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Divisive Princess

What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?

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I apologise in advance about how much fake deep and arrogant this is going to sound, which is a shame considering how dead serious I am, this is the realest talk ever for me and I'm genuine.


I've thought really deeply about this, I've had this thread in mind for days, and actually, I can count people that physically changed my life on the fingers of one hand and she's most definitely amongst them. I realised that in the 8 months that I known about her, I've wrote a twenty pages academic essay on her, I've read several books and watched countless movies when I dislike doing both just because of her, I have 5000 pictures of her on my computer meticulously classed, and I entirely based my first public exhibition of my career as an artist on her and the ghosts of her. My essay also is leading me directly to my thesis subject which hasn't been researched yet so she may be at the origin of my potential career success. And yes, on top of that, she changed my very tastes, she made me appreciate coffee when I despise it and I switched from Coca Cola to Pepsi, Diet Mountain Dew is now my favourite drink ever, she made me discover that I have kind of a daddy kink but for women and because of her intense femininity she made me realise I was definitely bisexual and she taught me to accept it by teaching me to unapologetically accept who I am. I've never, in my entire life, related to someone that much. This is for another thread but it blows my mind how different yet strikingly similar we are. The most ironical part for me is that I hated her with a passion back in 2012, I remember despising how cliché and plastic and "tumblr hipsterical grunge" she sounded and looked, but in December 2014 I was looking for a subject of research for my essay for my course at uni on fans and amateurs experts, and out of pure sheer genuine curiosity I decided out of the blue to do the experiment of "taking the place of a Lana Del Rey fan" and see how it would go, as for example I have an incredible, extreme fascination for the pictures of fans kneeling in front of the H&M adverts. Needless to say, about 30 pages into Lanalysis I was so hooked that I dreamt about her constantly. I remember, I think I became a fan the exact second she points the microphone at the crowd crying in the chorus in the Video Games Vicar Street video. It was like touching her soul. I started watching and listening to her music and interviews compulsively and was so taken aback by the quantity as well as quality of it, it made me respect her so much as a creative hard working person. I'm so glad I've been through this. She's too famous for me, she'll never know I exist and I probably will never go to a concert of hers because I couldn't bear the preparation emotionally, but it's cool, I prefer to keep the perfect idea of her I have in mind and for some reasons I honestly can't explain I'm extremely seriously in love with both her and the idea of her. I've never been a fan of any """famous popstar""" before. This is still so new for me, and so delightful, I think that one of the biggest things she changed is my acceptance towards my own tastes, like I'm *mostly* still ashamed to say I'm a fan of hers and I really don't look like a lipster at all for whatever that means, but I used to dislike pop and charts music by default just because it was mainstream and I facepalm at my old self every time I have the extreme pleasure of listening  to practically any of the around 500 songs of hers I now have in my library.


I'm a very lambda fan, really the basic fangirl, but I know for a crystal clear fact that without her I would never have had the balls to accept that it's not necessarily something to be ashamed of and that it can be turned into raw, pure creative and artistic energy. God, I'm so thankful for her existence 


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I've started writing lyrics at school since in 8th grade.

I felt daunted and frustrated cause I was never part of the cool kids.

They mocked me and nobody really cared for me.

Writing lyrics was my only way out.

However I never dared to present my work to anybody.


Only Lana Del Rey could break the vicious circle!

First off all I fell in love with her music,

yet, I avoided reading facts about her.

She was rather like a higher spirit to me.


When I met Lana 3 years ago on september, 15

I told her that she is just LARGER THAN LIFE!


And that she is a great inspiriration to me!

She said I am special!

Moreover she insisted that I should get going

my creativity!


So Lana really kicked my ass!


http://www.youtube.com/user/lovelanalikelife ♥Music For Lana&Lana's Fans♥

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Mainly she just introduced me to a whole new sound of music, and she gave me an appreciation for music videos. Before her, I didn't really care about music videos, but since I knew how into visuals she was, I watched her videography and got a real appreciation for that art form. But the main thing is that she opened my eyes to her unique sound, and she gave me a curiosity about discovering more great artists with uncommon sounds.

