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Lipsters Awards 2015 (1/23)

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bDyPiFl.pngLadies and gentlemen, it has come to this. These are three biggest awards of the night. Two users will be crowned, and a moment in LanaBoards' history will be revived (buy Revival on iTunes) and named as the greatest one.




You guys are the best, seriously. THANK YOU SO MUCH @ and @@PARADIXO



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Ok in all seriousness, I'm physically crying right now, I can't believe it, I never ever thought I'd become a Lana fan and I even less thought I would meet people with whom I'd bound this much. It's such an EXTREME pleasure and honour. I've barely became a fan in January 2015, and only a few months after I met her, she was the first girl I've ever kissed, she's my fucking life guys, I'm for real in love this is not puppy love this is not a school girl crush. I went through hell and back in 2015 but I can say with absolute serenity that my best moments of 2015 were the best moments of my entire life, and all of them were on here and related to Lana. The HBTB leak sincerely saved me at a time where I was really suicidal, and the talents I've met here, in all categories, are having a never preceded resonance. I love you SO HARD. You're all my family, even when you're messy, even when you're full of drama, I can't stand going away from this site for more than a few hours, I mean I wrote my whole thesis on Lana while being on here, I've read thousands of posts, downloaded thousands of pics, and I can say with certitude that I'm happier than I've ever been and it's purely thanks to Lana but it would never have been the same without this community. I know I'm extra but for once I won't care, I fucking love you guys, and this is so stupid but it means so much more than what it appears. I am profoundly, very, very very deeply touched.


I would like to thank so many people, first and foremost the members of our group chat, my rocks, and then to everyone that supported me when I became messy, and with a special enormous thank you to everyone that likes the shit I do, I can't believe it honestly this will mark me forever I'm not fucking exaggerating.


For 2016 I hope not to stay to this point, I'm going to do what I can to improve and do better visuals, love Lana better, improve my mastersposts, etc.




And my last word will be: Lana, I've never ever loved anyone more like you. If you were the moon I'd run to you, if you were the ocean I'd drink you, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, I will never understand how lucky I am to have met you and just even that you exist. I hope you read my letter baby, you're everything, I love you, I just love you I love you 


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anne- that is beautiful.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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