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Prom Song (Gone Wrong)

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I think I heard "King Tut" the first time I listened to this song. After that, it came out as "King, too".


King Tut actually makes no sense in context, when you think about it. Cleopatra was the beautiful 30-ish queen who probably didn't have sex with Marc Antony. Tutankhamen was a sixteen year old boy king who died of an infection in his broken leg. He also probably had a large imbalance in his estrogen levels, since his sarcophagus and mummy both have unreasonably large breasts. Beyond the fact that they're both Egyptian rulers, I don't see much that makes sense about the King Tut lyric. :eek:


That's very correct but I don't think Lana would think about it, tbh. When you mention Tut, people automatically think great egyptian ruler and that's what I think Lana meant. We know Lana doesn't make much sense sometimes. :creep: Idk, I think it would be a great coincidence that "the king too" would sound so much like "the king tut" when she's talking about Cleopatra. But idk, it could be the king too, i hear both :eek:

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Maybe because it's similar to Damn You and Paris that this remain my fave of the recent.I think it's:I'd flip my hair and make you stare and put my makeup onAnd make up stories 'bout my life and that I'm very cherry bonAnd even then I knew that we were something seriousThat you would dominate my thoughts like radio the SiriusAa~nd, my misheard-lyric-of-the-day would be:

And make up stories 'bout my life and bought 'em berry cherry bonAnd even then I knew that we were something seriousThat you would dominate my thoughts like pretty ultra-serious



I definitely hear "and make up stories bout my life and how I'm very cherry bomb

which makes sense to me and sounds like something lana would say...

have to say very cherry balm kind of makes more sense though... :pft:


sugar baby crying ezgif_com_c98a0a05e8.gif tears of gold

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I've heard speculation that this song is about a relation with a teacher. That reminds me of Boarding School, in a way.

She denied those rumors when asked about in an interview, but we all know what really happened



They fucked :creepna:


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why nobody told me Mr Campbell was 22 and she was 15 omg :toofunny:


“When I was 15, I had this teacher called Gene Campbell, who is still my good friend,” begins Lana. “In boarding school, to become a teacher you don’t have to have a Masters. I was 15 and he was 22, out of Georgetown. He was young, and at school you were allowed to take trips out at the weekends. On our driving trips around the Connecticut counties, he introduced me to Nabokov, (Allen) Ginsberg, (Walt) Whitman, and even Tupac and Biggie. He was my gateway to inspirational culture. Those inspirations I got when I was 15 are still my only inspirations. I draw from that same well. It’s one world I dip into to create other worlds. Like this philosopher Josiah Royce once said: ‘Without the roots, you can’t have any fruits.’”



In my mind he was like 45 or something lmao


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1 minute ago, godsmonster said:

i’m gonna say it

this is one of her best unreleased songs

even if it is about her teacher

I'd even dare to say top 5... It truly is so magical, after all these years I'm still OBSESSED

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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