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I first heard her in February 2012 after I was in a rehab for 5 days. It was a sad month and she stucked in my head all day. She was more like a muse of sadness for me. Paradise was good too but I never really liked it. Summertime Sadness is my Summer anthem of 2012 but I never really heard her in 2013. But in May 2014 I felt in real deep love with her. UV showed me so many things. Some songs I release to myself. I made some bad things in the past and these songs reflect that sometimes I don't want to hear it but it's so true. She teached me things I never thought I would like. Now after I learned more from her and how she really is I adore her.


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I apologise in advance about how much fake deep and arrogant this is going to sound, which is a shame considering how dead serious I am, this is the realest talk ever for me and I'm genuine.


I've thought really deeply about this, I've had this thread in mind for days, and actually, I can count people that physically changed my life on the fingers of one hand and she's most definitely amongst them. I realised that in the 8 months that I known about her, I've wrote a twenty pages academic essay on her, I've read several books and watched countless movies when I dislike doing both just because of her, I have 5000 pictures of her on my computer meticulously classed, and I entirely based my first public exhibition of my career as an artist on her and the ghosts of her. My essay also is leading me directly to my thesis subject which hasn't been researched yet so she may be at the origin of my potential career success. And yes, on top of that, she changed my very tastes, she made me appreciate coffee when I despise it and I switched from Coca Cola to Pepsi, Diet Mountain Dew is now my favourite drink ever, she made me discover that I have kind of a daddy kink but for women and because of her intense femininity she made me realise I was definitely bisexual and she taught me to accept it by teaching me to unapologetically accept who I am. I've never, in my entire life, related to someone that much. This is for another thread but it blows my mind how different yet strikingly similar we are. The most ironical part for me is that I hated her with a passion back in 2012, I remember despising how cliché and plastic and "tumblr hipsterical grunge" she sounded and looked, but in December 2014 I was looking for a subject of research for my essay for my course at uni on fans and amateurs experts, and out of pure sheer genuine curiosity I decided out of the blue to do the experiment of "taking the place of a Lana Del Rey fan" and see how it would go, as for example I have an incredible, extreme fascination for the pictures of fans kneeling in front of the H&M adverts. Needless to say, about 30 pages into Lanalysis I was so hooked that I dreamt about her constantly. I remember, I think I became a fan the exact second she points the microphone at the crowd crying in the chorus in the Video Games Vicar Street video. It was like touching her soul. I started watching and listening to her music and interviews compulsively and was so taken aback by the quantity as well as quality of it, it made me respect her so much as a creative hard working person. I'm so glad I've been through this. She's too famous for me, she'll never know I exist and I probably will never go to a concert of hers because I couldn't bear the preparation emotionally, but it's cool, I prefer to keep the perfect idea of her I have in mind and for some reasons I honestly can't explain I'm extremely seriously in love with both her and the idea of her. I've never been a fan of any """famous popstar""" before. This is still so new for me, and so delightful, I think that one of the biggest things she changed is my acceptance towards my own tastes, like I'm *mostly* still ashamed to say I'm a fan of hers and I really don't look like a lipster at all for whatever that means, but I used to dislike pop and charts music by default just because it was mainstream and I facepalm at my old self every time I have the extreme pleasure of listening  to practically any of the around 500 songs of hers I now have in my library.


I'm a very lambda fan, really the basic fangirl, but I know for a crystal clear fact that without her I would never have had the balls to accept that it's not necessarily something to be ashamed of and that it can be turned into raw, pure creative and artistic energy. God, I'm so thankful for her existence 

First, I must say that I love your post! I love to hear people's stories about how art changed their life. I would like to ask, how did Lana make you appreciate coffee more? You're second person in this topic making this confession, and I'm curious where does it came from, because Lana didn't sing about coffee :D Is that about the soft grunge aesthetic of listening to  Lana, reading Lolita and drining coffee?

i am nothing and should be everything

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First, I must say that I love your post! I love to hear people's stories about how art changed their life. I would like to ask, how did Lana make you appreciate coffee more? You're second person in this topic making this confession, and I'm curious where does it came from, because Lana didn't sing about coffee :D Is that about the soft grunge aesthetic of listening to  Lana, reading Lolita and drining coffee?

