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TMZ: Lana gets restraining order on 2 fans from Russia.

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Lana acts righteously both with fans, and stalkers if they happen, so this won't compromise the fact she's fan friendly. She's aware of those who are with animosity towards her, and produce stalkers, at this level of her popularity it's something expected, all cases were swiftly handled.

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TMZ are such assholes, they keep posting these snarky articles about the situation with goofy looking pictures of Lanz so all the readers can post dick comments about her . . . at the same time they're the ones who probably enabled these two stalkers to find her at her new home since they posted that article a few months ago announcing her recent purchase of a house in Malibu along with pictures and outside views of said house. 

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the instagram comment made me laugh. at least she looks good and is smiling she cannot catch a break from these crazies! Move back to Lake Placid and make a record like Nebraska  :excited:

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Todo cantor ama porque a gente actually canta com eles e danca etc, nao so fica com cara de bundao olhando como acontece muito aqui na europa. Lana se quisesse nem fazia show, era so mandar a banda tocar e o publico cantava pra ela kkkk. Eres de que parte do Brasil? To indo pra Curitiba, SP, Rio e Recife essas ferias :creep:



It's an English speaking forum so here's the (google) translation: Every singer loves because we Actually sings with them and dance etc, not only gets ass face looking as happens a lot here in Europe. Lana wanted did not show, so it was sending the band playing and the audience sang to her kkkk. Eres that part of Brazil? To going to Curitiba, Brazil, Rio and Recife these rentals



São Paulo!!!

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Just hearing more and more about these two people and how they've meet other famous people... Kinda reminds me of Stalker Sarah, but at least she doesn't have the dangerous, entitled attitude of these girls (I think).


I just don't understand this mentality of seeking out famous people to meet them and take photos with them. Do you not have other aspirations in life?? Are there not any other things you'd like to achieve? Skills you'd like to have or improve upon?? It's bizarre and just really sad to me. 

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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It's bizarre I need to agree. I seen fans from other fandoms outside Lanadom who will see the same celebrity over dozens of times, and ask to take pictures with them each time they see them. Isn't one photo enough? It's very creepy.


I feel sorry for Lana, I hope that this doesn't scare her off completely from fans as not all fans are crazy. Like I said before, she needs better security and live in a type of gated community. I know if I were in her shoes, I would have left the music business, closed all my social media accounts and live the rest of my days in a nice peaceful place. I don't have the thick skin she has for all this. I would never want to be a celebrity. :(

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