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Jesus, the way y’all love picking apart this woman. I totally get the whole “not liking everything she does just because we stan her” but.... cmon really? To sit there and talk down on her just because y’all think she becomes who she dates? Like can we not? That’s like the dumbest thing to be mad at... no offense to anyone but.... yikes. Y’all don’t know her personally and probably never will, let it gooooo.

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2 hours ago, Llamadelgay said:

I mean, sure it’s fine but she’s 35. She should have some type of grounding here. I don’t know if she’s the type to just find out who she is WITHOUT a man. She knows who she’ll be with Clayton already. She’s already asked enough and lurked enough to know how to hook him.


However, she’s just so incomplete as a person that if she plays the role and becomes him and if it’s not the fulfillment she’s looking for, well, she’ll leave and the pattern continues with the next one. 

It sounds like a possible borderline personality maybe. Like, for example, with Sean she’s hanging out with PD.  After the breakup she’s going to police protests and we don’t know why they broke up but chances are lana was the problem here OR it was actually amicable. However, with her actions post-split, she just chooses to depersonalize him and go for a movement that supports defunding him and taking a career away that he worked for. Lana is the replaceable one here, a cop isn’t. She chose whatever group or person will give her an identity next. Then she’ll say nothing about BLM after 2020 because it served its purpose. It’s constantly picking up and dropping of people with her. 

I’m almost willing to bet lana is the difficult  “you never gave me anything!” child and depersonalized her mother because her mother didn’t act according to lana’s standards. Standards that are impossible to meet if she is actually a borderline and I’m willing to bet she has this. I’ve thought she was mentally off but after thinking about it, she’s not mentally all there and it’s probably best if she doesn’t have a kid. 

Ok dr.melfi pack it up

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2 hours ago, Llamadelgay said:

I mean, sure it’s fine but she’s 35. She should have some type of grounding here. I don’t know if she’s the type to just find out who she is WITHOUT a man. She knows who she’ll be with Clayton already. She’s already asked enough and lurked enough to know how to hook him.


However, she’s just so incomplete as a person that if she plays the role and becomes him and if it’s not the fulfillment she’s looking for, well, she’ll leave and the pattern continues with the next one. 

It sounds like a possible borderline personality maybe. Like, for example, with Sean she’s hanging out with PD.  After the breakup she’s going to police protests and we don’t know why they broke up but chances are lana was the problem here OR it was actually amicable. However, with her actions post-split, she just chooses to depersonalize him and go for a movement that supports defunding him and taking a career away that he worked for. Lana is the replaceable one here, a cop isn’t. She chose whatever group or person will give her an identity next. Then she’ll say nothing about BLM after 2020 because it served its purpose. It’s constantly picking up and dropping of people with her. 

I’m almost willing to bet lana is the difficult  “you never gave me anything!” child and depersonalized her mother because her mother didn’t act according to lana’s standards. Standards that are impossible to meet if she is actually a borderline and I’m willing to bet she has this. I’ve thought she was mentally off but after thinking about it, she’s not mentally all there and it’s probably best if she doesn’t have a kid. 



there are no words


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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as someone who has been diagnosed with BPD for four years, I feel comfortable saying that this disorder is something that can be overcame and it shouldn't stop you from having children. people with BPD are so loving, they can make the best parents. if you are working on yourself in therapy and making progress, having a baby is totally okay


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4 minutes ago, softcore babyface said:

Can someone make psychoanalyzing lana del rey thread.....

Someone please do it


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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8 minutes ago, softcore babyface said:

Can someone make psychoanalyzing lana del rey thread.....


isn't there a thread for that already?


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16 hours ago, new gods said:

the sound lana goes for each album probably does have to do a lot with whoever she's dating cause whoever you're in love with is your muse usually

barrie makes rock music so she made a rock/grunge album, francesco is italian and honeymoon sounds like it could be the entire soundtrack for an italian film, eazy is a rapper so she made lfl with lots of trap influence and now she just described cocc to have a midwestern sound after dating a guy from oklahoma  


reminded me of this https://www.boredpanda.com/brad-pitt-girlfriends-funny-fashion-similarities

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2 hours ago, Llamadelgay said:

I mean, sure it’s fine but she’s 35. She should have some type of grounding here. I don’t know if she’s the type to just find out who she is WITHOUT a man. She knows who she’ll be with Clayton already. She’s already asked enough and lurked enough to know how to hook him.