Thank you so much :) Well I'm gonna use a big word, but I think it has spiritual connotations. I'm absolutely not into the whole Lolita-nymphet aesthetic, and I don't have particular affinities for the whole tumblry soft grunge thing, I just passionately love Lana, like really as a love interest, and as she's completely unattainable I find my brain trying to do everything I can to feel closer to her. And I know she really loves coffee, and drinking coffee makes me feel... a bit more like her? It makes me feel like if she was a normal person, like Lizzy in New York, I could one day run over her in a coffee shop and start talking to her. I don't like coffee, I love drinking it, because I'm always feeling like, Lana might be drinking coffee somewhere in the world right now, and I feel a connection with that that's keeping me alive. I'm ashamed to say it's more than just about music but it is. I've never thought I'd be this in love and she'll probably not read my letter but it's a fact, I'm drinking coffee as a ritual.


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As probably one of the older people here (horrible thought, I used to be all of your ages),

I was aware and into Lana as Lizzy early on. (and this is going to have a few separate parts to it)


However, in 2011-2012 had a major health problem ended up in hospital for 5 days (though no procedure was done).

Doctor called it almost like a parent does- he gave me a time-out to reevaluate my daily intake of food and real soda. (In essence a cheese and coke addict (coke=cola)

Not to mention it had been more than a decade of not going to the doc to begin with.

While there with my computer completely listening to Lana/lizzy wall to wall and from major fan it turned to major inspiration.


In reality, Lana saved my life. Sounds corny, family members think it is bull, however, it is true.

She brought me through and afterwards as I continued to rehab my lifestyle, and for the first time in years began an exercise program where I swim (now at least an hour a day).

And I swam to her in perfect timing (Lana's beats per minute coincide with my hands slapping down into the water (Salvatore is the latest, but I do a perfect sync to Video Games

and Pawn shop blues for instance.


Lana is for those in some ways bullied, flawed, injured, in a way that is not describable and that I never felt before.


A little background for the other thing-

I am someone who was around throughout the 60s and music and politics was my life's fun. (WABC top 40 radio, Cousin Brucie and Dan Ingram DJs) where in the summers in NYC at the beach

just about every one of what seemed like millions of beach goers in Coney Island and Riis Park had their transistor radios all tuned together, so if one walked from the beach to the shack to buy a coke in a green bottle on a day when the sand burned the feet and it was feeling like 100degrees (f).  (WABC continued into the early 1980s before become a shitty conservative talk radio I wouldn't be caught dead listening to).

From actually being there when the English invasion began, Roy Orbison in real time, Sinatra with his 60s hits (That's life, Something Stupid, My Way, NY NY)

and seeing Elvis Presley live in concert (and to this day his later 60s/70s songs are my favorite as I heard them live time real time as they were happening)

Seeing Duke Ellington live in concert, Simon & Garfunkel live in Forest Hills stadium in their prime. Saw Nina Simone and Aretha and Ray Charles

then going to the earliest days of Elton John and Bernie Taupin (1969 onward)

From the mid70s discovered country music and went backward to the 1940s,1950s,1960s legendary artists saw Johnny Cash many times.

(Went to see the Highwaymen and the first time I wondered, why is Johnny there. The second time I saw them, I already realized Johnny is the important part of the group, without him, there wouldn't have been the others)

and first discovering Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich and Aznavour and Brel and bing Crosby (saw him live in NYC and saw him light the City Hall Christmas Tree and singing White Christmas)

Then punk and new wave (Saw many acts at CBGBs and Max's Kansas City, saw Lou Reed many times

Then continuing to Kate Bush and the Pet Shop Boys. (while continuing with Elton)

and then, music started to suck big time. Sure there was a single or two that was great, but nothing that made me want to discover everything and anything about an artist


and I was sure there never would be.


