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why are people on twitter pretending she shut the haters down or some shit, maybe she could’ve if she had any social awareness whatsoever but this??


why are people pretending that she didn't?


bc she did shut them down lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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God it feels like 2011-2014 again it's fucking wild. Glad Lana has her fire again. She's suffocated herself artistically and emotionally for far too long.


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did she just change her bio or has it been like that for a while


the poetry love making thing is old


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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hopefully what comes out of this is lana living rent free in stan twitter's mind and then they go decide to listen to her music and it all recharts this week


It does work, people "hate" 6ix9ine yet his new song went to #3, has about 200million views on the youtube video in 10 days or something, 2 million people watched him live on instagram and his old albums went back on the chart.


It's because people that already like you still will, people who dont never wouldn't anyway and then all the new people brought in by the drama and attention either become fans or not so you only win unless you do something crazy like kill someone then you always benefit.

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To be clear because I knowwwwww
you love to twist things. I fucking love these singers and know them. #that is why I mentioned them
I would also like to have some of the same freedom of expression without judgment of hysteria. There you go
By the way the singers I mentioned are my favorite singers
so if you want to try and make a bone to pick out of that like you always do be my guest,
it doesn’t change the fact that I haven’t had the same opportunity to express what I wanted to express without being completely decimated
and if you want to say that that has something to do with race that’s your opinion but that’s not what I was saying.
Bro. This is sad to make it about a WOC issue when I’m talking about my favorite singers. I could’ve literally said anyone but I picked my favorite fucking people. And this is the problem with society today,
not everything is about whatever you want it to be. It’s exactly the point of my post – there are certain women that culture doesn’t want to have a voice it may not have to do with race I don’t know what it has to do with. I don’t care anymore but don’t ever ever ever ever bro- call me racist because that is bullshit
And my last and final note on everything –
when I said people who look like me – I meant the people who don’t look strong or necessarily smart, or like they’re in control etc. it’s about advocating for a more delicate personality, not for white woman – thanks for the Karen comments tho. V helpful

Can someone post all of the comments?

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i just hope this blows over eventually, it might not be tomorrow, or next week, but eventually.


i'd really hate seeing mindless hate comments months from now, it makes me feel sad when i see so much negativity. and this isn't going to change the fact that she's still my favorite musician, i'm still going to continue to listen to her music. 

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I'm not buying "this was poorly worded, she didn't really mean it like that". The poor way that she worded it actually makes this worse, because it shows just how ingrained her privilege and ignorance is that she can say these things and not even realize how damaging they are, because she doesn't have to care. 


I needed to process the whole thing so I broke it down.. 




"Now that..glamorizing abuse??"


My issues here are that most of the artists are women, most of them are of color, and this ignores the criticisms they, too, have received - all things previously covered at this point. There is also this strange way she differentiates herself, where she equates these women's art with "no clothes, fucking" yet her own art is "feeling beautiful by being in love". She also does not call out the double standard that allows men to chart with songs about these topics or worse. She also seems to equate critical praise and acceptance of these artists/topics with being #1 on the charts which I think is odd coming from her.


"I'm fed up with..world."


She specifically calls out "female writers and alt singers", turning this into a woman-on-woman issue when men still rule the music industry and were some of her most vocal aggressors in the past. "I'm just a glamorous person" is irrelevant and weird to say, and I'm not sure what she means by "what we are now all seeing are very prevalent emotionally abusive relationships around the world". How does she see her singing about these topics change in the context of abusive relationships being more visible? I'm sure there is a point here but I can't really get what she is saying off of what she wrote alone. I get this vibe that she thinks abusive = submissive.


"With all...years"


I think she may have a point here when she discusses her "lyrical explorations" with the exception of the lines "he hit me and it felt like a kiss" and "I could have died right there because he was right beside me". She has a lot of weird lyrics about loving bad boys and being the other woman, but there has always seemed to be this element to it where Lana is in control of her situations, and no other released lyrics or videos to me have pointed to physical or emotional abuse (please call some out to me if I am missing them). I see plenty of Lana being passive in NFR! without her getting criticized for it ("Theres things I want to say to you, but I'll just let you live" / "Grab another beer, and pretend that you're still here" / "I don't get bored, I just see it through, why wait for the best when I could have you?"). I don't know if this negates her question in the first paragraph (the answer being, yes, you can sing about those things because really you never stopped) or if that means we have gotten to a place where its more accepted, or maybe the songs just come across differently when not paired with her earlier aesthetics. I actually feel that her earlier, more criticized, works had this theme of bringing down men in power via seduction, and maybe critics and industry men saw themselves in that narrative vs the songs about more normal guys shes been seeing lately, causing them to tear down her earlier work and praise the latter when really she's still singing about the same things. I also don't agree that her work has "set women back hundreds of years" (that sounds familiar - maybe she quoted this from somewhere?), so she's right to dispute that point.


"Let this.. hate women"


This part I take a lot of issue with. "I'm not not a feminist" is a strange wording, why can't she just say "I'm a feminist"? The rest of the sentence is very sad, because she is saying she is a "type of woman" who is abused. Really, the blame here needs to be put on the abusers of women, not put on the woman for being abused. I also dislike that she lists her oppressors here as "stronger women" and "men who hate women". Even men who don't hate women can still take their voices away, and I think instead of "stronger women" she should have listed exactly what she meant, because now she has put the type of woman she is in a place of inferiority without explaining what she really means. I think she means "stronger women" as more outspoken and assertive, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily "stronger". 


"I've been… their music"


I think this part is okay. Obviously she did not invent being sad in music, but I will give credit that she did pave the way for a lot of artists in the last decade of her career, so sure. 


"Unlike… 1920s"


… did this really happen? I know she got some flack for her sad girl persona, but saying she was hysterical just because her music wasn't happy? I don't know about that.


Everything after this is okay, but ending this whole rant with an album announcement is kind of random and weird to me. She set this very serious tone and then casually threw out all of these projects at the end as an afterthought and it just falls flat.




I don't know, the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I can't even appreciate her announcing a new album. I've considered her side time after time, but if you put this next to the mounting list of problematic things she's done, which is unfortunately happening more and more frequently, it is becoming really hard to want to support her. She is my favorite artist, but I'm starting to want to just listen to the music and not really bother with concerts or staying up to date with what she is doing because its really disappointing.

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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i just realized


No Doubt made a music video in 2012 for their song Looking Hot that got taken down due to backlash of cultural appropriation of Native Americans, yet the Ride mv came out the same year (obv the headdress was only shown for a few moments in comparison) never got the same backlash as ND (as far as I know of)


If i remember correctly ND was portraying Native American slavery and captivity as sexy which is disgusting. Lana, while still a very problematic move, was pretty unknown, and she wasn't putting forward anything as harmful or offensive (*cough* besides cultural appropriation and white priviledge). Still doesn't make it okay tho. And yes it is interesting....

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