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  On 5/25/2020 at 3:16 AM, RormanNockwell said:

Yeah, but she posts her most crackheaded stuff really late. Like I think the og typewritten post went up at like 1am her time? So we're not out of the woods, yet.



Well, fuck.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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She definitely seems off in that video. Not talking how she usually does. Also she kept fixing her hair anxiously. I'm genuinely kind of worried about her. 


I think this is getting to her. Also... Chemtrails Over the Country Club? That's a tasteless title, even for Lana's standards. 


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  On 5/25/2020 at 10:27 AM, GreatTimes said:

Emotional but sober and just fine


Shame on those who said she must be on crack or having a mental breakdown, simply cause she did something we didn’t like

Idk if you're referring to me but I use crackheaded as an adjective. I am not saying she is literally on crack

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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  On 5/25/2020 at 10:43 AM, HONEYMOON said:

sorry y'all, this disorganized verbal rant does nothing for me!


i find her "advocacy for fragility" in the feminist movement is so bizarre. doesn't she realise that a submissive woman has always been championed by the patriarchy and oppressive men? clearly her glorification for sexist and old Americana is still deeply ingrained despite the narrative progress with NFR. also - making reparations to one community doesn't mean you can't have racial bias to another. i get the (deserved) backlash is intense, and i'm so sad, but WHY is she not referring back to her publicist before making these follow-up statements? 


I get what you're saying but I think this all stems from the way Lana has been treated in the media; them saying she's anti-feminist and not genuine, ect. This is her response to what has been said about her, as imperfect and flawed as it is. She's only human and this is how she feels.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Here's the complete post transcribed:

"Hey. So I don’t wanna beat a dead horse and I don’t wanna go on and on about this post thing, but I just wanna remind you that in that post, my one and only personal declaration I’ve ever made - thanks for being so warm and welcoming - was about the need for fragility in the feminist movement. It’s gonna be important. & when I mentioned women who look like me, I didn’t mean white like me, I mean the kind of women who other people might not believe because they think “oh, well, look at her, she fuckin’ deserves it” or whatever. There’s a lot of people like that, y’know? I just think it’s sad that the women I mentioned about, whether they sing about dancing for money or whatever, the same stuff by the way that I’ve been singing about chronicling for 13 years. That’s why I’m in that echelon, yes they are my friends and peers, contemporaries. The difference is when I get on the pole people call me a whore, but when Twigs gets on the pole it’s art. So y’know I mean I’m reminded constantly by my friends that lyrically there are layers and complicated psychological factors that play into some of my songwriting, but I just want to say y’know the culture’s super sick right now and the fact they want to turn my post, my advocacy for fragility, into a race war, it’s really bad. It’s actually really bad, especially when it that same declaration I was talking again about the idea of how important it is for me to make reparations to the Navajo community because they touched me so much in my youth and that I believe in personal reparations because it’s the right thing to do. I think what’s really sad is like as a personal advocate, as a girl’s girl, as somebody who wants the best for every culture, when Marianne Williamson was talking about reparations to the black community that never got done during the emancipation period. That was why I liked her, because I always felt that way. So I just wanna say to all of the other women out there who are like me – good girls, good intentioned, who get fucked up the ass constantly by the culture just because you say what you really mean - I’m with you and I feel for you and I know that you feel for me. Y’know I’m super strong, you can call me whatever. I’m sorry that I didn’t add one caucasian, 100% caucasian person, into the mix of the women that I admire. It really says more about you than it does about me. I think what’s interesting is that the very first time I decide to tell you anything about my life or the fact that I’m writing books that chronical that fragility, that 200,000 hateful, spiteful comments come in, and my phone number leaked, and comments like “you fucking white bitch…” It’s the opposite of the spirit of an advocate. It’s what causes fragility. But it’s not gonna stop me. Period. I just want to say nobody gets to tell your story except for you, and even if that means it’s kind of messy like this along the way, ‘cause unfortunately when you have a good heart it doesn’t always shine through, and you trudge on anyway. You make those personal reparations to heal your own family karmic lineage and the sickness of this country, y’know? Domestic abuse, mental health problems, this is the second epidemic that’s arising out of this pandemic. It’s a real thing. That’s what I was talking about. So, as ever I’m grateful that my muse is still here and that I have over the last 3 years been blessed to have the insight and ability to channel two books worth of beautiful poems. I think my new record Chemtrails Over the Country Club is special as well. I’m sorry that a couple of the girls I talked to who were mentioned in that post have a super different opinion of my insight and especially because we’ve been so close for so long. It really again makes you reach into the depth of your own heart and say “am I good intentioned?” and of course for me the answer is always, yes. I barely ever share a thing, and this is why, y’know? The reason why I’m making this post and I know it seems a bit much, right? But there are women out there like me who have so much to give and don’t quite get to the place spiritually or karmically where they’re supposed to be because there are other women who hate them and try and take them down, whether in my case it’s certain alternative singers or malintented journalists or men who hate women, yknow? But I’m not the enemy and I’m definitely not racist, so don’t get it twisted. Nobody gets to tell your story except for you, and that’s what I’m gonna do in the next couple books. So god bless, and yeah, fuck off if you don’t like the post."