My favorite songs of all time are and have been consistent over the years

from the first time I heard them (and both were #1 and #2 the same week)

1968's MacArthur Park by Richard Harris & This Guy in Love by Herb Albert

#3 The Boxer- Simon and Garfunkel 1969

#4 Whiter Shade of Pale- Gary Brooker's vocal as Procol Harum 1968

#5 Elton John's Someone saved my life 1975


Until I heard Elizabeth Grant sing and her songs, and it made me think-

If I myself would put together the perfect musical act, with a spoonful of all the artists in the past, Lana would be the one.

It is uncanny.


Now, if I made up my all time Top 100, at least 40 songs would be Lana's. After decades of the list never changing.


anyhow...again, Elizabeth Grant saved my life. And I thank her for doing just that.

What an inspiration and what a perfect person for the age when bullying and abuse is heard in the news almost daily.


and as I keep saying, Lana has transcended above every single female artist, writing lyrics as poetry and the music too, and producing, and the sounds and music are akin to Brian Wilson "Smile"

or the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's". (and the Beatles were 4 people, 2 main songwriters (John and Paul) and George Martin producing.

or Elton's Goodbye Yellowbrick Road or Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy (and Elton only does the music and doesn't produce, and Bernie writes the lyrics)

And how important it is- she PRODUCED every song on the Honeymoon album. She is one of the boys in the highest parts of music.

And I don't give a shit if nobody else here agrees with me. A complete artiste in a world filled with cookie cutter copies. One Lana/Elizabeth.

Others attempt to copy, attempt her style, but one hears a Lana song and it's a Lana song.


Like eating a slice of pizza or a bagel outside of New York City and they call it NY Style. But it ain't New York Original.


note- I might edit this, but for now


Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I love reading these stories about how Lana has given people courage to be themselves. <3


Her music has helped me do the same. Watching how she shocks, provokes, and enrages people without ever meaning to ...it reminds me of my own life on a much smaller scale. I think a lot of people live this way. The world thinks it doesn't need us because we don't "fit," and I used to be convinced it was true. But now I believe the world needs us to not fit. It needs us to question the status quo. In small life-changing ways, or huge world-altering ones.


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She inspires me everyday in every way. I don't want to go into depth about it. But I love her. I love her as a person. I think she is, in all honesty, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She's my "Madonna", my "Marilyn" even. I love her so much. I just can't quit saying it. I love her. I love Lana.

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Oh also one of the most important things she has influenced me on was making me feel like I needed to be hotter to be what all the boys wanted. Idk she just looked perfect to me and I loved that she was aware of how hot she was in her music. I wanted to be able to be as comfortable with my looks as she was and lol well...

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The song Carmen relates to me on a personal level. The lyric "tying cherry knots, smiling, doing party favors" makes me tear up all the time. Lana has just brought out more of me, I'm not sure how to explain it. I'm just so thankful for the music that she makes because it gets me through some tough times. Thanks to Lana, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is now my favorite book


And thanks to Lana my daddy issues and kink have taken over  :brows3:

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When i first listened to Lana i was going through a hard break up and her music was like a remedy for me. It was the only interesting thing in my life at the time. I searched and read many interviews of her and i saw the video of the one at Coney Island where she says a quote like: If you write everyday your muse knows where to find you something like that. So i started writing! And Since 2012 i wrote many poems and songs and i feel so good with myself because i turned a bad condition into something beautiful :) Also Lana introduced me to Barrie's music with whom i can relate very much since i myself have gone through a very dark period in my life. And both of them are my biggest influences (+ Jeff Buckley who i also learned because of Lana).



if you want check out the stuff i write here and like my page on facebook 



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Here's an intersting article on Hello Giggles - "My life according to Lana Del Rey"



"I didn’t realize it until later, but I kind of thrive on heartbreak just as much as I do on love itself. Love and the pain of loving have always been at my core, and that’s exactly why Lana Del Rey’s music provides the perfect soundtrack to my life."

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