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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


342 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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Spotify provided the needed closure for hearing all the songs on the album (it's going to be awhile before my CD arrives). I would really have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the interscope execs first heard HM. If they didn't like UV, they would've been horrified by HM. I mean UV was much more dynamic and varied -- along the dimensions pop and rock are expected to be. HM is also varied, but in more of an ambient, vocally-focused, soft jazz kind of way. The songs harken back to Billy Holliday Gloomy Sunday but with trap beats and relatively homogenized song tempos, which provides more of an abstract similarity to BTD's stylistic homogeneity (though I like HM's production better). The melodies in HM have a different feeling from UV and BTD (with the exception of Freak and MTWBT in parts), and it's going to take a while for song rankings to settle down. That said, I think it's a strong album from the point of view of artistic achievement, but no pop music badges will be earned. I'd be happy if it were nominated for a grammy in the pop vocal category, assuming the voting body wanted to increase diversity in what is considered pop, but more realistically it could be nominated for alternative. Hopefully, it sells well, as there's a lot of beautiful stuff on HM (but unfortunately a lot of beautiful albums don't sell well).


As far as DLMBM goes, the Animals (who wrote the song) have a version and so does Nina Simone. LDR's version seems more similar to the Animals. It seems to be there as an album closer to lighten the mood, which for mainstream pop, HM is pretty bleak at. The fact that the song follows Swan Song is interesting. Lana Del Rey, you never know™.

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The Blackest Day sounds like something else I've heard before, especially the bridge and outro ???? It's so weird lol


overall I am slayed  :defeated: it's a beautiful album. It seems very slow to me however, but I'm sure it'll grow on me. My 3 favourites atm are The Blackest Day, Freak and 24.


also- was it confirmed that its a gapless album? Because it sounds like it is at least.

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I'm coming out of seclusion to rant about the beauty of this album.  It doesn't beat UV, but it's amazing dark mood music.


BEST TRACK:  "God Knows I Tried."  Seems slow and dull, but is actually majestic.  The lyrics are perfectly Lana and also perfectly me.  I almost cried the first time I heard that "Let there be light, light up my life" part of the bridge.

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GKIT is just one of the best songs I heard in my life




Only the first part of UV keeps up with HM. HM is longer, if we cut the 4 weakest songs from HM it's better than UV. Wait, I cannot cut 4 songs from HM only 2 maybe.


HM>UV>BTD it's amazing tho that she topped UV. 

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Honeymoon is in the rank of UV, if not better :smokes2: 


As for bestest songs, poll someone?

High By The Beach has music video, so should not doubt quality of that. Art Deco, The Blackest Day, God Knows I Tried, Salvatore, are top class. I'm glad she covered Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood :smirk:

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Spotify provided the needed closure for hearing all the songs on the album (it's going to be awhile before my CD arrives). I would really have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the interscope execs first heard HM. If they didn't like UV, they would've been horrified by HM.



lol honestly shes very lucky they seem to just leave her alone and let her do her thing. i don't think they would know how to handle her stuff anyway, and i think they know that, but because she has a fan base and a big pull internet wise they just let her stuff do its thing regardless of whether they get it or not

she said before interscope it was hard to get signed because companies didnt know what the hell to sell her as, i also remember her talking about interscope hearing west coast for the first time and thinking the chorus was going to be a bop because of the verses and then it got super slow and they were all "rly bytch?".

i think honeymoon would give them a little more hope with a lead single like high by the beach though, its a very safe catchy radio track. granted it didn't chart anywhere but still, i think honeymoon has a few more obvious songs to push it commercially than ultraviolence which only had 2.



also- was it confirmed that its a gapless album? Because it sounds like it is at least.


yes its been confirmed. i do think its more obvious hearing it very loud or via headphones though. its gapless but often subtle.

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The Blackest Day sounds like something else I've heard before, especially the bridge and outro ???? It's so weird lol


overall I am slayed  :defeated: it's a beautiful album. It seems very slow to me however, but I'm sure it'll grow on me. My 3 favourites atm are The Blackest Day, Freak and 24.


also- was it confirmed that its a gapless album? Because it sounds like it is at least.

I don't think it's hapless between every track. High By the Beach --> Freak --> Art Deco and Religion --> Salvatore most definitely are gapless

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Album: Honeymoon
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I think it was smart to make this album gapless as this album seems less coherent to me than her others. So making the songs flow into each other gives them a certain connection.

And yes I'm going to be that tacky and say it, it almost feels like travelling from place to place, less geographical places but rather more abstract places as in mindsets, atmosphere and feelings. Almost like she's taking us with her on her honeymoon :creep:


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also 24 is one of the weaker tracks on the album for me but the "if you lie down with dogs then you'll get flees" and the bridge save the song so well... the bridge is one of the strongest points of the album  :defeated:


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So, after a listen in high quality, I think Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood and the interlude are good (before, I didn't like it or the interlude).


I think this might be Lana's best work in terms of consistency and musical content, though Born To Die remains her best in terms of playfulness.


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