However, she’s just so incomplete as a person that if she plays the role and becomes him and if it’s not the fulfillment she’s looking for, well, she’ll leave and the pattern continues with the next one. 

It sounds like a possible borderline personality maybe. Like, for example, with Sean she’s hanging out with PD.  After the breakup she’s going to police protests and we don’t know why they broke up but chances are lana was the problem here OR it was actually amicable. However, with her actions post-split, she just chooses to depersonalize him and go for a movement that supports defunding him and taking a career away that he worked for. Lana is the replaceable one here, a cop isn’t. She chose whatever group or person will give her an identity next. Then she’ll say nothing about BLM after 2020 because it served its purpose. It’s constantly picking up and dropping of people with her. 

I’m almost willing to bet lana is the difficult  “you never gave me anything!” child and depersonalized her mother because her mother didn’t act according to lana’s standards. Standards that are impossible to meet if she is actually a borderline and I’m willing to bet she has this. I’ve thought she was mentally off but after thinking about it, she’s not mentally all there and it’s probably best if she doesn’t have a kid. 


What the...? :toofunny:

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Look, I think we can all agree Lana is... eccentric to say the least, but to use possible mental health issues against her & being "sick of her shit"? That's where it becomes less of a discussion and more of a weird personal takedown. If she bugs you so much for being how she's ALWAYS been, you being on this forum says more about YOUR issues. 

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That said, if Chemtrails turns out to be as eccentric/spicy as she's made it sound - combined with the interviews/statements from this year, I don't think the mental health talk will be going away any time soon. 

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So, I don't want to be the tyrannical dictator some people think us Mods are, but this thread seems like in need of its own rules :toofunny:


As discussed weeks (and months...) ago, misogyny will not be tolerated on LanaBoards. That goes from trying to apply the Golden Rule to her ears to assuming she doesn't know who she is when she's single (which is outdated to think as she literally just released a poem about knowing who she is after getting out of toxic relationships). Mental health is a serious topic and I'm sure many members from here do suffer from disorders/issues, just like most of the world population (I myself suffered from eating disorders all my life), so I don't think implying Lana is either bipolar or borderline or whatever and then saying she shouldn't have children because of this is nice by any means, and it's also triggering for those struggling with these diseases. The member who said this got a WP. Please be careful and tactful with your posts!

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6 minutes ago, Ecneicsnoc said:

That said, if Chemtrails turns out to be as eccentric/spicy as she's made it sound - combined with the interviews/statements from this year, I don't think the mental health talk will be going away any time soon. 


If Chemtrails does contain lyricism regarding her mental health/mental health issues in general, said topics will obviously be tolerated as Lana herself is letting us enter the discussion.

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this thread needs to stop being bumped with whatever y’all r talking about (it’s so much text omg) cause it makes me think she posted something for a sec n i get that rush but then i find out it’s just people writing essays about whatever <\3


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I'm not sure if some of you guys don't go outside and socialize or just don't really get it but picking up traits from the people you surround yourself with the most is a completely natural thing and has zero association with any sort of mental illness, how do you think people grow and further develop their personalities? humans are products of their environment. 

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1 minute ago, House of Balloons said:

I'm not sure if some of you guys don't go outside and socialize or just don't really get it but picking up traits from the people you surround yourself with the most is a completely natural thing and has zero association with any sort of mental illness, how do you think people grow and further develop their personalities? humans are products of their environment. 


I agree. Also, when I said that people with BPD tend to pick up other people's personalities, I meant to say: people with BPD mirror other's personalities and change themselves to please others so that they don't get abandoned or hurt. It's a totally normal thing, I was just referring to when it is literally used as a defense mechanism against abandonment or potential pain. Not saying she has BPD cause I am not qualified to diagnose and even if any of us were qualified, we couldn't possibly diagnose someone over the internet. 


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