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Best LDR Musical Moment

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The pre-chorus of Religion slays me every time. Overall, the song isn't as good as some of the others on Honeymoon, but that pre-chorus just hits me every time, it's emotional and moving and I feel like it's one of the first times where she's literally said that she doesn't care about the money, the partying & the good life in general, but more about the love she felt. Like it's a nice contrast after so many songs like National Anthem ("money is the anthem of success" among many other similar references), Money Power Glory (even if it was sarcastic), Bel Air (an affluent area), Cola ("I wear my diamonds on Skid Road - showing off her wealth to a poor neighbourhood), Million Dollar Man ("one for the money"), Off to the Races (all the casino references), etc. which all focus on how important money/wealth is to her. Idk, that part of Religion just always gets me. Such poignant lyricism and an emotional melody.

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The way Lana sings "we get DOWN every Friday night" for the first time in the studio version of Body Electric, and her voice is just so distant, robotic and otherwordly :defeated:

It's perfect and sounds awesome. I just replayed it like 5 times.

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GKIT second chorus strings, Motel 6 alternative version spoken part, Trash Magic bridge, HDB demo bridge, BTTB chorus, Elvis choruses, "your eyes are grey - beautiful" in Waeima, everything in Salvatore, everything in St Tropez, the hiiiiiiigh in Sad Girl, everything in YGLM, KOL chorus, the belting in TOSTB!!!!!!!, literally so many more things it's really the music I really really prefer she's so talented ilhsm


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The way Lana sings "we get DOWN every Friday night" for the first time in the studio version of Body Electric, and her voice is just so distant, robotic and otherwordly :defeated:

It's perfect and sounds awesome. I just replayed it like 5 times.

I can't believe it when people list Body Electric as one of their top 5 least favs. I cannot understand, I fucking love Body Electric. 


I love in the ending where it sounds like the chorus intensifies and how it fades out with that incredible instrumental where she sings "I sing the body electric, baby x3" and the third time she goes baaaaaby. She honestly sounds like a goddess in the song. And as you said, robotic and distant, but almost, to me, in an "apathetic goddess" sort of way. Reaching back to the context of Tropico, I imagine the singer as being the "Mary" figure who was watching over the Garden of Eden and sort of nonchalantly watching their downfall until the end of the song, where she intensifies when she realizes that Adam and Eve/humanity have truly gone astray and that that's actually heartbreaking. 

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  • 24: The beginning of the chorus (the pitch of 'hours') & the bridge humming + instruments
  • Terrence loves you: Bridge (Ground control to major Tom + the sound effect)
  • Salvatore: 'Catch me if you can, working on my tan' - the minimalistic sound with only piano
  • TBD: The post-chorus (the kind of 'echo' voice of Lana repeating 'deeper and deeper' etc.)

I love the build-up of instruments and vocals in her songs - especially on HM


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The bridge in honeymoon.

The way she sings "Put on Hotel California / Wear my bliders in the rain" in GKIT

The way she sings "to get me what i waaaaant" for the second time in HBTB bridge.

The chorus of Swan Song. Those extremely low notes.

The chorus of the blackest day.

The "It never was about the money or the drugs / for you there's only love..." part of religion.

Every time she sings "a little party never hurt no one" in Art Deco.

The synth in the background of the Freak chorus.

The humming in 24.

The chorus of salvatore and the way she sings the second verse. It almost makes you forget about the lyrics.

The instrumental part after the accapella intro and before the first verse in MTWBT.


Honeymoon is such an amazing album.


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The way Lana sings "we get DOWN every Friday night" for the first time in the studio version of Body Electric, and her voice is just so distant, robotic and otherwordly :defeated:

It's perfect and sounds awesome. I just replayed it like 5 times.

for me in body electric, i melt every time i hear the last 45 seconds. the ending where shes says "iiiiii sing the body eleeecctric baaaby". Its so soft and elegant

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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The performance of "Little Girls/Put Me in a Movie" at the Mercury Lounge is stellar.  :defeated: 

I think it definitely may be one of my favorite Lana moments ever when she slips into a higher register during that performance and sings the: 

"Lights, camera, action/He didn't know he'd have this much fun"-- and I wish I knew the term for this, but she sings those lines differently and it gives me chills. That, and when she sings the "come on, you know you like little girls" at about 1:51, it's otherworldly.  :legend:


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The almost disco influenced guitar in the background to Brite Lites


The instrumental break in Raise Me Up


Everything about the drums in Jump


The outro to Velvet Crowbar


Her raw as fuck vocals throughout the session version of Get Drunk

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Can this thread get active again? There are honestly just so many moments in Lana's discography that are noteworthy.


I was listening to Honeymoon just now for the first time in a few months and I forgot that she takes that little breath during the last chorus where it's like "Our, honeymoon" and it's just this little moment of nuance, I love it. 

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