Nobody gets to tell your story




from 'Behind the Iron Gates'


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  On 5/25/2020 at 10:47 AM, RormanNockwell said:

Idk if you're referring to me but I use crackheaded as an adjective. I am not saying she is literally on crack

Oh I wasn’t! But I’ve seen people worrying about her having an actual relapse, and I don’t agree with that

:illumilana2:  :pray2:  :lanahottie:  :suicide:  :lanahairflip4:

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  On 5/25/2020 at 10:43 AM, HONEYMOON said:

sorry y'all, this disorganized verbal rant does nothing for me!


i find her "advocacy for fragility" in the feminist movement is so bizarre. doesn't she realise that a submissive woman has always been championed by the patriarchy and oppressive men? clearly her glorification for sexist and old Americana is still deeply ingrained despite the narrative progress with NFR. also - making reparations to one community doesn't mean you can't have racial bias to another. i get the (deserved) backlash is intense, and i'm so sad, but WHY is she not referring back to her publicist before making these follow-up statements?


Absolutely agree with you. I love her but this is so tone deaf. I also feel like she’s going through something at the moment because most of what she’s getting criticized for now could have been avoided if she’d taken that first paragraph and the names of those WOC out of her mouth. She DOES come across as a WW who’s wilfully ignoring people who are trying to inform her - sounds like shes losing close friends because of it too from the video?


Love her but she’s tiring lmao

I have gold in my veins

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I don’t know, I listened to the post and I agree with her. Was the original post clumsy ? Perhaps a bit but I did agree with what she said.

Now, as someone else said, I’m waiting for her to be crucified for naming Twigs. Everybody praised her dancing on the pole. And sure it was a nice esthetic performance with meaning behind it. But So was what she did with Tropico (like it or not).

That being said, she should just enjoy the life she built for herself. The media has always been vicious to her and her best intentions won’t be enough to change enough.


*plays « Please don’t let me be misunderstood » *


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Did you guys notice how she was looking at the right side so so much? Do you think someone else was in the room with her, maybe holding up cards about all the topics she should mention? It was so noticeable after a while.

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Hasn't she learned that  people twisted her word because of the name dropping, and yet in her clarification video she managed to do the exact same thing again.  :facepalm:

  On 5/25/2020 at 12:56 AM, Barttender said:

The day is not over yet... lol :D

But I'm hoping that normality will continue.


Lana definitely saw this post and like "well... "

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  On 5/25/2020 at 10:56 AM, itsTrigonometry said:

Is it only me or her talking voice sounds different?


I thought it sounded like she had a cold/was a bit nasally but I could also be projecting


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  On 5/25/2020 at 11:08 AM, YUNGATA said:

I thought it sounded like she had a cold/was a bit nasally but I could also be projecting



  On 5/25/2020 at 11:11 AM, Pale Fire said:

Yeah her voice definitely sounded off. Hope she don’t got that c*rona

I think she might've been crying (which is understandable), because her eyes looked a bit puffy, too (although it's difficult to say for sure given the filter).

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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