric from a song makes her racist 😭 like-

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2 hours ago, the ocean said:

i’m gonna give charli the benefit of the doubt but i’m gonna avoid caroline unless there’s a fairly unanimous acceptance from black people towards any apology she gives or has given


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okay so it’s definitely not “smart” for her to do that, but also, it’s the literal lyric. And calling her “racist” for that is reaching imo


also, it baffles me how much time Gen Z etc spends on finding people saying/typing the N- word (sometimes from different countries or even kids, using it unknowningly) instead of fighting against people with actual racist acts and intentions.


anyways, i hope charli won’t get more shit from it. People were calling her out in collabing with her 

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3 hours ago, the ocean said:


it might be because her last name is a derogatory word that was used towards polish people but tbh i don’t think that’s the reason it’s happening right now

LOL that gives me the energy of woke teens deadass trying to cancel the Spanish language because the Spanish word for "black" looks like a racial slur in English 


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idk why we are talking about the incident involving caroline on charli's thread but as a non black person im not going to disregard kelelas initial response to it. Caroline took the time to type out that slur. she didn't just share the kanye song, she wrote the lyric out which isn't racist in intent it's surely a bonehead move. i'm sure everyone involved has moved on and people are just bringing it up to start shit/troll. 


anyway i hope baby comes out in the next two weeks !! i don't think i've been this excited about a charli project in years and i highly doubt anyones actually getting cancelled, it's just tiktok trolling and charli isn't going to be cancelled lol i mean she survived the iggy azalea moment 


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5 hours ago, brandon said:

it would be fun if maybe she brought out some xcx world tracks…. come to my party would be so fun but 👀 

that won't happen lmao 


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